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"Where have you been?" the man asked his wife, more loudly than he had intended.

"Nowhere special," Min-A quipped as she walked across the grand hall, bags in hand.

Jung-kook shot the woman a look of disbelief. "Then what took you so long? Eun-hye's been asking for you all morning."

"I went shopping, is that a problem?" Min-A challenged her husband when she settled on the couch.

"Yes, it is," Jung-kook replied. "You promised Eun-hye you'll be with her this morning."

"Change of plans," Min-A retorted as she sifted through her purchases. "And you're so inept that you can't even take care of your own child, that you had to wait for me?"

"If your daughter wasn't so adamant, I would have looked after her."

"That's just an excuse, Jung-kook," Min-A said. "And she's your daughter too."

"And you going out isn't an excuse too?" Jung-kook countered. "You seem to do that often lately."

Min-A laughed. "Oh, now you notice me. It's funny that it takes my absence for you to remember you still have a wife."

"If it weren't for Eun-hye, do you think I would care?" Jung-kook asked, knowing full well the answer to his own question.

"If it weren't for your mother, do you think I would go out?" Min-A rejoined. It was true she had the habit of heading out to the nearest market, spending what she could of Jeon's money whenever she became angry. She felt it was the only retribution that she could do without strangling her mother-in-law. Min-A had no one to turn to, certainly not to her spineless husband who was now getting on her nerves.

"Why don't you run back to your own mother?" Jung-kook suggested, devoid of kindness in his voice.

"Unlike you, I'm not a mama's girl."

"Why you....." Jung-kook said, his fists clenched in anger.

"What? Are you going to hit me like your mother did?" Min-A taunted.

The man stepped closer to his wife, his frame looming over the woman whose eyes didn't betray her fear.

Jung-kook gritted his teeth. "You are treading on dangerous ground, Min-A."

"And you, you are a coward," Min-A continued. "Why don't you grow a pair? Oh right, you had them until you gave them away to that disgusting piece of low-life."

Suddenly, a loud cry filled the room.

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