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A bubble of laughter almost broke out from Jung-kook's mouth; but he sensed Taemin must be nervous when he confessed, that to make light of it now, Taemin would assume Jung-kook did not take him seriously.

Nonetheless, Jung-kook smiled.

"You....you're not mad?" Taemin asked, confused.

"Why would I be mad?"

"I'm not sure, but aren't you at least disappointed?"

"Surprised maybe, but not mad, nor disappointed."

"Well, I imagine my parents would be," Taemin muttered.

"Why would you say that? They, of all people, would understand, since your grandparents are not so different from you."

"Wait. How do you know they're gay?"

"You told me," Jung-kook quickly replied.

"Oh, I must have, though I didn't want any of my friends to find out. They'll laugh at me."

Jung-kook shook his head. "I can't believe it's already 2016, and homophobia still exists."

Taemin nodded. "Unfortunately, especially here in the East, being gay isn't something to be bragged about."

"But your parents, surely they will accept you for whoever you are."

"You don't know my parents," Taemin said. "They want me to be as normal possible because of how different I already am from the rest of the kids, being bi-racial with gay grandparents, the last thing they need is a gay mixed-raced teenager."

"Life would be boring if everyone's the same, Taemin."

"No, they didn't mean it like that, Ssaem. All they wanted for me is to have a smooth-sailing life, free from all the struggles of being in a multi-dimensional family. So telling them I might be gay would definitely break their hearts."

"I shouldn't be saying this, Taemin, but I had a daughter once, and I lost her because of how stubborn I was, presuming that her life would be easier if she stayed with me, or at least by marrying someone similar to her in education, status, value, thinking those are important. But years later, I found that I was wrong."

"So, did you bring her back?"

Jung-kook's voice almost broke when he replied. "No, unfortunately not. Because I was too late."

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