chapter 14

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Hey guys there is gonna be a LOT of fluff in this chapter cause I'm brain dead and I wanted to make some thing cute for you guys. Also this is almost a filler chapter... ALMOST!!!

After Nashi and YN figured every thing out, they decided to "break off". Or in other terms, leave each other alone for a little to process this in formation.

After the discovery to the girls, YN left and went to the daycare to pick up her young daughter, Alaina.

Once YN had gotten to the daycare, she discovered SonEx playing with Yn's daughter, SonEx was chasing Alaina around for a while, untill she noticed your presence and ran to hide behind you.

SonEx blushed once he saw you, and made his way towards you.

You have know the 'gang' for about three months. You had grown closer to every one. Especially Nashi and SonEx.

You have to admit... You may have developed a small crush on the two now 'fusions' as they call it...

Holly hell, your head over heels for the combined heggies.

You planned on telling the two your feeling soon, but little did you know that they planned on the same thing.

When SonEx walked over to you as you picked Alaina up, you told him thank you and asked did he would like to come over for a little while.

SonEx happily complied.

On the way to your house, you both planned a way to tell the other that you liked them.

You decided to have a movie night with popcorn and at the end, you would tell him how you feel. And if it all works out, you would ask him to be your boyfriend.

Now Ex is not a very romantic person. He's never really been in relationship so you couldn't blame him.

Sonic on the other hand usually runs from love....

So they both decided that before they leave, they come would straight forwards and tell you. And if it works out, ask for you to become their new girlfriend.

And so it was settled.

You had SonEx pick out a movie while you made popcorn. They ended up picking out 'the kissing booth' (I love that movie!!!) While you two sat and ate homade caramel popcorn that YN created.

During the movie, you kept snuggling closer to SonEx, not that he even minded or noticed.

At the end of the movie, you nervously sat up and began to bite your lip.

At the same time, you two spoke,

"Hey YN/ h-hey SonEx"

You both looked at each other, a faint blush on his cheeks. But let's just say, you could put a cherry and tomato to shame.

"Uhh... Y-you go fi-first SonEx..." You spoke quietly.

"Uh o-ok... Ummmm... Y-YN, I...I like you.. a lot actually. And I was wondering if mab-"

You didn't even let him finish and you Fung at him and clung your self on him. You connected your lips not long afterwards, still hugging him.

Right when you were about to let go, SonEx deepened the kiss and started a whole make out session.

After the whole make out session was over and done with, you two cuddled for a while while watching the TV.

This was sadly interrupted but the news channel flicking on.

We interrupt this daily program to bring you some breaking news...

Dr. Eggman is back and with more forced of evil.

That's right Troy
Dr. Eggman showed himself once again, and this time he brought backup.

That's correct Suzie, eggman apparently joined forces with a force who calls himself, shadow blade.

They seem to be looking for something, or someone...

They claim to be looking for two mobians. They are named, Nashi and YN.

Right again Troy, it se-

You quickly cut the television off and transformed into your first form.

In case you guys forgot what it looked like. Also this is what your other forms look like just colored different and different accessories.

But before you could leave, SonEx stoped you.

"YN you can't go out there. You're one of the people they're looking for. And I bet shadow is doing the same thing to Nashi right now since they are together."

"SonEx, first, there is no stoping me. Second, no shadow isn't. He isn't because they are no longer together."

Is all he replied with and allowed you to go.

You flew to the scene and were horrifyed at what you were seeing.

Chaos was loose every where...

Fire was spreading amongst the town and first, buildings were collapsing into ruble, and mobians were running around.

You finally looked up to see none other than Nashi trying to fight a two on one battle because shadow was just watching from not to far away. You were pissed to say the least. And also glad you lived in a open region by yourself so Alaina didn't need to be wrapped up in this bull shit.

You went up to shadow and slapped him across the face and started to lecture him into helping.

Soon after SonEx came and joined the fight.

They took down eggman, but didn't realize the bomb that was planted if eggman lost.

Once he ran away, the bomb set off and knocked everyone far away.


Hey guys sorry for the cliffhanger but I want the ending to the book to be a secret and long af. So I hope you enjoyed. Baiiiiiiii

Nashi out

Word count: 925

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