eighteen; cigarette daydreams

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January eighth, Two-thousand and six.

The days that followed Mason's funeral were full of heightened emotions, temper flare ups and a lot of angst towards the unfairty of the world. Paul never left his imprints side, he couldn't bare to be away from the one person who needed him the most. Paul truthfully, would never understand it. How could a heart like hers, ever possibly love a heart like his? There would never be a day where he wouldn't feel eternally grateful his ancestors placed his soul with hers, she was too good for this world, too good for him.

He had never met anyone like her, he doubted he ever would. Her smile was like no other, her smile showcasing the two dimples on either cheek. Her eyes, oh god her eyes. The way they changed colour from green to brown and the way they sparkle when she looked at him, caused butterflies in his stomach every time he saw them. Her hair, the colour of blonde that somehow lightened every time she wore a bright colour. Her soft curls, the feeling between his fingers as he ran his hand through her hair. Her laugh, he would do whatever she wanted, would climb every mountain, cross every ocean just to hear her laugh, and see the smile in her eyes. He couldn't ever find someone else like her, he didn't know if he ever could.

Nobody ever, would have the effect that Dallas James had on him. But the thing is, Paul never wanted anyone else too.

The imprint duo were currently at Sam and Emily's, Paul spending as much time as he could with the blonde before his afternoon patrol. Dallas was sitting next to him at the mahogany dining table, both laughing at a video she had showed him.

"If you ever try and jump scare me like that, I will kill you." Dallas joked, referring to the prank video they had watched.

Paul rolled his eyes lazily, "Dallas, you're literally over a foot shorter than me. I'm not scared of you." Embry snorted from the other side of the table, picking at a muffin lazily as he eyed the duo in amusement.

"Dude come on, she's actually scary. Do you not remember New Years Eve a year ago? She broke that sleazes nose, and had zero regrets either." Paul growled lightly, his body shaking only stopping when Dallas slipped her smaller hand into his own.

After glancing at Paul to make sure he was okay, she turned her attention to Embry. "My hand hurt for days after that, but Paul got into him way worse anyways." Jared hummed in agreement as he walked into the small room, having just finished patrol.

After plonking down on a chair next to Embry, he grabbed his own muffin. "Yeah, it took us like, three hours or something just to calm him down." Dallas raised her eyebrows at this, she didn't know Paul was that angry.

Subconsciously, Paul gently caressed her knuckles with his thumb. "I just couldn't stand to think what could've happened, I lost it. I'm glad I didn't phase on him, but I don't regret hitting him."

"I'm glad you were, even though I am a strong and independent woman," Dallas began, glaring at Jared, Embry and Paul before continuing. "I can handle my own, thank you very much."

"You're welcome." Embry replied, ducking when Dallas and Paul threw pieces of their own muffins in his direction.

"Shut it, Call." Embry flipped Paul off, Dallas rolled her eyes at the two.

"Seriously, how old are you guys? The pair of you are acting like grown ass toddlers."

Jared snickered, "I'm pretty sure toddlers have more common sense."

Dallas nodded, a smirk on her lips as she ignored the wide-eyed looks from the duo. "I think you're right." She agreed, dodging a piece of muffin Embry had thrown her way.

"Aren't you supposed to be on patrol Paul?" Embry asked, before shoving the remainder of his muffin in his mouth. Dallas grimaced at the sight.

"Uh yeah, you are too loser."

"Oh my god, what did I ever do wrong in my life to have such idiot man-children in my pack?!" Sam groaned, shaking his head at the two boys as he entered the small home.

Dallas laughed. "Hey at least you're not best friends, or soulmates with them."

"Hey!" Paul whined, scooting his chair away from the blonde's slightly.

"Oh okay, ruuuuude." Embry dragged out the 'rude', and finished his sentence with a scoff as he crossed his arms.

Sam looked between the pair, before pinching the bridge of his nose. "I feel very sorry for you, Dallas. I really can't imagine what that would do to a person."

Dallas hummed in agreement, as she grabbed Paul's hand again. "I don't know how I'm even sane, to be honest."

Paul and Embry shared a look, before they both chuckled. "You really think you're sane?" Embry asked.

"Yeah yeah, keep tellin' yourself that." Paul said, smiling down at her cheekily when she glared up at him.

