The Only Exception
Nico di Angelo x Reader
When I was younger I saw my daddy cry
And curse at the wind.
He broke his own heart and I watched
As he tried to reassemble it.
Nico nervously fidgeted with his fingers. Jason had talked him into asking (y/n) out. She had happily replied yes and tonight was the night. The two of them were going out for dinner. Nico was suppose to pick her up at her house in Indiana and then they would go to one of her favorite restaurants.
Nico’s nerves were on edge. His first date with the girl of his dreams.
“How’s this.” Nico stepped out of his bathroom to Percy, Jason, Annabeth, and Piper sitting on his bed. They were trying to decide what outfit he should wear. He was wearing a dark black polo with dark jeans; it was the seventh outfit he had tried on.
“I like it.” Annabeth said with a smirk. I didn’t like this at all. Being judged by his friends wasn’t helping his nerves, but he needed an outfit.
“I still like the tuxedo better.” Percy stated.
“He’s not wearing a tux on a first date!” Jason said.
“Why not?”
“Because that would be ridicules.”
“Guys, I’m right here.” Piper got up and started fixing his collar he leaned away from her touch.
“You’re wearing this. What are you going to with your hair?” Piper asked as she dug in her bag, pulling out a brush. Nico put his hands protectively over his hair.
“I’m going to leave my hair as it is.” Piper frowned fine. She sat back down. “Can I go now?”
“What are going to say?” Percy asked.
“We’ll have a conversations.” Nico said.
“Are you going to bring flowers?” Jason asked.
“Should I?” Nico responded.
“Yes, I’ll go to the Demeter’s cabin and see if they have any good first date flowers.” Jason got up and left. Nico groaned and fell onto his bed. Piper yelled at him to get up. He jumped up and Piper picked up a lint roller and started fixing his shirt.
And my momma swore
That she would never let herself forget.
And that was the day that I promised
I’d never sing of love if it does not exist.
You were standing in front of your four brothers, A.J., Will, Derek, and Link. You were wearing a blue sleeveless dress with a black belt and a black lace skirt with a flower pattern on it. You twirled in a circle with your arms up.
“What do you guys think?” You asked with a smile.
“I still think you should wear the black turtleneck.” A.J. joked.
“Guys, seriously. I really like Nico, okay? I want this date to go good.” You said, you crossed you arms.
“I like it.” Derek said.
“And my hair’s okay like this?” You asked, running your fingers through your (c/h) hair.
“Yes.” All four boys answered like zombies. You were about to yell at them when the doorbell rang. All boys perked up like a dog, they smiled.
“No, don’t you dare.” You growled.
“Too late, sis.” Link said grabbing his sister into a hold, pinning her arms. The other three boys got up and started running toward the door.
“No! A.J.! Derek! Will!” You struggled against Link. “Link let me go, please!” You said. He could feel him smiling.
“Well, any potential boyfriend must be interrogated.”
“Link I don’t want to do this, but you have three seconds.”
“(y/n) you’re not getting out A.J. has been helping me with my-“
“I’m not following for it-“
“If I say 1, I’m going to kick you in the crouch.” He let go and instantly backed away. “Thank you brother dear.” You let no moment go to waste, you ran down the stairs hoping they hadn’t messed with Nico to bad.
“A.J. Derek. Will, thanks for getting the door, but I got it from here.” They walked away mumbling. You heard A.J. telling Link ‘thanks’ and Link responding with ‘She was going to punch me in the crouch, what would you have done?’
You looked at Nico. He looked very handsome, wearing a dark polo and dark jeans, his hair messy, but nice.
But darling,
You are the only exception
You are the only exception
You are the only exception
You are the only exception
He was holding dead flowers.
You couldn’t help the pity glance.
“Sorry Persephone hates me, she says I need to eat more cereal.” You smiled and took the flowers from his hand.
“They’re fine. I’m sorry about my brothers, they can be jerks sometimes, but they’re great guys I promise.”
