Isshin: GOOD MORNING (Y/N)!!!
Isshin tries to tackle you to wake up, but then you just pin him to the ground!!
(Y/N): ARE YOU FREAKING CRAZY?! What kind of sick twisted man tries to attack his son, when he's asleep?!
Isshin: You are getting good my son. It looks like there's nothing left that I have to teach you.
(Y/N): Sheesh. Woah!! I remembered!! Yuzu and Karin, they're still injured!!
Isshin: Injured?! What are you talking about?!
You go to see the hole in the house.
Isshin: A truck rolled on by, and smashed right into our house, it's a good thing no one was injured!
(Y/N): Wait, could this be Rukia's work? She must have altered their memories.
Yuzu: Hey (Y/N), are you going to eat?! If you don't you'll be late for school.
Karin: Yeah, would you not daydream so much?
(Y/N): Oh right.
You immediately go to hug your sisters, and they are pretty shocked.
Yuzu: Are you alright (Y/N), you haven't hugged us in a while before.
Karin: Something up?
(Y/N): I'm fine. I'm just glad .... that you are okay.
Karin: Uh right.
Yuzu: Thank you Big Brother!!
You soon head over to Karakura High.
There you see Twilight, Rarity, Rainbow, Fluttershy, Sunset, Pinkie, and Applejack in the school uniforms.
Twilight: Hey (Y/N)!
(Y/N): You girls managed to find the school without my help huh? I'm impressed.
Rarity: Well we heard about what happened last night!! You fought off that monster!! Was it a Hollow?!
(Y/N): Uh yeah.
Twilight: Say do you know where that Rukia girl went to?
(Y/N): Beats me, I haven't seen her anywhere.
Sunset: Right. So, why don't you show us around?!
(Y/N): Okay then.
You all walk to class and you guys notice a girl with long orange hair and giant breasts walk along with a tomboy friend of hers.
Orihime Inoue
Tatsuki Arisawa
Orihime: OH HI (Y/N)!!!
(Y/N): Uh, .... hey there Orihime. How's it going?
Orihime: Oh I'm great!! I'm feeling just wonderful today!!
Tatsuki soon spoke up!
Tatsuki: Hey (Y/N), where were you, you missed out on lunch? You aren't usually late.
(Y/N): Long story Tatsuki. Did you meet-
Tatsuki: Oh yeah, we met the Twilight, Sunset, Rainbow, Rarity, Pinkie, AJ, and Flutters over there.
Pinkie: Orihime makes the best lunch!!
Orihime: I can give the recipe if you want to!
Rainbow: Hey Tatsuki, if you're a good martial artist we should spar sometime!
Tatsuki: Hmph, you're on Dashie! I'm ready for it!
Twilight: They old friends of yours (Y/N).
(Y/N): Tatsuki and I go way back. I met her in martial arts, and well, she kicked my ass constantly.
Tatsuki: Well you just weren't good enough.
(Y/N): Oh shut up. As for Orihime, we've talked before quite sometime, and well I suppose she's cute.
Orihime blushes tremendously and steam comes out of her head and ears!
Orihime just runs off in a flash.
(Y/N): Uh ... okay.
Tatsuki: Well, it looks like you got her going nuts for you again huh? Well, see you around.
Tatsuki takes off after Orihime.
Twilight: They're really nice.
Fluttershy: Orihime really reminds me of myself mixed with Pinkie.
Pinkie: Ah doy of course! Just look at her! She might be (Y/N)'s girlfriend!
In the classroom.
You guys are now surrounded by your three guy friends, Keigo Asano, Mizurio Kojima, and Yasutora Sado, or Chad.
Keigo: So (Y/N)! What's up with the girls? You forming a new friendship group?! Or is this a harem or something huh?
(Y/N): (annoyed) No Keigo, nothing like that.
Mizurio: Are you sure?
(Y/N): I'm not lying here.
Keigo: Right. Anyway, how are you doing with the whole truck running into your house thing?
(Y/N): It's fine.
Mizurio: Must have been a mess.
Chad: If you want, I can help clean up.
(Y/N): Uh .... we're fine Chad, but thanks.
???: Hey, you're (Y/N) right!?
You heard a familiar voice! IT'S RUKIA!! AND SHE'S WEARING A SCHOOL UNIFORM!!
(Y/N): YOU!!!
Rukia: Huh? What are you talking about? We've just met?
Keigo: Rukia is another transfer student we have. And she's pretty cute!
Rukia: So (Y/N), looks like we'll be sitting together from now on huh?!
(Y/N): Uh, hahaha. Right.
Later ......
(Y/N): OKAY WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT RUKIA?! What's with the goody two shoes act?!
Rukia: Well, I wanted to try it out. And it was working wonders.
(Y/N): Well, why didn't you just go back to the "Soul Society?"
Rukia: Because I can't. Only Soul Reapers can do that. And you have all of my powers now. So, until I get them back, you have to take my place and do the job yourself!!
Twilight: Uh okay. Why though?
(Y/N): I didn't agree to any of this!! Why should I do it?!
Rukia: Because Hollows are constantly hungry and they go after people with mass amounts of Spiritual Energy!! You can't just ignore them!!
(Y/N): I agreed to take your powers to save Yuzu and Karin, it's not like I signed a contract to do it 24/7!! Why should I-
Rukia puts on some gloves with a blue and white skull and pulls your spirit out of your body!!
Rukia: You are going to do it!!
(Y/N): Fine. Okay.
