Where is Jesus?

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Where is Jesus?


As I look around
I see a lot going on 
Christmas decorations 
Here and there

Christmas trees
Bright lightings

I stare at a Christmas tree 
And I wonder what I see
Then I ask myself, Where is Jesus?
Is there a meaning to this tree?

Where is Jesus in all of this?
Is it not about the birth of Christ 
Where is Jesus?
Is this Christmas?

I ponder for a while 
Tears begin to well in my eyes
And I look away

But as I stood there 
I stopped myself 
From delving into emotions

For I know that emotions
Do not bring me
Into the presence of God

I quietened myself to be still 
And I realised in that moment 
The answer to my question

I did not expect it 
But I felt my heart beat 
So strongly yet calmly 

Indicating to me 
That my heart is
Where Jesus really is
Right inside of me

You are reading the story above: TeenFic.Net