"Alright you," Dallas pushed Paul lightly, "can go on patrol now." Paul smirked at her, ignoring Embry fake gagging.

"Promise you won't miss me too much?" He teased, his smirk growing at her reddening cheeks.

She crossed her arms. "If you keep the teasing up, then no I won't."

Paul nodded slowly, as if he didn't fully believe her. "Right, I'm sure you won't. If it means anything, I'll miss you." He leaned down to kiss her forhead, causing her cheeks to redden even more.

Embry and Jared looked at each other, before the latter started chuckling.

"Ooh, who knew Paul would become such a simp." Embry teased, his smile growing when Paul growled at him.

Dallas shoved the taller boy towards the door. "Alright alright, Emily doesn't need her house destroyed."

Paul smiled down at his imprint, before he gestured for Embry to follow him out the door. "Come on, Call. Patrol awaits us." Embry grumbled under his breath as he walked out of the small home, and towards the tree line to wait for Paul.

Dallas stood up on the tips of her toes, internally cursing her ancestors for not allowing her to grow like the rest of her pack, to wrap her dainty arms around Paul's neck. "You be careful out there, I'll meet you at Jake's later?" She spoke softly, smiling when his arms wrapped around her small frame in a hug.

He nodded against the crook of her neck, tightening his grip lightly. "Sure will, still bugs me that he gets to sleep all day while were patrolling." Dallas swatted his head gently, causing the older boy to wince as if her hit actually hurt.

Once the two had pulled away, she pushed him towards the door again as Embry had yelled out impatiently. "Hey, he did an all nighter. Cut him some slack." Paul grumbled under his breath.

"Yeah yeah, see you later Tex." Dallas said her own goodbye to him, as she waved the duo off. Embry and Paul playfully shoved each other as they walked further into the forest, Dallas laughing in amusement as she watched.

"Dallas, get your ass over here and hang out with me. We never get a damn chance to hang out!" Jared called out, already patting the spot beside him on the couch. Dallas rolled her eyes playfully, yet walked over to the comfortable lounge in the lounge room.

Dallas smiled at Sam when she walked past him, the latter sitting at the dining table sorting out paperwork. Sam returned the smile, before burying his face in the paperwork again. She assumed he was working out the patrol schedual, it was all kinds of messed up considering it was just the pack protecting the tribe and now Forks.

After sitting down next to the Cameron boy, she turned to face him with a raised eyebrow. "Where's Kim? Can't she come give you company, you're sort of annoying." Jared mock gasped, before pushing the smaller girl into the edge of the lounge.


"We respect women here, Cameron! Shut it." Sam exclaimed from the kitchen, still not lifting his head from the paperwork in front of him.

Dallas snickered, a triumphant smile on her face. "Sucked in, loser."

Sam sighed. "James! Do I need to constantly remind you all that we have real enemies, we don't have to constantly argue with each other."

Dallas and Jared looked at each other, before they both began pulling faces behind Sams back.

"I know you two are pulling faces at me, very mature guys." The two of them couldn't contain their laughter, angry Sam was the funniest Sam.

Jared continued pulling faces, whilst Dallas tried to talk through her laughter. "We...were n-not e-even l-laughing." Her stuttering as she attempted not to laugh, only increased the humour in the whole situation.

"What on earth is going on in here?" Emily asked as she walked in the door, a bag of groceries in hand as she glanced warily at the three of them.

"Yeah, we go out for a few hours and walk in on Sam looking pissed, and the two of you laughing." Kim added, following Emily into the kitchen to unpack the groceries.

Jared's face lit up, causing Dallas's laughter to die down and her own smile to form. "Kimmy, thank god you're here! I missed you." Jared yelled as he jumped off the lounge -ignoring the protests from Emily- and barrelled into Kim's open arms.

Kim giggled as she wrapped her tanned arms around her boyfriend's neck, pulling him closer so she could press her lips to his head. "I was only gone for a few hours, you're so needy." She teased, pinching one of his cheeks.

Jared pouted down at his imprint. "Doesn't matter, I still missed you." Emily rolled her eyes at Sam and Dallas, the latter finally joining the small group in the kitchen.

"Please tell me Sam and I aren't that bad." Emily asked the blonde, as she shook her head at the imprint duo about to make out in her house.

