Chapter 4

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A/N: Hello all! It's been a while huh? Anyways I'm very sorry for the delay in this story. Things have been quite hectic for me lately and the only writing I've been able to do is with Elitists... Plus, I have recently been hired for a summer job and I'm getting ready to start in the next week or so. Anyways! I hope you guys enjoy the chapter!

Percy was up the next morning before the sun had risen for the day. He headed up to the roof and began practicing with his swords fighting an invisible enemy. As he did this, Annabeth watched him. Analyzing his combat style, trying to figure him out. But so far, she was failing which was frustrating, to say the least.

'Who are you?' she thought to herself. 'Why do this? What is your motivation for fighting? Is it power or greed? Or perhaps a selfless reason?'

As she watched, she saw something that was familiar to her. A type of focused look in his eyes that she has only seen in her patron Artemis. As she watched him up until the sun was rising, she saw that he was focused on his task. A type of focus that would rarely break even if he was a demigod.

When the sun had finally arisen, Percy said, "Why were you watching me Annabeth?"

Annabeth's face turned red and she turned her head to the side.

"S-Shut up," Annabeth replied. Percy chuckled and her face turned even more red.

When Percy was done chuckling, and Annabeth's blush was gone, our hero said, "You haven't answered the question Annabeth. Why were you watching me?"

Annabeth crossed her arms. Her grey eyes are cold and calculating.

"Because you are a mystery to me, Jackson," she told him. "And I want to find out more about you before I make my decision."

Percy raised an eyebrow.

"And that decision would be...?" Percy asked, turning to face her.

"Whether or not I should kill you for being a danger to my sisters and to Olympus," Annabeth declared.

The air between them suddenly grew cold and for a split second, Annabeth thought she saw cold silver eyes.

"If I was a threat to you and your home, Annabeth," began Percy, "then I would have already tortured you for information on the army of the Greeks as well as their capabilities. And not to mention the systematic killing of your army leaders as well as the destruction of your fellow Hunters."

Annabeth realized that he was being serious. And that he would be able to do it in less than a day if he tried.

"You only saw what I was capable of with a blade, Chase," Percy continued. "Not with a bow. I'm pretty sure that with a single arrow I could obliterate a small town."

Annabeth took a step back.

"W-What?" she stammered.

Percy shrugged.

"Yeah," he stated. "Figured that most of the weapons I already had before I started analyzing the ones from the museums had destructive abilities."

Annabeth looked at him strangely. As if she didn't know what to think. On one hand, this male before her has the power to wipe out a small town completely. However, on the other hand, he is a male with a twisted view and he would more than likely destroy a small town just to save his family... If his loyalty to his mother is anything to go by. But this gave birth to a terrifying thought, 'If one of his loved ones were being held hostage, what would he do?'

"Are you still there?" Percy asked, walking up to her.

Annabeth looked up and into the eyes of the sword summoner.

"Y-yeah," Annabeth replied.

"Did you just stutter?" Percy asked in amusement. He had a smirk on his face, one that Artemis has when she teases her hunters or when she one-ups her twin brother. "You did, didn't you?"

"Sh-shut up," Annabeth turned her head to the side and gained a pink dusting on her cheeks.

Percy chuckled before grabbing a towel from the back of a chair and wrapping it around his shoulders.

"I'm getting a bit hungry," Percy stated with a small smirk on his face. "And you?"

Annabeth blushed when her stomach rumbled and Percy's smirk grew larger.

"I'll cook," Percy said walking to the entrance to the roof.

The two of them soon reached the door of Percy and Sally's apartment and walked in and they found Sally and Artemis chatting away like two friends who haven't seen each other in years. Sally got up from the couch where she was talking to Artemis before saying, "I see that you watched him practice for the past few hours. Are you two going to start dating anytime soon?"

Artemis sighed as Annabeth blushed before denying Sally's statement.

"Sally," Artemis said calmly. "Please stop. She's taken an oath and can no longer date. Less she wants to lose her blessings."

Sally pouted and Percy shook his head at his mother's actions.

A few hours later

A few hours passed and it was time for Percy to go to Camp Half-Blood and discover his destiny. Percy sighed as he walked out of the apartment building and towards his mother's car.

"I'm going to miss you, Percy," Sally told her son. "And, I'm sorry for everything."

Percy smiled softly at her. She may not have been his biological mother, but she did raise him since he was a baby. No matter what happens, she will always be his mother.

"It's okay mom," Percy said as he got in and threw his bag to the far side of the backseat. "All is forgiven."

Sally nodded, a small smile on her face before she got serious.

"Artemis and Annabeth will be meeting us at Camp," she told him. "I want you to keep your true abilities hidden for the time being. Only tell people you trust absolutely. Understand?"

Percy nodded in agreement and the two were on the way to Camp. There was a comfortable silence as Sally drive her son to camp, soon arriving at the destination.

"So this is it huh?" Percy asked his eyes narrowed slightly. "It's not much."

"It is right over that hill, Percy," Sally told him. "I cannot enter the camp without permission sadly, but I can walk you up to the barrier."

"Really now?" Percy asked as the two of them walked up to the pine tree at the top of the hill. Percy placed his hand on the tree and said, "Trace on."

Neon green circuits flowed from his hand to the tree and he "saw" the barrier as well as the golden fleece in his mind.

He stumbled back and placed his hand on his head.

"I'm okay, mom," Percy told Sally as she ran up to him and helped Percy get back on his feet. "Really. Just got overwhelmed by the data I got from the barrier."

Sally just looked at him. 'Be ready Percy. Your life will never be the same again after this. I can promise you that much. Be safe. Please.' She watched as the young man she raised walked through the barrier and towards the Big House below. 'I hope you find it in yourself to forgive me for what I have done... I'm sorry Percy.'

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