Chapter 5

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Skylar didn't know what she was expecting but this certainly wasn't it. It was a grand modern-looking building with flat white walls and windows. What Skylar assumed were students were walking around the school grounds, talking and mingling with each other. The car drove slowly so they didn't hit anyone. The sky was dimmer than daylight, but the streets and sidewalks were lit up with lanterns, illuminating a warm glow on the students. Skylar was amazed by everything. She looked over at Conlon but his face was turned away from her.

"Pretty great, isn't it?" Lex asked, turning to look at her.

"I can just tell you have a million questions just by the energy you are giving off," Lex said with a wink. "Don't worry the headmistress will explain everything," Lex said, turning back to face forward. As Skylar looked back outside, she noticed interesting tattoos on some people. Shapes and symbols. Skylar's train of thought was interrupted when Lex let out an excited squeal.

"Salem Hi! Hi hi hi It's me Lex. Salem Hi!" Lex called, sticking her head out the window and waving violently at a group passing by. Skylar looked over at the group to see who Lex was calling. A tall black person with short black locs, golden loc jewelry in their hair. Skylar's heart dropped when she saw the person called Salem look away in embarrassment while their friend laughed at Lex's greeting. Lex didn't seem to notice but if she did she didnt care, she just kept on waving and calling to the person called Salem. When Salem was out of sight Lex dipped her head back into the car.

"I like them," Lex said bluntly.

"You like everyone," Kent said jokingly..

"Yeah, maybe but I REALLY like them," Lex said with amusement, a goofy smile plastered on her face. Kent just rolled his eyes and kept driving.

"This building to the left is where all of your main classes will be. It's the building more focused on mind magic so you'll be there, So will I. It's also like super old and was like sacrificial temple for vampires or whatever." Lex said that statement did not put Skylar at ease. The building was made of stone and had a pillar akin to a bell tower stood up front, its age evident in its cracked walls. As they passed the building Skylar shifted her attention out the window., and her heart skipped a beat. He was the most inhumanely beautiful man Skylar had ever seen. He was sitting by a tree reading, most likely schoolwork. His brunette hair was only down to his shoulders and he had on a pair of glasses that were slipping down his nose. He was dressed in some sort of band shirt. It looked like weezer.

"OOoooooOOoOOOOH whatcha lookin at Sky?" Lex asked in a playful tone.

"O-oh um it's nothing-and my name is Skylar." She responded with her cheeks flushing and she turned away..

"MMMHHHMMMM" Lex said, a cheeky grin spread across her face, she winked at Skylar and turned to look forward. They continued to drive slowly for a few more moments before they stopped at an impressive building. It was old and Skylar would describe it as haunting-looking. The walls were gray and falling apart and some of the windows were broken. It was eerie and a whispering hum sang through the air like a man's dying breath.

"Don't be nervous guys, the headmistress is super friendly " Lex said, unbuckling her seatbelt. Kent put the car in park and then Skylar and Conlon did the same. They got out of the car and Skylar was relieved to stretch her legs once again. Kent walked behind the car and got the bags out of the trunk. Conlon walked over and grabbed a large newspaper bag from the back and threw it over his shoulder.

"Thank you," He said in a thick Russian accent. He smiled and nodded and then grabbed Skylar's bag. Skylar noticed that Lex had already disappeared and it was just her, Conlon, and Kent. Kent, noticing this, sighed and apologized for Lex abandoning them. Kent walked them over to the old broken down building. He opened the door and it made a loud creaking noise. Skylar gasped when she looked inside. The place was covered in white marble and pillars next to the door healed the roof up. Classical music played on the speakers and the building was almost completely empty.

"I'll be dropping your bags off in your dorms, go right on in. The Headmistress is already waiting for you" Kent said, closing the door behind Skylar and Conlon before either of them could say anything. Her and Conlon were all alone.

"I think we should go in that door," Conlon said in a whisper pointing to a great big door made of bronze at the end of the hallway, sticking out like a sure thumb in the midst of all the clean marble. Skylar nodded and started walking down the hall. She slowed to admire a painting on the wall. The painting was of a woman, the features of her face gone, but she wore a dress made of earth and water. Her arms stretched out in a welcoming embrace, under framed painting was the title "Terracotta" there was no date or name of the artist.

"This one is nice, yeah?" Skylar asked, trying to fill the awkward silence with conversation.

"da very pretty," Conlon said softly. Skylar chuckled. For someone who looked big and scary, he spoke with a lot of serenity. Skylar looked down and noticed he was holding his case.

"What's that?" She asked, gesturing down at the case in his hand.

"My violin," he said plainly.

"Oh cool. How long have you been playing?" Skylar asked, trying to fule the painful small talk into a conversation. Conlon waited a few moments before replying coldly.

"My whole life. I use it for my magic, "he said. By now they had reached the end of the long empty hallway and they stopped in front of the door. Next to the door on a golden plaque was the words "Vasia Everlee. Headmistress" Skylar looked up at Conlon to see what he was going to do. He stared at the door for a few moments before looking down at Skylar. She hesitantly raised her fist and knocked on the red door. The sound echoed through the empty hallway and then the sound faded to a whisper. A few moments passed before Come in a voice in her mind echoed. Conlon gasped quietly and looked around.

"Don't worry she just spoke in your mind, don't be afraid," Skylar comforted.

"Bitch I know," Conlon said with an attitude. The room was dark but had a fire burning in the fireplace. Portraits and bookshelves were all around the wall. Vines and plants hung from the ceiling and magnificent carpet covered the floor. A desk with a grand chair in the middle of the room. Skylar and Conlon sat down on the two smaller chairs on the other side of the desk.

From behind them, a warm, welcoming voice shouted, "Conlon Spot and Skylar Fedelma, welcome to my school." The two of them turned to see the headmistress standing in front of them. Her silver hair was long and curly and almost touched the floor, and she was dressed in long purple garments. She smiled sweetly at them, and sat down in the chair on the other side of the desk.

"I am the headmistress Vasia Everlee and Welcome...welcome. I'm positive you have many questions for me" She said and Skylar and Conlon both nodded, unsure of who should ask the first question. The headmistress seemed to feel the tension in the air clasped her hands together.

"Let me show you all the wonderful things this school has to offer," she said. "I'm sure you'll love it here!" 

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