Ripped umbrella.

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As soon as xiumin and i arrived home, my brothers ran towards me. "noona!!" 

Xiumin: guys! how can you be only paying attention to her? i took care of you guys all this time while she was gone!

★★: "they must be hungry, did you feed them any food?"


brothers(ji-hyun and joo -hyun): "xiumin hyung didn't even give us any food! we were so hungry and we missed you so much!"

★★: aww cuties, i missed you guys too.

xiumin: what about me? am i cute??

★★: no. i don't like you. you didn't even feed my brothers any food.

xiumin made a sad face and quietly went in my room. "haha. cutie."

After making ji-hyun and joo-hyun some food, i went in my room to see what xiumin was doing. He was sitting on my chair, smiling as if he was waiting for me to come in.

★★: why do you always come in my room without my permission?

xiumin laugh-smiled and said, "why? we don't have anything to hide from eachother."

★★: "you're still a boy and i'm a girl."

xiumin just stared at me in the eyes without saying anything. i don't know why but i was blushing."what? why are you staring at me like that?"

xiumin: "cause you're pretty." 

what a joke. "stop it."

xiumin: whyy? i'm serious!"

i felt shy and awkward. "aren't you leaving? aren't you busy?"

xiumin: nope! i'm not busy at all. and you'll probably be bored if i leave you.

★★: "ugh just leave."

xiumin:"bleh. FINE!"

xiumin grumpily put his shoes on.

ji-hyun, joo-hyun: "hyung~ you're alredy leaving?"

xiumin: yep, your sister's kicking me out!

ji-hyun, joo-hyun: hmph. why? stay longer!

xiumin:" earlier you were complaining that i didn't feed you guys any food! you guys hate me!"

ji-hyun, joo-hyun: "★★ said that! not us!"

xiumin: "so you guys like me?"

★★: "ugh just leave!"

ji-hyun, joo-hyun: "hyung~ come over again tomorrow!"

xiumin: " of course, i'm going too!" and xiumin walked out the door with a smile.

after xiumin left, i was washing the dishes when my phone started ringing crazily.

★★: "ugh seriously, xiumin."

text message from xiumin:

-hey hey hey!

-heyheyhey ★★


-hey★★ answer me!!

i answered. -what?!!

xiumin: hey i left my umbrella at your house. it's gonna rain tomorrow. bring my umbrella to school tomorrow! okay?

ugh, he always forgets his stuff at my house.

the next morning, it really started raining hard. my brother's pre-school teacher said that because of such hard rain, they didn't need to come to school. lucky, i thought. i asked the next door ahjumma to look after them while i was gone to school.

As i sent them to the next door ahjumma, my phone rang again.

xiumin: -don't forget to bring my umbrella~~

ugh. i had to go back in my house to get his umbrella.i used xiumin's umbrella on the way to school. parts of his umbrella were ripped.

★★: ugh, my leggings' are all wet.

feeling annoyed, i was grumpily walking untill ....,

i saw two people. suho and choi jin lee. they were walking towards my side, smiling and talking. our eyes met. suho stared with shocked face.i guess suho hates me a LOT, he was trying to ignore me and walk away, but choi jin lee didn't.

choi jin lee: hi~ i see you're going to school, right?

suho: let's go.

i guess suho didn't wanna talk, he was grabbing choi jin lee's hand,trying to pull her away from me. them together and me standing alone with wet leggings and ripped umbrella. i felt miserable.


all of a sudden i heard my name and i turned around. xiumin was running towards me.

xiumin" hey i realized that i had another umbrella at my hou...."

xiumin saw suho and choi jin lee.

xiumin:"....annyeonghasaeyo suho hyung."

then he grabbed my hands. "what are you doing here? come on we gotta go, we're gonna be late for school." he helped me escape the awkward situation. the whole way to school, i walked with xiumin.

I don't know why, but i just suddenly let go of xiumin's hand. "you're annoying." i said.

xiumin stopped, turned around, and looked at me in the eyes. But he didn't say anything.

★★: "it's all your fault."

xiumin: "..ok"

★★: "only if you hadn't asked me to bring that umbrella. only if i just came without going back home to get that stupid umbrella."


i knew it wasn't xiumin's fault, but i just kept yelling at him.

xiumin: "★★...."

the whole time i was yelling at him, he was holding my hand tight. Then  all of a sudden, he let go of my hand.

choi jin lee with suho, smiling and talking with him. the scene kept replaying in my head. at that spot right there, i started crying, very hard.

without even wiping my tears, i cried more hard. xiumin walked up to me. "you were right. i shouldn't have asked you to bring that stupid umbrella. i shouldn't have texted you in the morning. i should have just went to your house and brought it myself."

my clothes were all soaked from the rain. xiumin took off his jacket and wrapped it around me.

xiumin:"i'm sorry.. a lot."

as soon as i heard him saying sorry,i burst into tears again. xiumin hugged me without a word, and i cried for a long time.

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