Misguided Ghost Link x Reader (Ocarina of Time)

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Misguided Ghost


Link x Reader (Ocarina of Time)

I am going away for a while

But I’ll be back, don’t try and follow me

‘Cause I’ll return as soon as possible

See I’m trying to find my place

But it might not be here where I fell safe

We all learn to make mistakes

            It had been 7 long years since you had last saw ‘the hero in green’. Everyone had told you that he was dead; they would say things like ‘If this so called ‘hero’ was here why were we plagued with death, poverty, and illness?’ Questions like that weighed heavy on your mind.

            Of course you didn’t know what to say. He was your best friend and you would be lying if you denied that he was handsome or that you hadn’t thought of you guys as a couple, well until he left.

            And the worst part was the fear you would never find closure.

And run

From them, to them

With no direction

We’ll run from them, from them

With no conviction

            You remembered the day Link had left so clearly, often you went over it in your mind. You also wondered if there was something different you could have said to get him to stay.

            “Link you don’t have to leave.” You said gently stroking his face. His new green outfit made him…. look even older.

            “I do, it’s my job to protect Hyrule and to stop Ganon.”

            “But none of the stuff you’ve said has happened.”

            “I know, but you’re going to understand one day.”

            “But Link-“ You felt a tear role down your cheek.

            “I will come back.” He wiped the tear away. “I promise.”

‘Cause I’m just one of those ghosts

Traveling endlessly

Don’t need no roads

In fact they follow me

            I haven’t heard from him since.

And we just go in circles

            I was sitting in the graveyard next to my brother’s tombstone. He had died two years ago. He was a Hyrule guard who was killed in action.

            I wasn’t giving much thought when I looked up and saw a man in green.

Well now I’m told that this is life

And pain is just a simple compromise

So we can get what we want out of it

Would someone care to classify

Of broken hearts and twisted minds

So I can find someone to rely on.

            He starts to walk toward me, and he looks very familiar, till it clicks in my head. I stood up slowly walked toward him as if it was a dream

And run

To them, to them

Full speed ahead

On you are not, useless

We are just

            “Link?” Tears welled in my yes and he pulled me into a tight hug.

            “It’s me.” He breathed into my neck. “It’s me. I’m back.” I pulled away from his arms and smacked him.

            “And next time you leave for 7 years, I’ll kill you.” I said forcefully.

Misguided ghosts

Traveling endlessly

The ones we trusted much

Pushed us far away

And there’s no one road

We should not be the same

But I’m just a ghost

And still they echo me

"And this is for coming back.” I pressed my lips to his.

They echo me in circles 

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