{Medical stuff is in this chapter, wanted to remind everyone that I am not a doctor. I work in Disability, but I have no legit knowledge of cancer, medical procedures or anything like that. If something is wrong, please let me know and I will correct it. Anyway happy reading! Please vote, comment it really motivates us writers! Also, please comment your names, pronouns, where you're from and who your favourite character in this saga or book is. I want to be able to connect with you all personally. Also if someone states their pronouns or race and someone is racist or mean about someone's personal pronouns, you will be BLOCKED. This book is a safe space, where people all over can come together and hopefully bond over our mutual love of this saga. My inbox is always open, if you are struggling please don't hesitate to reach out. I love each and every one of you, you amazing people xxx My pronouns are she/her, btw :) }
{Just to add, if anyone would like 'deleted scenes' as bonus chapters let me know! Things I didn't add, like Dallas and Paul shopping, the party, when Dallas went to Bella's all the time, Dallas visiting Mason, Dallas
, Audrey and the boys hanging out etc. Let me know what you would like to see and I'll do it!}
".....then Santa gave us all our presents, and we sung Christmas songs. Dally, it was awesome!" Mason's sickly face was lit up with excitement as he told his favourite person (besides his mother), all about the Christmas he had just celebrated. His once beautiful golden curls were no more, a heartbreaking result of the horrific sickness that plagued his body. His eyes weren't so full of life anymore, but he was trying. And that was ultimately, all that mattered.
Dallas grinned down at the small boy from her spot on the edge of his hard hospital bed as she handed him the gift she had brought him. "Oh that's amazing, Mase! Santa left something for you at my place, apparently he got lost." She finished her sentence with a playful eye roll, causing a few giggles out of the little boy. He gleefully took the wrapped present out of her hands, and began opening it with as much strength as he could muster.
A small, yet excited gasp emitted his pale lips. "The new transformers toy! I love it, thank you! I'll have to write Santa a thank-" His voice trailed off as he threw his body to the side and threw up in the waiting bucket his mother held. Dallas sighed sadly, the doctors didn't know what else they could do for him. All treatment had stopped working, all it was doing was making the little boy sicker.
A few weeks ago he had begged his mother to stop treatment, which she was heavily against. Until she saw how little it was working, and instead how much sicker it was making him. So here they were, in a dimly lit hospital room while Mason's body shuts down on him. It wasn't an easy choice, but the cancer was too advanced and his doctors didn't know what else to do. It was one of those moments where Dallas wished they could trade places, so the little boy could live.
Once he had stopped retching, he let his head flop back on its pillow as his eyes fluttered closed. He just wasn't strong anymore. Marie sighed as she placed the bucket under the bed, the bags under her eyes darker than ever. Dallas bent down and pressed a quick kiss to the top of his face, before she got off the bed and walked over to the sad mother who had her head buried in her thin hands.
"I don't know how to be okay anymore. I'm losing...." Marie sniffled, before continuing in a much quieter voice. "...everything. The only person who made any of this worth it, is dying on me." A small sob left her pale lips as she removed her hands from her face and revealed her tear stricken face. Dallas felt her heart drop at the heartbroken mother in front of her.
Crouching down in front of the chair, Dallas moved a strand of hair from her face and sighed. "I cant even begin to properly express how sorry I am. Marie, you have got to be the strongest woman I ever had the privilege of knowing. You and him, either of you deserve this. I am here for you," Dallas paused as she placed her own hand in Marie's shaking one. "always. No matter what happens, no matter how heartbreaking this will continue to get. Mom and I aren't going anywhere, we are your support system. And we will be, for as long as you need us to be." Marie looked at the small girl in front of her, in complete awe.
How was it that someone who wasn't even a blood relative, someone who had only been in their lives for what seemed like a short amount of time, had become the biggest ally and supportive person she would ever know? Mason's own father couldn't stick around, yet in his replacement came a somewhat chaotic mother/daughter duo, who had shown complete support and love in this time?
Marie rested her other shaking hand on Dallas's cheek, much like a mother would as she smiled a watery smile. "I don't know what I ever did to deserve you two, but I will forever be grateful that I have you. Mason,-" She glanced past Dallas and looked at her sleeping son as she continued. "-well you already know, he absolutely adores you. Thinks the world of you, much like myself."
Dallas smiled in the best of her ability as she leaned into Marie's hand. "I love you guys, so much." Marie leaned forward and kissed the blonde's forehead in a motherly way.
