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The moment their lips touched seemed fleeting, indecipherable. It was too quick to register Taehyung's day-old stubble against Jung-kook's moist, pink mouth, now agape with further confusion.

Jung-kook did not understand the sensation but whatever it was, he enjoyed it. Something deep inside of him awakened as if he were asleep all these years, tucked away in a cocoon of innocence.

Meanwhile, Taehyung realized that the embers of desire burning within him were stoked the moment he laid eyes on his best friend. His throbbing member told him he had been waiting just for the right time to devour the raven-haired boy standing in front of him.

Taehyung did not know what to do. He wanted Jung-kook so badly but also afraid to push him away if he didn't tread carefully, and lose his friend in the process for a second time.

The silence between them became deafening. They looked at each other, waiting for some signal whether to continue the kiss or retreat.

Minutes passed before the blue-eyed boy broke their reverie. "I... I'm sorry Kook... I didn't mean to...."

"That.... that's okay Tae," Jung-kook said, his turn now to be disappointed. "Let's forget it ever happened." He faked a smile at Taehyung who looked at his friend with a pained expression.

"If ... if that's what you want...." the blonde replied, "then so be it."

With a heavy heart, Taehyung started walking away until he caught Jung-kook muttering under his breath: "No.... no, it's not what I want..."

Taehyung stopped in his tracks, uncertain if his imagination was playing tricks or whether he heard his friend correctly. He swore to himself he wouldn't look back again at the object of his affection until Jung-kook was sure of his feelings.

But Taehyung couldn't help it. He turned and asked Jung-kook the question to which an answer was already forming in the latter's heart: "So what is it you want?"

Jung-kook looked deeply into a pair of opal eyes and said, "I want you, Kim Taehyung. It's always been you that I want."

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