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A few months later, Jung-kook received a letter. It was sent delivered to his school office, without a return address. Curious, he opened it.

Dear Jung-kook,

By the time you read this, I would have been already buried six feet underground. I never understood that expression: why not, three feet, or ten feet, that it had to be six? It is one of those mysteries that I would have probably known the answer to, with a mere Google search, but I digress.

The reason I'm writing is simple: it is to fulfill a promise I made to you when we last spoke, but more selfishly, a promise I made myself to rectify the wrongs I've done—though being with Taehyung never felt wrong. I am serious about my intent and have convinced our daughter to open her heart again to you. Enough time has passed where I think we should put all the grievances behind us, in order to move forward.

Towards this end, I've told Taehyung the truth, not hoping he will forgive me, even though I wish for it, but in the unlikely event that either of you are hesitating to take the next step. It may take a while for Taehyung to accept the reality, that we all colluded to lie to him, again for that I truly apologize. I took advantage of his vulnerability and your kindness to make myself happy.

If he has not visited you yet, perhaps out of his loyalty to me, or a misguided deference for the dead, please assure him that I am at a better place. Time does not wait for us, Jung-kook, as you can see, so please reach out to him, and take your second chance before it's too late.

I wish you all the luck, love, and happiness you so truly deserve, and I am eternally grateful for all the years you have allowed me to enjoy the same.



A few tears escaped Jung-kook's eyes. If he were honest with himself, he never considered Jimin to be his rival, even though they loved the same man. When he had been busy succumbing to the dictates of his mother, Jimin was there for Taehyung. Although it pained him to relinquish his hold on Taehyung's heart, Jung-kook was glad someone had been beside him those times he couldn't be.

But five long decades had passed, people and feelings change. Would he be able to secure his rightful place in Taehyung's life once again? 

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