"And we love you. Miss Dallas, you truly are an angel walking this earth. Don't you ever let anyone tell you otherwise."
Later that afternoon, once Dallas had finally gotten home and had removed her snow covered coat, her phone rang loudly from her small brown carry bag. With a frown, she glanced at her phone and a small gasp emitted her lips when she took note of the caller I.D.
She quickly pressed the green answer button, and answered nervously. "Bella? Is uh, is everything alright?"
Bella sighed heavily on the other end, her hands shaking ever so lightly as she nervously responded. "H-Hi Dallas. I didn't, uh, I didn't think you would still have my number saved." Dallas frowned, placing her phone between her shoulder and ear as she walked into her living room.
Once she was seated, she placed her phone on her lap and pressed the speaker button whilst she pulled out her history book, to catch up on some work before school came back. "Why wouldn't I? We're friends, Bella. Even if we haven't spoken much recently, I still classify you one of my closest friends."
Bella let out a quiet sigh of relief, as she sat down on her bed and began fiddling with the loose threads on her quilt nervously. "I am sorry about, y'know, going sorta off the grid. I guess I was just-"
Dallas cut her off. "-don't feel like you're obligated to explain anything to me, okay Bella? I can't say I know exactly what you're going through, because I don't. But what I do know is, you know I'm here. I'm not going anywhere, I'm here whenever you're ready to talk. That doesn't have to be today, tomorrow or even next week. That's up to you, I'm just here if you need to get your mind off things, okay?"
Bella stiffened at her words, a rush of guilt filling her as the words sunk in. She felt like the worst friend possible, Dallas had always been there for her, yet she constantly forgot about her. Bella wanted to make it up to her, she just didn't know how. "I appreciate that, thank you. Look I was wondering, are you doing anything this afternoon? I was thinking of grabbing dinner in Port Angeles, maybe catch a movie after? That is, if you want too of course." Dallas couldn't stop the grin that formed.
The small blonde had already pushed her books to the side, before heading over to the front door to retrieve her coat and keys. "Shall i grab you now?"
The two girls silently drove back to Forks, a content silence filling the air. Dinner and the movie had been a lot better than the blonde expected, they ate at a small diner in the heart of port angeles. Dallas ate a large burger meal, while Bella ordered a pizza and coke. They ended up watching some sort of action movie, not that Dallas minded at all she was used to watching those movies with the boys, but it did surprise her that Bella was now into them.
Roslyn, by Bon Iver began playing softly and Bella jolted in surprise. Dallas eyed her cautiously as she pulled into Bella's street, watching as Bella closed her eyes tightly.
"Did you want me to change the song?" The blonde asked, already turning the volume dial down. Bella sighed, turning her head towards the window and resting it there.
"I'm just, not really into music right now. Besides, this song it..it reminds me of h-him." The way Bella said 'him', had Dallas widening her eyes in shock. She had never heard her friend sound so, broken. Edward really did a number on her, she was so scared she would never get the old Bella back. The thought alone scared her, she didn't want her friend hurting anymore. And with Jacob phasing, she was sure Bella would spiral even more.
Before Dallas could even think of a reply, Bella glanced at her house that was now in front of them as Dallas had just parked. With a sigh, she turned her attention to the smaller girl beside her. "Look, have you heard from Jake? I uh, I'm worried. He's not answering my calls, texts or anything. Billy answered once, he told me Jake has mono. I don't know Dallas, Im super worried. And I know you're mom is friends with him, and you hang out there a lot." Dallas turned towards her friend, a million excuses running through her head.
To be honest, Dallas herself still hadn't fully come to terms with the fact that the boys she had grown up with now turn into wolves. Obviously Bella knew some of the supernatural things, but she didn't know about the shape-shifters. It wasn't Dallas's place to say, and after Jake's incessant begging of her to 'keep the secret' alongside Sam, she knew she couldn't say anything. "Look, he really is sick. None of us have been able to see him, Audrey, Quil and I are just as worried. I'm sure he'll call when he's better. Didn't you get the stomach flu that's goin' around?" Dallas diverted the question, a habit she had when she was lying.
Bella glared at her suspiciously, not fully believing the words out of her friends mouth. But she didn't want to lose another friend, so she decided not to push the subject too much. "Hm, well I hope he feels well enough to answer the phone when I ring. Yeah, I did. Mike must've given it to me that night we went out. I was out for a day or so." Bellas unbuckled her seatbelt, whilst Dallas internally groaned. She hated lying, it made her feel so shady.
