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Jung-kook ran until he reached one of the empty brick sheds at the edge of their farmland. It's only when he slowed down and felt his feet trampling on grass did he realize that he left his grubby shoes at the front of his house.

Oh well, he smiled to himself; that was the least of his worries. He sat down inside the mossy structure built upon different-sized stones and pressed his knees to his chest.

Jung-kook could hardly believe that he had imparted those words to his mother. Never had he ever dared to contradict the woman who was considered royalty in their town. What he just did would probably get him charged with treason.

He didn't know what came over him. Maybe it's the full moon, but the night hadn't yet settled. Or it was his hunger talking, but he recently ate lunch. But what Jung-kook didn't quite grasp was that perhaps it's a different type of hunger brewing inside him, the kind of hunger which would consume the most innocent of beings, especially if that being was in love.

Jung-kook glanced pensively towards the distance, the stately manor no longer looming with its vastness. He turned his head to the side and his heart softened when he spotted the childish carvings on the rocks covered with greens. "J + T = BFF."

He laughed at the rudimentary equation. He etched those letters way back when he and Taehyung still played together. Both were ten and instantly liked each other as children would when they spotted a favourite toy.

The memories of them playing hide-and-seek or shooting games with their make-shift wooden guns brought a smile to his face. They would spend hours in that shed until one of their parents would call them when it was time for dinner.

Jung-kook had so much fun with Taehyung that he would sometimes forget the minutes passing and his mother back then would admonish him for it. But when the sun rose the following day, he would run out again to play with his newfound best friend. 

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