Chapter II

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"Wake up!"

"Navy..." I heard a soft feminine whisper. I groaned flipping over shoving my face back into my warm pillow. I did not want to wake up from my nap. Waking up means I have to go to the pack meeting, and I really didn't want to go. All of a sudden, I was flipped over with Juliet hovering over me with a wide grin. I would never get used to how strong they really are. She could easily throw me around like a rag doll.

"Can I help you?" I asked her as I opened my eyes to see the bubbly girl sitting on top of me.

"It's time for the pack meeting." she said as she got off me laying down in the bed next to me.

"I don't want to go." I complained making her growl at me in a playful tone. But her little wolfy growls held no real threat behind them.

"But I'm getting my engagement announced tonight." she said poking at my side. My breath hitched at her announcement.

"How do you know if he's your mate or not? " I ask looking at her. How could she just drop everything and surrender it all for some guy.

"I just know. He met me when I was eight. He was twelve so he could tell that we were mates. He's an alpha's son, our fathers made an agreement for us to marry a month after my 20th birthday" she explains with this stupid lovestruck smile on her face. It was almost like she was stuck in a dreamland of a fantasy. It honestly sounded kind of scary marrying someone you don't even know.

"But you don't even know him." I mumbled as I finally got out of the bed to get dressed. I knew I couldn't get out of this meeting, so I gave up my protest.

"But I love him already." Juliet explains as she plays with her curled hair. I sighed as I slipped into my pale blue gown. It was a formal meeting, so dress and heels. I left my natural wavy hair, did my makeup and slipped into a simple pair of heels.

"Ready?" She asked fixing her creamy laced gown. She really did look like a bride. We laced our arms together and made our way out the house and down the road. The pack house was barely a ten-minute walk from my house.

When we got there, mostly everyone has arrived. There were members from Julie's mate's pack. But there were also other pack members from our neighboring packs. The alpha called Juliet to the stage. I strayed to the back of the room avoiding the werewolves from the other packs. The alpha started talking about how the two will join the packs together in the future. Then a tall honey brown haired man came to the stage. That must be her mate.

The way he looked at Juliet made my heart melt. He looked at her like she was the most perfect thing in this horrid world. Juliet had a big smile plastered on her face as her mate made his way over to her. They looked really good together, like some fairy tale couple. I only hoped for someone to have someone to care so much about me as they cared about each other. I would probably never have what they have, the mate bond but I hope for a man who would love me and care for me.

I just wanted to be someone's number one, the first thing they think of when they wake up and the last thing, they think about then they go to sleep. I wanted a mate bond even though I could never have that. Even if I was someone's mate it would be different because I'm not a werewolf. It won't be the same. Mates feel each other's emotions, they can communicate with each other through a link, they are each other's halves. I won't have that because I'm human. Yes, there where human werewolf mates, it wasn't anything rare, it was probably a very low percentage.

The alpha went on with a speech that probably was planned a while ago. Out of nowhere the door busted open with a loud crack getting every ones attention. There stood one of the border controls, clothes ripped and bloodied. The look in his eyes screamed horror and panic.

"They're here." he mumbled before he collapsed to the floor. Everyone started panicking as the lights in the room flickered. It almost seemed to be like a scene from a horror film as children screamed and adults panicked in need to help the dreaded situation.

"We are under attack! Warriors stand your grounds! Children and non-warriors go to the safety room!" The alpha commanded. Our pack has never been under attack, a few rogues here and there but nothing like this. We had always had friendly treaties with all the neighboring packs. The pack wasn't even a large one to be on anyone radar. I tried to get through the people, but no one noticed me and kept pushing through. I had to get out of here and go hide somewhere. I slipped out among the warriors. I rushed down the path to the pack garden. I turned back to see huge wolves jumping out from the forest.

They were bigger than any other wolves I have ever seen. Most were dark gray or dark brown meaning they most likely are purer and aren't mixed with human genes since their colors were so close to black. There were so many of the surrounding the house. Our warriors tried keeping them tamed but they had no chance. We weren't a fighting pack, we lived in peace never getting involved in any wars. I was frozen in my spot as I saw a group of wolf like monsters submerged from the woods.

They were Lycans. Wolves that stood on back feet, large murderous claws, and well a monster mix of a human and wolf. They were the strongest of any creatures known. Most have been killed off because of their power but there were some. I never seen one before. I remember my gram told me stories about Lycans. Her stories were different from other stories told about Lycans. Every story made them seem ruthless, but my gram made them seem like proud hero's that were mistreated. A lot of them where used to fight the most gruesome wars then pushed to the side.

My eyes froze on the Lycan that stood in the middle. He must be the alpha. He was the tallest and had a lot of scars covering his body. His fur was completely black and so were his eyes. He gave of an intimidating aura that was bloodcurdling. His snot scrunched up as if he was smelling the air. His dark eyes widened, and his head snapped up towards the garden. I gasped as those black hole eyes locked on me. His eyes narrowed and a wicked smirk grew on his wolfy face.

I snapped out the daze and turned around running into the garden. I should have never stopped; I should have kept running. I dashed through the hedges as I went farther into the garden. I just wish for my family to be safe. There was nothing I could do but get out. I'm just a human, I would make them worry because I couldn't protect myself.

A deep desperate howl echoed through the night sending a chill through me. It was the Alpha. I felt my heart race way too fast almost as if it were a ticking time bomb about to explode. My whole body felt like it was trembling uncontrollably. I feel to the ground gripping my heart. I gasped for air. I let out short painful breathing trying to compose myself and trying to stay quiet. Behind me was a deep throaty growl. I slowly looked behind me to see the black scarred Lycan tower over me with all of his power.

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