With an understanding nod, Dallas handed her friend the bag of leftovers she grabbed for Charlie. "Oh yeah, sounded awful. I'm real glad you're feeling better now, you look well." Bella took the bag with a quiet 'thank you', before opening her door.
"Yeah, it was. Well I'll text you? We can hangout again soon, I hope." Bella's face had changed drastically from suspicious, to desperate. Dallas felt her heart crack.
With a plastered on smile, she nodded. "Of course, tell Charlie I said hey. I'll text you once I'm home." Bella nodded, before waving as she walked into her quaint home. Dallas smacked her face against the steering wheel, with a groan.
"Fuck!" She hissed, feeling guilt bubbling in her stomach. Her inner guilt trip was cut off, when her phone started ringing from the center consol. Seeing her mother's caller I.D, she immediatly answered.
"Mom, is everything okay?" Her mother sniffled on the other end of the line, causing Dallas's heart to beat faster in panic.
"Dal, something's happened. I need you at Sue's now, I'll explain once you're here." Dallas hung up the phone quickly, before putting the car in drive and speeding to the Clearwater residence.
Once she had arrived, she glanced nervously at the numerous cars parked out the front. Embry, Jared, Paul, Sam, Emily, Sue, Leah, Seth, Harry's names all flooded through her mind as she tried to think of what could've possibly happened.
After turning off the car, she immediately rushed out and bolted into the Clearwater's house, carefully avoiding anything she could trip over. She was panting by the time she reached the living room, ignoring everyone's stares except her mothers. She barley took notice of the Pack's concerned gazes, or Sue's, she just looked straight into her mother's eyes and knew instantly something terrible happened.
"Baby, maybe you should sit." Monica suggested, standing up to place her thin hands on her smaller daughter's shoulders. Dallas shook her head, noticing the tears falling out of her mother's green eyes.
"No, you need to tell me what happened, please. I-I can't stand not knowing." Monica glanced behind her, and gestured with her head for Paul and Embry to walk over.
Once the pack brothers flanked Dalla's side, Monica said the one thing that she knew would absolutely destroy her daughter. There wasn't any coming back from this, and she didn't want to believe it was real herself.
"Baby, something happened while you were gone. Something bad," Monica paused, making sure the two boys could catch her when she inevitably collapses. "mason, h-he, he died tonight Dallas."
Dallas knew one day this could happen, it was always a possibility. Instead of falling in a heap like she expected, or balling her eyes out, she jumped away from her mother as an unforgiving anger surged through her. That familiar anger she felt regularly filled her, and if she wasn't so angry she would've been confused. Her small body continued shaking and trembling, causing her mother to jump back in surprise. Was this really about to happen to her daughter? Was she really about to phase?
"N-no. No! You're lying!" She screamed, walking back until her back slammed against the door with an audible 'bang!' Sam stood up, noticing her small body tremble and shake in anger.
"Dallas, outside, now!" The alpha ordered, already grabbing her small wrist and pulling her outside and around the back of the Clearwater home. Jared, Paul, Embry and Jacob running behind the duo.
Sam knew that the adults inside would distract anyone who didn't know the secret, so his biggest priority was getting the small girl outside and far enough for what was about to happen next.
Dallas dropped to the forest floor, feeling the burn in her bones as she screamed in pain. "What's happening to me?" She screeched, feeling her bones cracking. Another scream emitted her lips, causing Paul to wince.
"Sam, make it stop it's killing her!" He begged, his voice cracking as his voice raised in desperation. Watching his imprint in pain, was the worst thing he could ever experience.
Sam shook his head, watching as the magic began working it's was through her body. "Paul, there's nothing I can do. Dallas, I need you to stop and let it happen."
Dallas screamed again, but complied. She let the magic work its way through her small body, and with one last sickening 'crack', a large white wolf, now stood in Dalla's place.
"Well, guess the wolf's out of the bag." Jared remarked, shaking his head in wonder.
{I really didn't know how to make this longer. I wanted to go into more detail, but I really couldn't figure out how to make this wolfy transition happen. Especially since I went into more detail last chapter or before, when Jake phased. I wanted to make it longer, but Dallas was far too gone to drag this out. So now, she's a wolf. Who has no idea that she's been imprinted on, but I guess that makes for some good drama. Also Mason died :( I know he wasn't in very many chapters, but man it still hurt. But like I said before, Mason still has a very large part to play in this book. Let me know what you think, I wrote this pretty quick, so I apologise if it isn't very good. I wrote the other half of this at work, lmao.}
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