Unwanted Answers and Stupid Prophecies

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The group of five children and a Beaver walk through the forest trying to make their way to the Beavers home. They walk through hills and finally a beautiful dam in between a river comes into sight.

There it is, home sweet home." Mr.Beaver excitedly goes," Ah, blimey! It looks like the old girl has the kettle on. Nice Cup'o Rosy Lee."

" Oh it is lovely" Lucy exclaims to the Beaver with a joyful smile.

" Yes I would have to agree, Mr. Beaver, you have such a lovely looking home."

" Beaver, is that you?" A worried voice calls out, interrupting what Mr. Beaver was about to say," I've been worried sick! If I find out you've been out with Badger again, I-" The female Beaver cuts herself off, noticing the humans.

" Oh...those aren't badgers. Oh! I never thought I would live to see the day!" Mrs. Beaver claps excitedly. Turning to her husband, Mr. Beaver she smacks his arm playfully then scolds," Look at my fur! You couldn't give me a ten minute warning?"

" I would have given you a week if I thought that would've helped.", teases her husband.

The children look towards each other silently laughing at the scene in front of them.

" Well, come along inside and we'll see about getting you some food and some civil company." Stats Mrs. Beaver guiding the children inside.

" Now, be careful and watch your step." Tells Mr. Beaver.

" Excuse the mess." Laughs Mrs. Beaver." Can't get Beaver out of his chair."

However, one sibling, Edmund, doesn't follow the rest. Looking towards the mountains he doesn't notice Mr.Beaver looking at him.

" Enjoying the scenery?" Questions a suspicious Mr.Beaver.

Startling the boy, Edmund, makes his way inside like the rest.


Once everyone enters the home and gets comfortable in their sets Mrs.Beaver puts some food on the table.

" Fish n' chips dears?" she asks.

Susan and Lucy grab some onto their plate as Odette asks," Is there anything we can do for Mr.Tumnus?"

The Beavers make their own way to the table while Edmund gets up to sit on the back steps, behind the group.

"They would have taken him to the Witch's castle." Explains Mr.Beaver." Those who go there never return."

" But well...there is hope. Lot's of hope." says a hopeful Mrs.Beaver.

" Oh, yeah!" Mr.Beaver sets down his fish." There's a right bit more than hope!" He looked around again before moving forward, speaking softly." Aslan is on the move."

The siblings get a sense of warmth that is then replaced by right confusion. Edmund stands up, breaking the silence," Who's Aslan?" He asks with furrowed brows.

"Who's Aslan?!" Laughs off Mr.Beaver." You cheeky little bugger."

Mrs.Beaver hits her husband and directs him towards Edmunds confused look.

" You really don't know?" Mr.Beaver asks.

" Well we haven't exactly been here long." Peter answers him.

Mr.Beaver looks at the children moving his hands as he explains." He's, only king of the whole wood! Top geezer. The real King of Narnia!"

As he explains Edmund furrows his brows even more, a twisted confused look on his face as he walks to the table.

" He's been gone for a while." Clarifies Mrs.Beaver.

" But he's back! Waiting for you at the Stone table." Exclaims Mr.Beaver, swinging his arms for emphasis.

" He's waiting for us?" Questions Odette, as Lucy, Peter, and Susan share a look.

" You're blooming jokin'! " Bellows Beaver." They don't know the Prophecy!" Exclaims Beaver to his wife.

" Well then..." She motions for her husband to explain.

" Look, Aslan's return, Tumnus's arrest, the Secret Police, it's all happen' because of you!" Explains Mr.Beaver, Odette looks at him with furrowed eyebrows.

" You're blaming us?!" Asks Susan taken a back.

"No! Not blaming' thanking you." Consoles quickly Mrs.Beaver.

" There is a Prophecies," begins Beaver," When Adam's flesh and Adam's bone sits at Cair Paravel in the throne, the evil time will be over and done. And one will rise above them all to keep the peace between all."

" You know, that doesn't even rhyme." States Odette, Susan nods in agreement.

" I know it don't-You're missin' the point!" Yells Mr.Beaver throwing his hands, giving up.

Mrs.Beaver puts a hand to her husband's back, calling him down.

" It has been long foretold that two sons of Adam and three daughters of Eve will defeat the White Witch and restore peace in Narnia." Mrs.Beaver Explains to them.

" And you think we're the ones?" Asks a bewildered Peter.

" Well you better be, Because Aslan already fitted your army!" tells Mr.Beaver

" I think you've made a mistake; we're not heroes!" Explains Peter.

" We're from Finchley!" Vocalized Susan.

" I say that makes a great beginning for a Hero." Mutters Odette.

" Wait, our army?" Lucy backtracks.

" Mom sent us away so we wouldn't get caught up in a war." Susan spoke to Odette and Peter.

" I think it's time we were going." Peter abruptly stands from the small table.

" Thank you for your hospitality." Odette speaks, slowly getting up from the table.

" No! You can't leave." begged Mr.Beaver.