Dallas glanced at Jared and Kim, before she shrugged he shoulders. "Nah, you're good. Sam is very sappy though, big mean 'ol alpha. Literally the biggest simp out of the lot of us." Sam glared up from his paper work, his glare directed at his younger sister.

Emily sighed in relief, before a teasing smile graced her lips. "Simp, huh? Aw Sammy, you're just too cute!" Sam grumbled, before chucking a random pen at Dallas.

The blonde gasped, before throwing the pen back at Sam's head. "Excuse me, douchebag, I didn't deserve a pen thrown at me."

Sam picked the pen up and aimed it at Dallas's head, but before he could throw it a loud howl was heard. The three shapeshifters looked at each other confused, before Sam ordered them all outside.

The three of them were phased, and out the back of Jacob Black's house in less than five minutes. Embry was the one to howl, he let them know what was happening as soon as they phased. Embry and Paul were patrolling near Jacob's house, when Bella Swan pulled into the driveway. They instantly knew that she would cause something, and they needed to be prepared in case something did.

Once the pack had all phased back into human form, they began walking out of the woods and directly into the furious sight of Bella Swan. Embry tapped Dallas shoulder as the two walked, before he ducked his head towards the smaller girl's ear.

"Ten bucks says she cries." Dallas raised a single eyebrow in amusement.

"Ten says she blames Sam." Jared interjected, joining Embry's other side as he joined the conversation.

Paul smirked at the trio, as he continued swinging his and Dallas's intertwined hands. "Nah, ten says she yells at us."

Sam quickly turned his head to face his pack. "Ten says if the three of you don't shut up, you'll all get the worst patrols." The four of them all glanced at each other in amusement, before their attention was directed to a furious Bella Swan. Trailing them, was Audrey. Dallas and Embry glanced at each other quickly, while Audrey tried to pull Bella back. When Bella shoved her, Embry growled.

She was practically sprinting towards Sam, a look of total anger on her usual nonchalant face. Dallas cringed, she had never seen the Swan girl this angry before. "What did you do!" Bella yelled once she was in front of Sam, as she pushed him for good measure.

"Bels let it go!" Audrey yelled, cradling her broken arm. Dallas seethed in anger, she couldn't believe a fucking leach did that to her best friend.

Sam raised his hand. "Easy!"

Paul glared at the angry girl in front of him. Truthfully, he didn't think much of her. Besides the fact that she caused nothing but trouble for Jacob. He and Jacob might argue a lot, but Jake was his pack brother. He never wanted to see any of his family hurt. But he cared about Audrey, she was best friends with his imprint. "What did we do? What did he do? What'd he tell you?" Paul snapped, feeling his own body begin to shake with anger.

Bella glared incredulously at him, her own anger rising. "Nothing! He tells me nothing, because he's scared of you!" Dallas, Paul, and Jared all laughed at this. Embry just stared at Audrey, a sad look on his face.

Dallas scoffed, Bella sure didn't have a lot of brain cells, but she sure made up for it with audacity. Audrey looked over at Dallas, the latter giving her a sad smile.

As Paul continued to laugh at Bella, she leaned forward and slapped him in the face. Audrey gasped, staggering back slightly as she glared at her sister.

A beat of shocked silence passed, before Dallas felt her body shake in anger. Bella opened her mouth to apologise, but couldn't find the words to say.

Embry reached forward and pulled Audrey back, glaring at Bella with as much hatred as he could in the progress. Audrey protested against him, but slowly calmed down when she noticed Paul shaking.

"I guess you're about to see why I couldn't talk to you, Audrey."


"Hey I think we should go back, see if Jacob's okay." Bella said as she jumped out of the back of run down truck, a look of panic on her normally nonchalant features. Audrey followed her sister, her panicked brown eyes inspecting the house.

Dallas couldn't help but roll her eyes, after the hit Bella directed at her face, everything she did or said pissed her off.

Jared scoffed, turning slightly to face Bella. "I hope Paul sinks some teeth in him, serves him right." Dallas stifled a giggle at his words.

Embry smiled down at his best friend who had just joined his side, before facing Jared with a smirk. "No way, Jake's a natural. See him phase on the fly? I got five says Paul doesn't touch him."

Jared rolled his eyes, before jogging into the house. Only after he made his own bet regarding the 'wolf fight.'

