Uncle Hawkeye

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Narrator's POV

"Hey, Bruce." Tony said through the phone. He held Peter in his other hand.

Peter had a rattle in his hand, shaking it Tony's face.

"Who's this?" Bruce asked.

"It's me, Tony." Tony said.

"Abba." Peter said, shoving the rattle in Tony's face.

"Not now Peter." Tony  said.

"Oh, hey."

"Hi, listen. I've got some stuff to do, and Stephen's out on a mystic mission or something, and I really can't watch Peter right now."

"Okay, wait. I really can't watch him either. I'm-"

"No, I was calling to see if Thor was with you to take care of him." Tony said.

"No, he's back in Asgard." Bruce said.

"I thought he lived with you." Tony said.

Peter put the rattle up to Tony's face. "Eh!"

"Peter no, it's dirty." Tony told Peter. "Sorry." He apologized.

"Only when he's here on earth." Bruce said.

"Okay, I'll call Pepper and see if she can watch him." Tony asked.

"Alright. Good luck." Bruce said.

They hung up.

Tony dialed Pepper's number.

"Hello, this is Pepper Pots. I'm at a meeting right, and can't answer the phone. Please leave a message. I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Thank you."

"Urgh." Tony groaned. "Oh!" His head perked up. "Clint. He's got kids. He'll know what to do." He dialed Clint's number.

"Sup, Tin Man?" Clint said over the other side of the phone.

"Legolas, listen I need a favor..."


"Oh, and make sure he gets his apple juice because he gets cranky without his sugars." Tony said, handing Clint Peter's sippy cup. "Also, his favorite book is there." He handed over Peter's baby bag.

"Uh... I-"

"And also, this is Lamby. Make sure he doesn't lose that because that's his favorite thing ever." Tony said, placing the baby carrier around Clint's shoulders with Peter hanging from his chest.


"I've gotta run. Gotta get the Tower's selling contract finalized and stuff." Tony said. "You know my number, and in case of an emergency; Stephen's number is inside there somewhere." Tony said, halfway out the door. "I'll be back for him in a few hours, alright. See you later, bye."

With that, Tony was gone.

"I..." Clint looked down at Peter, who was looking up at him. "I guess it's just you and me now, Squirt." He said. "Where's Laura when you need her?" Clint asked, looking at Peter. "Lila's at soccer practice and Cooper has baseball...."

Peter looked at him. "Abba." He said, reaching for Clint's face.

"Yeah, let's not." He said, pushing Peter's hand away. "I don't know where your grubby little hands have been." He said. "I can't believe Stark just thinks he can dump his child on me and leave like that." He said. "I have things to do. Places to be. People to beat." He said. "You know what? Why don't we go pay your dad's fancy office a visit? Hm?"

Peter smiled at Clint.

"We'll need a few things first." He said, going into the house.



"Ah! Ngh!" Stephen was put on the ground.

"You've grown soft, Strange." Wong said, holding him down with a knee on his back and folding his wrist back.

"Work's been very stressful, that's all." Stephen said, kicking Wong behind the head, knocking him off and getting up.

Wong quickly got up. "I don't believe you."

"Well, you should." Stephen said, summoning a yellow whip and snapping it at Wong.

Wong wrapped the end to his arm and pulled.

"Mph!" Stephen struggled against him.

"Admit it. There's something else going on." Wong said. "Tell me." He pulled at the whip.

"I'm not getting enough sleep." Stephen said, leaping in the air and going for Wong.

Wong dodged his attack and summoned yellow daggers, sending them toward Stephen.

"Ah!" Stephen covered himself with a shield.

"Liar." Wong said.

Stephen widened the shield, avoiding the daggers that Wong kept sending his way. "Hah...Ngh!" He pushed the shield toward Wong. "Haha!" He has celebrated too quickly.

Wong was nowhere to be seen.

"What the-"

"Hah!" Wong came behind him and kicked him to the ground, holding a yellow spear up to Stephen's throat. "Tell me what's been going on Strange."

"It's nothing really." Stephen said.

"You know who I am, that doesn't work." Wong said.

"Um..." Stephen looked around, for something to throw at him.

A rock

Wong looked at Stephen. "No." He said. "You have a chi-" He was cut off when a rock hit him.

Stephen quickly got up. "I don't know what you're talking about." He said, taking a stand.

"Hm." Wong summoned green beams from the ground and send them toward Stephen.

Stephen opened a portal and send them back to Wong.

Wong avoided his attack. "Who's the kid?"

"I literally have no idea who that is." Stephen said.

"The kid. Is he yours and Stark's?" Wong asked.

"What kid?" Stephen asked, summoning yellow diamonds to attack Wong.

"A toddler. How old?" Wong asked, sending a rain of purple triangles down on Stephen.

Stephen scoffed, jumping out of the way. "Almost a year and a half." Stephen said, pointing his arm at Wong, sending the diamonds.

Wong dodged. "Boy or girl?"

"A little boy." Stephen said, watching Wong.

The cloak came to his aid and levitated him above the ground.

"Name?" Wong asked, leaping into the air.

"Peter." Stephen answered.

Wong opened a portal in the ground that lead next to Stephen, sending a kick his way. "For a kid who's not yours, you sure seem to know a lot about him."

"It's complicated." Stephen groaned, battling Wong in the air.


"Well, I think we did a damn good job." Clint said, staring at Stark Tower from a tall building in the distance. He had Peter strapped around on his back, holding a can of spray paint and a carton of eggs. He stared at the vandalism he had done to the tower.

Tony is Stupid :)

He had spray painted on the tower with the yellow paint. He had also thrown plenty of eggs at the glass.

"Let's see if they still want to buy it." Clint laughed. "Hey Pete." He said. "You know what sound a hawk makes?" He asked.

Peter giggled. "Moo!" He said.

"Eh, close enough." Clint said.

His phone rang.

He picked it up. "Oh, hello Laura." He said. "No, I'm not busy... I do have a little surprise for you though." He said, walking away from the building.


"Well, as lovely as sparing some more sounds, I have to get back to Peter." Stephen said. "Nice seeing you Wong."

"Same to you Strange." Wong said.

"See you around." Stephen stepped through a portal Wong had opened and into the streets of New York. "Hey let me know if you-"

Wong closed the portal.

"Classic Wong." He said, chuckling and shaking his head. He walked around the streets of New York, heading back to the Sanctum when he noticed a large group of people staring up at one of the most famous buildings in New York. "Oh my..." He grabbed his phone and dialed Tony. "Um...Tony. Have you seen what's on the outside of the tower?"


"You did what?!"

"Did you like it?" Clint asked Tony through the phone.

"What was there to like? You literally egged the tower." Tony said. "You're lucky the paint hadn't dried before I got the jets to wash it off. I could've lost the contract."

"Trust me. I know it looks bad, but it was all Peter's idea." Clint said, looking back at Peter, who was with Laura.

Laura was spoon feeding him from a jar of baby food.

Peter was tapping on the table of the baby seat happily, as he ate the spoon that Laura called an airplane.

"He's been a disaster." Clint said. "Making a mess, breaking glass." He said.

"Oh, shut up." Tony said. "I'll be there in twenty minutes to pick him up."

"Thank god." Clint laughed, hanging up. He smiled at Laura, watching how happy she seemed to be with the toddler.

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