" What about Mr.Tumnus?" Lucy questions with sad eyes looking up at her eldest sister.

" It's out of our hands." Explains a guilty Peter.

" I'm sorry." Peter said to the Beavers." But it's time the five of us were going home, Ed?" Peter questions looking around frantically.

Odette also looks around, worriedly, trying to locate her little brother.

" Where did he go?" Odette asks, anxiously.

" I'm going to kill him." States Peter.

" You might not have too." Says Mr.Beaver to the concerned group," Has Edmund ever been to Narnia before?"

Odette and Lucy nod yes at the question. Looking at each other with sad faces.


Peter and Odette lead the hurrying group through the hills till they can see a glistening castle in the distance.

" Hurry!" Yells Peter.

" Edmund!" Lucy and Odette yell towards the castle.

" Sh! They'll hear you!" Scolds Mr.Beaver.

Peter tries to run down the hill, but is caught by Mr.Beaver paw on his coat, pulling him back.

" No!" Beaver exclaims to the naïve boy.

" Get off me! We can't let him go!", Peter shoves the Beaver away from him.

" Don't you get it?" The Beaver says, trying to stay calm," He's the bait! She wants all five of ya!"

" Why?" Asks Peter, looking concern to the Beaver's.

" To kill us, Peter, to stop the stupid prophecy." vocalizes Odette, finally understanding the crisis of the situation.

After a pregnant pause Susan breaks the silence," This is all your fault!" Throwing her arms up in frustration to Peter and Odette." None of this would have happened if you just listened to me in the first place!"

" Our fault?" Odette starts looking at Susan with dangerous intent in her eye.

" So, you knew this would happen?" Questions Peter

" I didn't know what would happen!" Susan exclaims," Which is why we should have left while we still could."

" Stop fighting!" A fed up Odette speaks," This isn't helping Edmund, his in real trouble so, Mr, Mrs.Beaver, is there anything we can do for my brother?" she finishes calmly.

Everyone looks at Odette to the Beavers.

" She's right." Lucy speaks to her other siblings," We must help Edmund."

" They're right," Sighs Beaver," Only Aslan can help your brother now."

" Then take us to him." Speaks a determined Odette.


However miles away we follow Edmund, sitting on the White Witches' throne waiting for her.

" Like it?" Questions the "Queen" to a startled Edmund.

U-uh yes, your majesty." Ed stammers to her.

" I thought you might." States the Queen walking over to the throne.

" Tell me Edmund," The Queen starts with an undertone of aggravation." are your sisters deaf?"

" No." chuckles Edmund.

" And your brother, is he unintelligent?" Asks the "Queen" getting more and more aggravated.

" Well I think so but, Mom says-" He is caught off by the Witch.

" Then how dare you come ALONE!" Yells the Witch.

Edmund recoils in shocked and frightened.

" I tried!" Edmund yells.

" Edmund, I ask so little of you." The Witch stocks towards the small boy.

" They don't listen to me!" Edmund stammers in fear.

" You couldn't even do that."

" I did bring them halfway." Edmund reveals, trying to lessen the Witch's anger." They're at the Dam at the Beavers."

The dwarf who has been hiding behind Edmund smirks at his "Queen".

"Well I suppose, you're not a total loss then, are you?" Sighs the Witch, to the little boy.

" I was wondering," Edmund says, getting up from the throne," If I could get some of that Turkish delight now?"

The Witch turns to the Dwarf," Are guest is hungry." She turns away, leaving the two.

" This way." The Dwarf grabs hold of Edmund," For your Num-nums" Pulling a dagger to the boy's neck.

" Maugrim." The Queen looks to the head Wolf, smirking a little bit behind her steel gaze.


" Hurry Mother, they're after us!" Calls out Mr.Beaver, to his wife. The Four siblings race after the Beaver.

" Oh, alright then" Mrs.Beaver starts packing up some food as the five make their way inside the home.

" What's she doing?" Peter questions.

Mrs.Beaver sighs," You'll thank me later; Beaver gets cranky when he's hungry."

Susan starts to help Mrs.Beaver pack.

"I'm cranky now!" Beaver yells, trying to get everyone to hurry along.

" Do you think we'll need jam?" Susan asks.

" Only if the Witch serves toast!" Peter sarcastically says.

Susan glares at her older brother. Suddenly they hear howling outside the door.

Six wolves surround the home, trapping the six in.

Lucy gasps in fear holding onto Odette.

As the wolves come in they cannot find the occupants.


However the six escaped down a tunnel hidden in the home.

" Badger and I dug this. Come out right at his place!" Beaver explains.

" You told me it led to your mom's." Gasps Mrs.Beaver.

Lucy trips and gasps.

" Lucy!" Odette voices, catching Lucy from falling down, leading her down the rest of the tunnel.

" Quick this way!" Yells down Beaver.

" Hurry" Mrs.Beaver says.

" Run!" Peter yells, getting his sister to run quickly.

" They're in the Tunnel" Yells Lucy.

