"So because of you, I confessed my undying love to Embry." Audrey Swan finished her story to Dallas, the latter was all but kicking her legs and giggling.
Audrey had finally told Embry Call that she loved him, something Dallas had been impatiently waiting for her best friend to do. And as it happened, it made Dallas fifty dollars richer because the confession happened on Dallas's bet day.
Audrey was not impressed.
"Thank fuck Audrey, I was starting to worry seriously." Dallas rolled her green eyes in exasperation, the two of them were at Audrey's house laying on her bed. Dallas was laying at the bottom of the bed, while Audrey was sitting against the pillows.
Audrey raised a singular eyebrow at her best friend. "I'm sure you were, so concerned for my relationship and not at all for that fifty in your pocket." Dallas barley ducked out of the way as a pillow came barrelling in her direction.
"Good god Audrey, what's got you violent today?" Bella asked, the pillow in her hand and a very unimpressed look on her face. Dallas snickered, it was nice to have Bella back.
Audrey threw her arms up dramatically. "Did little miss fake friend here tell you she bet on my relationship?"
Bella walked over to the bed, dropping the pillow on Audrey's head as she sat on her chair. "Yeah I was really annoyed by that."
Audrey grinned triumphantly. "But only because I was a week off my own bet." Dallas's laughed even louder, while Audrey huffed.
"Wow, my own sister betraying me, what's next, dad tells us he also made a bet?"
Dallas bit her lip as she and Bella exchanged a look. "His date was two weeks ago, he was real pissed off."
"Dad! You're a fake friend, and I hate you!" Audrey was now standing at the doorway, her loud voice could probably be heard from the reservation.
"Audrey stop your whining! I'm watching sports centre, leave me alone child!" This time, all three girls began giggling.
"I must say Miss Swan, it's nice of you to join the land of the living again." Dallas grinned at Bella, who rolled her eyes.
"Yeah yeah, the moping was even starting to annoy me." Bella and Dallas had a heart to heart not long ago, Bella sincerely apologised for her behaviour after the Cullen's left, and Dallas forgave her. The two had been friends for too long, and Bella was making genuine progress.
"So Bells, what's going on with you and Jake?" Audrey asked, biting back a smirk when Bella's face heated up. Audrey and Dallas exchanged a smirk, as Audrey sat back down on the bed.
"Nothing, we're just friends."
"Friends don't look at each other at goo goo like, you and Jake remind me of Paul and Dallas." Audrey fake gagged, while Dallas snorted.
"Hey, Paul and I aren't that bad."
Dallas looked away when Bella and Audrey both shot her a look. "This is the first time in weeks I've not seen his tongue down your throat." Audrey pointed out, as she tieed her hair into a messy bun.
"Well can you blame us? We never see each other anymore, not unless we're both phased. So sue me, if I spend my free time kissing him."
"Eugh, have fun with that." Audrey waved her off, and Dallas watched her carefully. Audrey had changed, not really emotionally but physically she was starting to look different. She looked skinnier, her hair was getting lighter, she just seemed different. Maybe even a bit emotionally too, Audrey seemed paranoid. Dallas was growing increasingly concerned for her best friend, but everytime she broached the subject, Audrey brushed it off.
"So where is lover boy tonight?" Bella asked, a smirk tugging her lips as she eyed Dallas.
"Okay so I was supposed to patrol tonight, but I was in desperate need of girls night. Paul and Jared have it so good, they can have their deep and meaningful's while their teeth are sinking a vamp. So he graciously swapped with me."
Audrey raised a brow. "So in other words, you threatened Sam and he gave in because hes terrified of his little sister?"
Dallas shrugged. "Potato, potato."
"What's it like, being a shifter?" Bella asked quietly.
Dallas smiled, as hard as it was to manage she loved every second of it. "It's magic, frolicking through the woods without a care in the world is fucking exhilarating!"
"Did you just say frolicking?"
Dallas narrowed her eyes at Audrey, who was giggling with her sister. "Uh yes i did, because its the best use of the word. Anyway, before i was so rudely interrupted," she shot another glare at the sisters, who were hiding their giggles behind their hand, "Its the best feeling ever. After Mase died, it was seriously the best therapy ever. Yeah its dangerous, but i feel so empowered every time i phase."
Audrey smiled softly at the blonde, her own happiness filling her as she watched how animated Dallas was. "Im really glad you have phasing, god I wish i had something to take my anger out on."
Dallas grinned mischeviously. "You can always beat Jared up, it seriously works."
As the three girls giggled once again, Dallas couldnt help the swell of happiness. She was beyond lucky, sure she had lost a lot this year, but she'd gained it all back ten fold.
Two months later.
Dallas was slowly learning the harsh lesson of jinx, never get too comfortable because you never know what's gonna go wrong next. Dallas paced the hallway sullenly, tears rolling down her cheeks as she listened to Embry sob loudly in the next room. Audrey Swan had died, and Dallas's whole heart had shattered on the ground in front of her. In fact if she squinted, she'd see the remaints on the floor.
She fucking knew something was wrong with Audrey, but no the Swan girl just had to be as stubborn as her older sister. She brushed everyone off for weeks, and now everyone was left to suffer for it. Dallas winced as Embry let out a gutteral scream, her own sobs wracking her body as she slid down the wall.
"Fuck baby, I'm so sorry." Paul wrapped his arms around his imprint, his own heavy tears spilling onto his imprints head.