“See, we are great guys!” Link yelled from back in the house.
“The offer still stands, Link, the offer still stands!” You yell back. The boys didn’t bother you rest of the night, well at least till you got home.
“So should we get going?” He offered his arm. You happily accepted his arm.
“Let’s.” You walked into the shadows with Nico.
Maybe I know somewhere deep in my soul
That love never lasts.
And we’ve got to find other ways to make it alone.
Or keep a straight face.
You didn’t necessarily like shadow traveling and since neither of you have a car, it was either as one of (y/n)’s brothers or get Percy to drive you too. You both chose shadow traveling. Nico stepped out of the wall, followed by (y/n).
“So this is your favorite restaurant?”
“It’s a Japanese hibachi and yes it’s really really good.” You looked at him and realized the price was on his mind. “Don’t worry about the price, we have a family friend that works here and I called and he said it was on the house.” You said. Nico nodded. He was embarrassed that he couldn’t even pay for the date. “Hey, it’s okay, we are here to have a good time, remember?”
“Yeah.” Nico said with a rare, genuine smile.
And I’ve always lived like this
Keeping a comfortable distances.
And up until now I have sworn to myself
That I’m content with loneliness
The hostess showed us to our table. Nico pulled out your chair and you sat down.
“Thank you.” You said. He nodded in agreement, sitting next to you. You looked at him. “You’re still nervous! Nico I’m not going to bite!” You smiled and you got a shaky grin from him.
“It’s just this is my first date.” Nico said rather quickly, you smiled.
“Me too.” He kept nodding.
Because none of it was ever worth the risk.
You two had waited for the other to be seated and then they took your orders. (y/n) got scallops and Nico got chicken. You two watched the hibachi chef cook, ignoring the other people around you.
Now if you’ve ever been to a hibachi restaurant you know they like to have fun and sometimes they throw rice for you to catch with your mouth. Let’s just leave this part at; Nico couldn’t catch the rice the first time…or the fourth time.
Well you are the only exception.
You are the only exception
You are the only exception
You are the only exception
“So, your brothers?” Nico asked through a mouthful of fried rice.
“Yeah, they can be jerks, but I have to love them. Once you get to know them I’m sure they’ll be nicer.” He nodded. You stole a piece of his chicken.
“What?” You put the chicken in your mouth with a smile. He angrily shoveled another forkful of rice into his mouth. “Here you can have some of my rice.”
“No. I don’t want your rice.” He crossed his arms and smiled.
“Fine then, so how’s Hazel?” You asked putting a scallop in your mouth.
“She’s fine, still dating Frank.” You nodded, you didn’t personal know Hazel and Frank, but you had heard a lot about them from Nico.
I’ve got a tight grip on reality
But I can’t let go of what’s in front of me here.
I know you’re leaving in the morning when you wake up.
Leave me with some kind of proof it’s not a dream.
After you two had finished your dinner. Nico suggested that the two of you went on a walk before taking you home. You were not eager to shadow travel and you decided that that was a good idea. You walked out of the restaurant, followed by Nico.
“Where do we go?” Nico asked. Since you guys were Downtown Indianapolis you figured the two of you weren’t that far away the Circle. The Circle was a Soldiers & Sailors Monument, which was lit very pretty at night.
“This way.” You were about to lead the way when Nico reached for your hand. Happy with the gesture you held his hand.
You are the only exception
You are the only exception
You are the only exception
You are the only exception
You two walked the streets. Nico’s walk was strangely filled with confidence. And he talked the whole time. You listened to him, hanging on to every word. He talked about Italy. He avoided, as best he could, to talk about his family, but every once in awhile a story of Bianca would find it’s way in.
You are the only exception
You are the only exception
You are the only exception
You are the only exception
“We’re here.” You stopped and he looked up.
“Wow.” He looked and you and you looked at him, eyes locking. “Can I kiss you?” Nico asked nervously,
And I’m on my way to believing.
Oh, and I’m on my way to believing.
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