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Goth people hmu<3.
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𝑃𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑤𝑎𝑖𝑡...

"We're here, again."



I dropped face first into my bed and heard Rindou whisper some shit talk about me.

"Ya wanna say that out loud sir?"

"I said you slept the whole time yet said finally, plus I don't get why we have to help u unpack ya lazy hoe."

"I actually never said you had to lil bro."


"BoI put my shit down and gtfo."

"So hostile."


"Okay okay! Jeez.."

He and the others left while I stayed in the same position before I got up and started organizing my things as well as Eunwoo's and Yuma's things.

"Oi Y/n-Chan!"

"What is it Eunwoo?"

"We wanted to know if you wanted to come hangout with us!"

"Like where?"

"Im not sure.. But we just wanna explore since it's our first in a foreign country!"

"Okay let's go."

"Okay we'll wait for you to change!"

Eunwoo went back into the bathroom to help Yuma fix her hair and they started talking about how excited they were.

'Las Vegas never looks good during the day, I should probably take them shopping at the strip.'

I got up and put on a white tank top and gray sweats before I grabbed a black sweatshirt in case I get cold.

"You guys ready?"

"You're gonna wear that?"

"It's hot in LV, even at night."


They came out the bathroom after a couple of minutes and we put on our shoes before sneaking out.

"Imma go to the kitchen first, I'm kinda hungry."

"Isn't it looked at night."


"Ohhh, we'll go with you!"

"Wait outside the door and knock lightly two times if you hear or see someone coming okay?"


"Okay Y/n-Chan!"

We made it to the kitchen and I lockpicked the door before they gave me a thumbs up and stood on guard.

I walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge to find any food but then I heard a noise not from outside but from inside the kitchen.

"Oh shit."

I crouched and hid behind the counter before I heard the fridge open and someone munching.

'Their chewing sounds like the Chuck E. Cheese ticket machine.'

I got up slowly and saw it was just Rindou's fat ass, god damn bro leave some shit for people.



"What are you doing here?"

"What are you doing here?"

"Finding food how bout you?"

"Same, why are you all dressed up?"

"I'm just sneaking out."

"Can I come?"

"Girls trip sorry."

"Next time then, bye N/n."

"Bye bye Rin."

I walked out and saw Yuma and Eunwoo looking worried, they were still in the same positions but they stopped when I raised an eyebrow.

"We heard someone inside are you okay?"

"It was just Rindou's huge ass munching on shit."

"Ah okay, ready to go?"

"Hell yeah!"

We took the back door out and started walking a good distance away before we started being loud.

"Whispering hurt!"

"You're just a loud mouth Yuma!"


"Come on guys."

I started walking and they catches up to me and held my arm to stop me before they asked where we were going.

"We're going to my old house."

"You lived here before?"


"Cool! But why are we going there?"

"I just wanna see if everything's the same, and if my old bike is still there."

"Even if it's still there I bet it got no gas."


After what felt like hours of walking we made it to the house and I pulled out my old house keys and to my suprise it still worked, I made a motion for them to come in and they did so but hesitantly.

"It looks like a haunted house!"

"I mean I don't think people lived here."

"I think some people still live here, I mean there's a car parked outside!"

I walked into the hallway and opened a door to a room to see if it was the same, I saw someone sleeping and snoring, I smiled at the sight before I closed the door.

"Your room?"

"No, my cousin."

"Ah, is she still in there?"


I opened the door again for them to look, they looked horrified so I turned around and saw her standing at the door looking confused.

"Who the fuck are you and how did you get in?"

"Shal you don't remember me?"

"I don't think so... N/n-Chan?!"


She gave me a huge hug and started talking about things that happened since I was gone before she finally asked why I was here.

"School trip, how's Mari?"

"She's sleeping right now."

"In my room?"

"Yeah if that's okay but the room is kept the same dw."

"I mean you don't have to."

"She wanted to, because she said something like it's a permanent dream to her?"

"Sappy, is my bike still here?"

"Yeah Mari filled it up this morning in case you came back and I guess her instincts were correct."

"I needa go and take the bike so do you still have the keys?"

"In the garage, guess I'll see you soon."

"We can hang out tmrw, you, me, Mari and my other friends."

"Okay see you tmrw N/n."

"See ya Shal."

I walked into the garage with Yuma and Eunwoo following before I opened the garage door and went to find my bike.
"There she is."

I took the dust infected blanket off and there was my white hello kitty bike, she had a bunch of stickers on her most of them being Garfield and Hello kitty.

I got on the bike and had only two helmets so I gave one to Yuma and Eunwoo since they were more prone to accidents.

"Hold on okay?"



They held on and I started the bike before I drove out the garage and towards the strip.

"Wow it's beautiful!"


"It's better at night than it is day."


We made it to the strip and I fucking realized I didn't bring money, they got off and started taking pictures but I opened the seat of the bike to see if there was any money left, sure enough there was exactly $226.47 dollars.
'I think the money was from the time I got paid at my tutoring job.'

They came back after taking pictures and waited until I finished, we walked around until they finally decided what store they wanted to go to.

"This is so cute!"

"No this is!"

"Mine is better Eunwoo!"



"You with those girls?"

"Yeah, got an issue?"

"Nah, just never seen 3 Asian girls in one store together."

"It's America you've seen it atleast one time."

"You're cute, what's your ig?"

"No thanks, bye byeee."

I walked off and towards Yuma and Eunwoo to see what they were buying.

They were inspecting this graphic tee but were confused about the price.
"What does this say? 60 dollars... N/n-Chan what does 60 dollars mean?"

"It's $9,194.22 yen."

"The stuff here is so expensive!"

"We can go to Daiso."

"They have a Daiso here?!"


"Let's goo!"


We made it back and fell down on our beds, I got up to change and brush my teeth while they got up to see what they bought.

I came out the bathroom to see them brag about whose items are cuter or better.

"You guys literally bought the same things but with a different color."

"How could my bestfriend say something so horrible!"

"We're demoting you Y/n!"

"Who paid for your things?"

"Holy shit you're right.. I'm demoting you Eunwoo!"


"You two hush and go to bed."

They started giggling before they complied.

I laid down on my side trying to sleep before I felt pressure put on me, I opened my eyes to see Eunwoo on the left of my bed while Yuma on the right.


They smiled at me before they dozed off and after a while, I did too.

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1356 words.

Song of the day: You Right - Doja cat, The weekend.

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