The Return

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Senn stared out over Ateraxia, thinking about what would have happened if Tygren never showed up. It wasn't fair that he killed Thalleous. Osivian could be as good as dead as far as he knew. RIa hadn't seen him since the attack.

He looked at the storm rolling in from the west, like a thick blanket rolling in, ready to smuther him in darkness. A flash of lightning light up the center of the cloud, with a rumble of thunder shortly after. the storm will be arriving soon. 

Senn turned away from the incoming storm and walked into Galleous's blacksmith shop. He gathered some iron, sticks and a hammer and went to his anvil. He started hammering away, making a iron sword similar to Thalleous's sword. Tygren still probably gloated his victory against Thalleous to the Deathsinger. His return had occurred only months ago, but still no sign of him. He kept hammering until he heard footsteps approaching the entrance. 

Senn sighed. Galleous was out talking with someone who could teach him how to use his Song. 

"Do you need a tool, or need repairs?" he asked over his shoulder.

"No, we're looking for my brother, Galleous. Have you seen him around?" one person said.

Senn froze. Galleous only had one brother, but.....

He turned around and saw two Ardoni, a Nestoris and a Sendaris. the Nestoris was badly injured and his markings weren't familiar. However, the Sendaris markings were all too familiar...

"Thalleous?" Senn whispered.

The Nestroris looked at the confused Thalleous. 

"Have you met before?" he asked.

"Thalleous hide the Prime songs since the Great War ended. He took me to Crown Peak to hide the last one," Senn rushed out.

Both of the Ardonis looked confused.

"I'm sorry, kid, but the Deathsinger has the Prime Songs. He killed the Masters for them." The Nestoris said.

Deathsinger had the Prime Songs? there was no word that he had obtained one. which meant he was still looking. which also meant... 

"You're from the past," Senn gasped. 

"So we're in the future?" Thalleous said. "Why would Ingressus want to come here?"

"Beats me," The Nestoris said.

"Senn, who are you talking to in there," Galleous's voice rang out from outside.

"Uhhhhh," Senn simply said.

"I just got word from Merlin that Cydonia and K'arthen stopped fighting. I'm guessing that....." at this pint Galleous had walked in and spotted the 2 Ardonians.

"Achillean? Is that you?" Galleous said.

The Nestoris, Achillean, nodded.

Galleous looked at Thalleous and was awestruck.

"Senn told me you died!" Galleous shouted.

"Died? No, i'm not dead," Thalleous said.

They're from the Past, Galleous, they don't know anything that happened yet," Senn finally found his voice and pipped up.

"Ok, so Deathsinger returned, and you snuck in behind him, correct?" Galleous asked.

The 2 Ardonians nodded.

"Achillean told me that Deathsinger passed through the portal saying that he would return after he was forgotten." Thalleous said.

Galleous was obviously still trying to process this.  

"why would he want to come back, especially to the future?"

"we don't know,"

"Where is he now?

"We don't know?"

"Where would the Prime Songs be?"

"I wouldn't know, I'm not the 1 who hid them,"

This went on for a while, so Senn walked out of the shop.

Thalleous and Achillean? Here? From the Past? Senn was trying to wrap this around his head. he started running. He had to tell the Master's and Ria!

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