However they reach a dead end.

"You should've brought a map!" Scolds Mrs.Beaver to her husband.

" There wasn't room next to the jam!"

Beaver jumps up leading the party out of the tunnel.

" Come on Lu." Odette speaks, helping Lucy out of the Tunnel.

Peter helps Beaver barricade the hole. Lucy and Susan trip over some stone animals.

Mr.Beaver looks over the sea of stone, finally seeing his friend Badger.

" I'm sorry Dear." Consoles Mrs.Beaver patting Beavers shoulder.

" He was my best mate."

Lucy walks over and sees the other animals entrapped in stone.

" What happened here?" Peter asks.

" This is what happens to those who cross the Witch." A mysterious voice says from the dark.

Mr.Beaver speaks up threateningly," You take one more step, and I'll chew you to splinters."

Taking a step in front of his wife and children, Mrs.Beaver holds him back.

" Relax," The creature laughs, finally coming out of the shadows." I'm one of the good guys." The now identified, Fox finishes.

" Yeah? Well you look an awful lot like the bad ones." Beaver goes.

" An unfortunate family resemblance. But we can argue breeding later. Right now we need to move." The Fox explains. The wolf barking becomes louder.

" What did you have in mind?" Odette finally speaks up, the Fox gives her a smirk in return looking up to the trees.


The wolves break through, looking around the land. Trying to sniff out where the humans had gone.

When they finally look up they see the Fox swiping his tail along the snow.

"Greeting Gents." Fox greets them." Lost something have we?" As the wolves surround him.

" Don't patronize me!" Yells the leader of the pack." I know where your allegiance lies. We're looking for some humans."

"Humans," Fox chuckles," Here in Narnia. That's a bit of valuable information, don't you think?"

One of the wolves grabs Fox by his teeth. Fox whimpers in pain.

Lucy gasps, however Odette cups her mouth to not let sound.

" Your reward is your life." The Leader says." It's not much, but still." He chuckles a little.

The four siblings and Beavers stay as silent and still as they can, trying to not make themselves noticeable. What now brings their attention back down is the Fox's sudden sounds of pain.

" Where are the fugitives?" The head wolf asks him.

Fox sighs sneaking glace at Odette meeting her eyes that bring him hope and determination," North," He pants," They went North." He revels.

"Smell them out!" Maugrim said running towards the told direction. The wolf holding the Fox throws him down, quickly following his leader and pack.


A fire crackles in the night with four humans, a pair of Beavers, and a wounded Fox sitting around it, trying to find warmth in the cold snowy night.

" They were helping Tumnus. The Witch however got here before I did." He tells them," Ow!" He yelps, as Mrs.Beaver stitches him up and cleans the wound.

"Are you alright?" Lucy looks at him, concerned.

"I wish I could say their bark is worse than their bite." The Fox chuckles," OW!" He whines.

"Stop squirming, you're worse than Beaver on bath day." Mrs.Beaver scolds Fox.

"Worse day of the year." Beaver mummers to the children causing them to laugh.

"Thank you for your kindness." Fox starts while getting up," But I'm afraid that's all the cure I have time for."

"You're leaving?" Lucy asks.

"It has been a pleasure, my Queen, and an honor, but my time is short," He explains," And Aslan himself has asked me to gather more troops."

Mrs.Beaver gasps in awe at the mention of Aslan.

"You've seen Aslan?" Mr.Beaver asks.

"What's he like?" Mrs.Beaver continues for him.

"Like everything we've ever heard." Fox says," You'll be glad to have him on your side as you fight the White Witch."

"But we're not planning to fight the Witch." Susan says.

The Fox looks to Odette, her already looking at him.

"Surely, Queen Odette-"

"We just want our brother back." Interrupts Peter.


The siblings and Beavers start making beds on the forest floor near the quenching fire. Odette and Peter tuck Lucy in and Odette hums her a small lullaby to lure her into sleep. Peter and her make their way to their pallets next to each other.

Peter turns to Odette to see her looking at him," Odette?" He asks

"Yes?" She responded.

"Do you think we'll find him, Edmund?"

Odette looks at him for sometime before responding," I believe so. I have hope that Aslan will help us."

Peter relaxes at his twins' reassurance.

"I hope you're right."

Peter turns away again, falling asleep quickly.

However Odette takes a little longer to fall asleep but when she does she has another dream of him, Cas, as she calls him.

"Odette, my Star," He says, looking at her with concern," What's wrong?"

Odette looks at him with an unknown expression on her face.

"I don't know what you mean Cas." She says, looking away from him. He tenderly puts a hand to her cheek, moving her face to look at him again.

"Tell me, my Love, whatever it is, we can get through it together. I'll love you no matter what." His expression is nothing but tenderness and love and as she goes to respond, Odette is awakened by the voice of her brother, bringing her back to the present


I'm Back with another update. Don't know why but I feel the need to just write. Anyway hope you all enjoy this chapter, don't forget to vote and comment, It would mean a lot to me!


The Author.

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