Shadow of a God
Shayfer James
MacCready x Reader (F!SS)
Good lady
I was currently walking behind the boss while we were on our way back to Red Rocket. We had just cleared out and set up another settlement for the minutemen. It still boggled me that (Y/n) did all of this for free. She never asked for anything in return.
"Hey, Boss?"
Tread Lightly
"What's up, Mac?" She responded. She normally would stop and look at him while he talked, but today she kept walking it. My nerves were racked. Telling (y/n) my feelings I had developed for her after all her help and kindness. Which honestly I wasn't surprised about my new feelings that had arisen. She had helped me with no questions asked she risked her life for mine and my son's.
Dark matter debutante
When I didn't proceed with my question, she stopped and turned to look at me, with worry in her eyes.
"Is everything okay, MacCready?" She asked, walking back towards me and holstering her laser pistol.
She's waging a one women war
"Uhh... I just fu-ahhhhhh I need to talk to you about something." Her eyes were filled with curiosity and I watched her hand go over her pocket which knew had the wooden toy solider Lucy had given me and I had given (Y/n) to attempt to show her my feelings.
"I hope I didn't do anything to upset you?"
Swinging from the shadow of a god
"No, not all. I mean honestly the opposite." I took off my hat and scratched the back of my head. "I feel like since I've meet you my life's been getting better and I feel like all you do is give and I take and I don't where I'm trying to go with this." I looked at her, her expression seemed unreadable.
She's waging a one women war
"All you do is for others and you never expect anything in return. You helped me and I-"
"You're rambling I'm sorry, but I don't understand where you're going with this." She said gently, I sighed.
She's swinging from the shadow of a god
"I think." I cleared my throat. "I think I'm in love with you." She stared at me. She didn't say anything.
She's waging a one women war
"I'm sorry, (Y/n), I shouldn't have said anything. I'm-"She grabbed my hand and continued to stare at me.
"I-I love you too." She said softly, as she gently kissed as cheek. I smiled to myself.
"I have never been happier in this god forsaken wasteland." I said. She smiled brightly and I did the same. Today was a good day.
Swinging from the shadow of a god.
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