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"Mmmmm.... why do you taste so heavenly?" Taehyung asked against lips that were soft and moist.

"Maybe it's because I drink a lot of banana milk?" Jung-kook replied as he ran his fingers through his lover's hair.

Taehyung gave a slight chuckle, his voice deep and enticing. "Are you sure your head didn't hurt when you fell from heaven?"

"Oh God Taehyung! And I am not talking about you, but those lines don't work anymore when we've been together for this long," Jung-kook protested as he rolled his eyes.

"Well, it just seems like yesterday when you told me you want me," Taehyung whispered as he playfully bit the brunet's ear.

"Actually, I'm starting to regret saying that years ago," Jung-kook quipped, earning him a soft punch on the arm.

"I'll show you what you'll regret if you hadn't," Taehyung retorted as he tackled his lover on the ground, his face dangerously close to Jung-kook's.

The door opened suddenly and barged in Sae-ron. "Oppa!"

"Hey! Don't you know how to knock?" Taehyung asked aloud.

"Oppa!" Sae-ron called out again, this time her eyes widened with fear.

Jung-kook didn't have to be told again. He realized what that look meant. He had seen it on her face a few times when trouble's brewing. He quickly pushed Taehyung off and jumped up to his feet.

"Tae, I have to go," Jung-kook said as he gathered his belongings on the floor.

"Do you really have to?" Taehyung pleaded.

"Yes," Jung-kook replied, but after seeing the pout on his boyfriend's face, he added, "Rain check?"

"You better!" Taehyung exclaimed as he gave Jung-kook a quick peck on the lips.

"I promise," Jung-kook vowed, taking a final glance at his lover before he walked out the door.

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