Rukia: Good then!
Rukia smiles and sticks her tongue out at you!
Applejack: Well she's subtle about it.
Later .... again ...
You are saving a young boy spirit from a Hollow known as Hexapodus!! It tries slashing at the boy, but you arrive to cut it apart, and protect it as best as you can!! The girls even help out with Twilight and Sunset bringing out magic swords of their own, and Rainbow kicking it in the face!!
(Y/N): Hey Hollow come at me!!
You anger it, and then you slice it across the face!!
Rukia: So (Y/N), have you decided to fulfill your duties?!
(Y/N): I don't know. I only jumped in to save the kid. Remember when you jumped in to save me? Just like that. That's the last thing on the mind when someone is in danger. I'm going to do this my way.
You stab Hexapodus in the head, and it is purified.
You then put the back of your zanpakuto to the kid's head and he goes to the Soul Society!!
The Very Next Day ...
Rukia: So?!
(Y/N): I said that I'm doing these things my own way and that's final!! Okay!!
Rukia: Sheesh you're unbearable!! But also nice, and handsome at the same time.
Fluttershy: He's a good man Rukia, and he cares enough to do it!
Rainbow: Seriously Rukia, why such a chip on your shoulder. You need to relax and go with the flow. You can't always trust authority figures!!
Rukia: YOU CAN'T SAY THAT!! I've followed the laws of the Soul Society for a long time, so-
(Y/N): What are you, a corporate lackey?
Rukia: HEY!!
You all hear what sounds like a car screech!!
Applejack: Now what?!
You all go over to the source and see Orihime, wearing her usual flower hair pins, a purple buttoned shirt, a floral yellow skirt, and white flip flops.
(Y/N): Orihime!! Are you okay?
Orihime: Oh (Y/N)!! I'm fine! I got run by a car, but I'm fine!! Hey girls, great to see you!!
Pinkie and Fluttershy: HI ORIHIME!!
Rukia: Who?
(Y/N): Ugh, Rukia, that's Orihime Inoue, she's one of our classmates.
Rukia: Oh yes, where are my manners?! Hi Orihime!!
Orihime: Hello to you to Rukia!
Rarity: Orihime, Darling, what are those groceries you have there?!
Orihime: Oh, they're going to be used for my dinner!! I bought leeks, butter, bananas, and some sweetbean jam!
(Y/N): And just what the hell are you planning on making with that?!
Rukia then notices a mark on Orihime's leg!
Rukia: Hey Orihime, what's with the mark on your leg?!
Orihime: I must have gotten it during the car accident!! Why?
Rukia: Oh no reason!! I was just wondering!!
(Y/N): You want me to walk you home?!
Orihime: Oh no, I'm fine!! See you (Y/N)!
She hugs you and then heads off.
Twilight: Say, when did you and Orihime first meet?!
(Y/N): It's a long story. But she had an older brother, and when he died, he was rushed to our clinic. I didn't even realize that she was the same person when we entered high school though.
Rainbow: And do you love her?!
(Y/N): I guess. WAIT WHY DID I ANSWER THAT!! And hey Rukia, why were you so into her injury?
Rukia: Oh no reason I guess.
At Orihime's House.
Orihime answered the door upon hearing the doorbell.
Tatsuki: Yo!
Orihime: Hi Tatsuki!
Tatsuki: My mom wanted me to bring this over to you. It's stew with beef and potatoes.
Orihime: Thanks Tatsuki!!
While they are eating, they are talking about the events of today.
Tatsuki: So, do you love (Y/N)? I notice how you both look at each other?!
Orihime: Well I..... I .... I .... I -
Orihime began blushing again heavily!
Tatsuki: I mean, he offered to walk you home! I didn't take him for a charmer! And I've known the guy since we were kids.
Orihime: I know. He is really sweet on the inside, despite how he sometimes acts on the outside.
Meanwhile .... at the Kurosaki Clinic.
Yuzu: Hey (Y/N). Have you seen my pajamas?
(Y/N): Not really. I mean, it's not like a theif would just come in and take them.
Yuzu: Well they're gone and I can't find them!!
(Y/N): Sorry, still haven't seen them.
Yuzu: (Sigh) Right goodnight.
(Y/N): Night.
You soon hear a ring from your closet door, almost sounds like a cell phone.
Rukia then comes out of your closet! Wearing Yuzu's pajamas!
Rukia: (Y/N), we have a Hollow!!
Rukia: No time!!
She pulls your spirit out as a giant Hollow begins to attack!!
It swings it's claws at you, and you swing your zanpakuto at it!! It's mask comes off for a bit, and your recognize it's face!!
(Y/N): YOU!!
Acidwire (Yes, that is it's name): AAAAAH!!
It then disappears.
(Y/N): That ... face.
Rukia: What's wrong (Y/N)?
(Y/N): That was Orihime's brother, Sora.
Rukia: WHAT?!
(Y/N): Rukia, tell me, were Hollows humans?!
Rukia: Yes. Their souls get corrupted and they are transformed into Hollows when corrupted for too long. They will attack anyone that was once their loved ones.
(Y/N): We're going. Orihime could be in trouble.
Orihime and Tatsuki soon hear the apartment rattle everywhere!! Something was wrong!!
Orihime: What's going on?!
Tatsuki: What are those noises?!
They soon see blood drip.
Orihime: B-Blood?
Orihime is then stabbed in the back by Acidwire!!
Tatsuki: ORIHIME!!!
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