Embry playfully shoved Dallas towards the steps, before smirking at Bella. "Come on in, Bella. We won't bite."

Dallas scoffed, sending a heated glare Bella's way. "Speak for yourself." She quipped, before walking into the house.

Emily smiled at the blonde girl as she placed muffins on the table. "You okay, Dallas?" She asked, concern lacing her tone. Dallas nodded, as she sat down at the table and grabbed a muffin.

"I'm okay, oh my gosh! These muffins are so good." Dallas exclaimed, a mouthful of muffin flying out of her mouth as she spoke. Emily narrowed her eyes at the small girl, but as she opened her mouth to scold her, Bella and Audrey walked into the house.

"Who's this?" Emily asked, not yet noticing Audrey while Dallas, Jared and Embry glanced at each other in amusement. Emily knew damn well who she was, she just wanted to humble the other girl.

Bella stood awkwardly in the entryway of the home, her eyes looking anywhere but Em's face.

Jared rolled his eyes again as he bit into a muffin. "Bella Swan, who else?"

Emily nodded her head in understanding. "Ah, so you're the vampire girl?"

Bella coughed awkwardly. "So you're the...wolf girl." Dallas and Embry gave each other a look, Bella could make waking up in the morning awkward.

"Bella, what's going on?" Audrey demanded, her voice shaking. "What do you know about vampires?"

Bella's eyes dropped, her face paler than usual. "Audrey, I can explain..."

"Explain?" Audrey's voice rose. "You'd better explain! Are the Cullens...are they vampires?" Dallas gaped at Audrey, she felt so guilty that all this was being dropped on her.

Bella nodded, her lips trembling. "Yes, they are. But they're different, Audrey. They don't hurt people."

Audrey's face twisted in anger as Embry began to stand up. "You've been around them, Bella. They've been around dad, me. You've put us in danger!"

Bella's eyes were pleading. "Audrey, listen. The Cullens are good people. They'd never hurt us. And Edward...he loved me."

Audrey felt like she'd been punched in the gut. "Edward? The guy who left you alone in the woods? Left you defenceless against any other crazy vampires?"

Bella nodded, eyes full of tears. "I know it sounds crazy, but they'd never hurt anyone I promise."

Audrey's anger boiled over. "That vampire in the woods sure as shit didn't just leave me alone unharmed, and you said Edward knew him! I could've been killed, Bella!" Embry growled, as Dallas felt her own anger boil.

The room was so silent you could hear a pin drop, and the tension was thick. Audrey shook her head, unable to meet anyone but her sister's eyes. Without speaking, she reached into her sister's pocket and grabbed the keys to the truck. Dallas pushed Embry, silently pleading him to follow her.

As Audrey reached the door, Embry caught up to her, his expression soft with concern. "Audrey, stop. You can't drive like this."

She tried to shake him off, but he gently grasped her good arm, his touch sending a spark through her chaotic emotions.

"I don't want your help," she spat, trying to wriggle free.

After a few moments, the two of them left the house.

Bella's eyes were glued to the floor, while Jared shook his head in disapproval. The door swung open and Dallas felt relieved to see Sam.

Sam greeted Emily, before he looked over at Bella. "Where's Embry and Audrey?"

Dallas sighed, her eyes meeting Emily's for a second as Jared scowled. "Bella didn't tell her own sister anything about vampires, poor girl is fucking traumatised. Embry took her home." Jared explained, his own protectiveness over the Swan girl showing.

Sam sighed, running his hand along his face tiredly. "This is gonna be difficult."

"I couldn't tell her, Jared. It would've been like me telling her about the wolf pack, if she didn't find out today." Bella snapped, her gaze softening slightly when Jake and Paul walked in.

"What's going on?" Jacob asked, standing beside Bella with a tight smile.

Dallas groaned. This was gonna be difficult.

Paul walked over to Dallas and pulled her into his chest. "You okay?" He whispered against her hair when she was wrapped in his arms. Dallas nodded against his chest, feeling her anger disappear as quick as it came on.

"I'm okay, better now that you're here." Paul smiled, before pressing his lips to her head. Jacob coughed awkwardly, causing Paul's head to turn in his direction.

Jacob gestured with his head towards Bella, causing a scoff out of the Lahote boy's mouth. Keeping his arms

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