Dallas buried her head in Paul's chest, loud sobs emitting her mouth as her body shook violently. Her vision was going red, as her insides burned against the weight of her wolf. Dallas was so angry at Audrey, but deep down she knew it was just heartbreak. Paul carefully picked her up, and ran outside as qquickly as he could. the minute he dropped his girlfriend, she was replaced with her wolf. A heartbreaking howl left her throat, as she ran into the woods behind Sam's house.
Unbeknownst to Dallas and the pack, that would be the last time she would phase for a while.
"How the fuck did this happen?" Jared whispered, his own eyes red rimmed. Paul placed his arm over his best friends shoulder, allowing Jared to rest his head on his shoulder.
"I dunno man, but we've all gotta stick together. Imagine if it was any of us in Em's position, I couldnt even imagine." Paul shook his head to get rid of the images that were popping up, when one wolf feels pain they all do.
"He's never gonna be okay again."
Sam stood beside them, his own face twisted in pain. "None of us will."
Jared, Paul and Sam looked around the back yard, their hearts plummeting at the sight. Bella and Charlie sat a few feet away, against a tree as Charlie sobbed in Bella's arms. Jacob and Quil were on the other side of the yard, at the patio tables both boys holding each other for dear life. Sam's body whipped around to the house, his eyes wide as he shushed everyone in the yard. Everyone stared at the alpha blankly, while Emily quietly sat on the back deck.
"What's going on, Sam?" Emily asked quietly, her watery eyes staring at her fiancé.
Sam let out a breathy laugh, before he pointed at the window Audrey was in. "She's alive, I can hear her talking to Embry!"
By the time Dallas returned from her run, the sun was beginning to rise, and an honest to god miracle happened- Audrey was alive.
Nobody knew what the hell had happened, but nobody could complain either. Audrey was understandably pretty overwhelmed, the only people she currently had upstairs were her immediate family and Embry. Dallas paced the living room, her eyes flickering to the stairs every few seconds. "What the fuck happened?" Nobody could answer her, because this truly was some sort of damn miracle. The front door opened, and Monica stepped through the entry way, her eyes wide and stunned.
"Is it true, Sam? Is Audrey really alive?" She was carrying some medical supplies, Monica had told everyone a few hours ago she was heading home to grab what she could and make preparations. She never expected this, her second daughter coming back to life.
Dallas walked over to her mother and wrapped her arms around her, both women clinging to each other. "Mommy, I'm scared."
Monica kissed her daughter's head gently. "It's gonna be okay, sweetheart. Weirder things have happened."
Before Dallas could reply, a squeaking sound came from the stairs that caught everyone's attention. Audrey carefully walked down the stairs, Embry following closely as he held onto her. Dallas let out an inhumane squeal, before rushing towards her two best friends.
The anger had subsided—her best friend was alive!
Three weeks later.
The last few weeks had gone by in a blur, and Dallas tried to spend every spare second she had with Audrey. They still didn't fully know what happened, but they had a pretty good idea. Apparently Audrey did in fact have Quiluete blood, but she also had some sort of witch blood as well. The theory was, that Audrey's wolf and the witch tried to fight for dominance—and when the wolf died Audrey's physical body died too.
Her rebirth was the witch, which was terrifying but as long as she had her girl back she didn't care if she was a witch or a damn circus clown. Audrey had since gone back to school, while the rest of the pack kept trying to find Victoria.
For the last week, Dallas hadn't been feeling the best. She hadn't phased since that night at Sam's, for the first week Sam let her off to stay with Audrey. This week, she genuinely couldn't keep any food down so she was told to just rest up. Admittedly, Sam was a bit nervous. Shifters didn't usually get sick, but he was hoping it wasn't anything as serious as what happened to Audrey.
Monica had concluded that it was from all the stress, but Dallas knew in her bones it wasn't that. And as Dallas stared at the test in her bathroom, her stomach emptied for another reason.
She was pregnant, at sixteen years old. Her eyes filled with tears as she curled up on the bathroom floor, remembering the night it happened.
Three weeks ago, the night after Audrey.
Dallas giggled as Paul stumbled into his house, his hand wrapped tightly around Dallas's hand as the two tripped on the front step. "For two shapeshifters, we're pretty uncoordinated."
Paul chuckled as he switched on the main light. "Honestly, how the fuck do we navigate in the dark woods if we're taken out by a front step?"
Dallas kicked off her shoes and allowed Paul to Paul her into his arms. "We always find a way, don't we?"
Paul shuddered as Dallas kissed his neck. "Fuck Dallas."
Dallas grinned against his neck, which was replaced with a squeal when the taller man lifted her up. She quickly wrapped her legs around his torso, bringing their lips together. "Take me to your room, please."
Paul quickly took them into his room, dropping them on the bed as she giggled. "Do you really want too?"
Dallas smiled up at him, her own body tingling with anticipation. "More than anything, I trust you."
As night turned to day, and one day turned to three, Dallas realised exactly why Sam locked them out of the house for days on end sometimes. She didn't know she could need someone like that, that what they did could feel so good.
However now, she was starting to kick herself. The first night they used a condom, but the second time was in the middle of the night and they stupidly forgot.
What the fuck was she gonna tell Paul, or her mother? Her mom was a teen mom, and desperately didn't want that for Dallas. Now, Dallas felt like a massive let down. As she stared at her reflection in the mirror, all she felt was disappointment.
Idiot she whispered, wiping the tears from her cheeks.
What the hell am I gonna do?
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