"Pink Flamingos" Sneak Peek

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Narrator's POV

"This is the man you're looking for." Pierce handed his most important test subject a folder filled with files of a twenty two year old.

"What is the objective?"

"Kill him. Destroy him." Pierce said. "He's been in our way, ruining plans of ours."

"And your agents couldn't handle him?"

"Seems like they couldn't handle a single man." Pierce walked around his subject. "So I had to replace them, and just to make sure these new recruits won't come empty handed, I'm assigning you with them." He said. "If they are to return empty handed, you kill them. You hear me?"

The subject only looked at him.

"I know you won't fail me." Pierce said. "Now go. You have a mission to complete."

"Hail HYDRA." The subject said.


"I just know tonight's a danger night."

"You better be right because if I had to wear this ridiculous costume for no reason, I'm going to beat your ass Matt."

"Calm down Barton." Matt laughed as he stood on top of a water tower, listening to Clint from a distance.

"If you're telling me-"

"Sh." Matt said. "Four men to your left, each armed with rifles. Three on your right, armed."

"Who isn't armed?" Clint asked.

"No one unfortunately." Matt laughed. "Oh, they brought someone else. This one's different."

"Just tell me when to run." Clint said.

"This one's around our age. Very highly trained. He's gonna be a tough one." Matt said.



"Matt, I can hear them around the corner." Clint said.

"Okay, now. Now, run!" Matt told Clint.

Fire arms and shots could be heard in the background.

"Dammit!" Clint yelped through the earpiece. "What are you gonna do?"

"I need to find the odd man." Matt said.

"You're gonna leave me to take these guys on my own?" Clint asked.

"Psh. You're Clint Barton. You can take it. I know you." Matt said as he took of into the night, hopping from roof to roof, looking for a different heartbeat.

"I've only known your for a day and half and still can't decide if I hate you or not." Clint said, firing an arrow behind him.


"Matt! Goddamnit!" Clint yelled as he ran around the streets of Hell's Kitchen, not knowing someone was watching him through the scope of a riffle readying themselves to pull the trigger on him.

"Hah!" The one behind the scope threw a dagger behind him.

A dark shadow dodged the dagger.

The sniper cocked his ruffle and pointed to the shadow.

"So." Came Matt's. "You're the one who's come to kill me."

"Yes." The sniper said, pulling the trigger.

Matt leaped into the air and jumped around gracefully, dodging every bullet.

"Hah!" A stick knocked out the riffle out of the sniper's hand and off the roof of the building.

"Hmph!" The sniper pulled out a dagger and began to swing it around to hit Matt.

"You're angry."

"Shut up." Said the sniper.

"Your anger is getting in your way." Said Matt, sliding past the sniper and hitting the back of his knees, making him fall.

"Ngh!" The sniper groaned and rolled back to catch Matt, placing the dagger at his throat. "You talk too much." The sniper said, getting ready to slice Matt's throat when something hit him in the back, electrocuting him.

Matt reacted, elbowing the sniper in the lung.

"Hah!" The sniper let him go, gasping for air.

"Thanks." Matt said, running next to Clint.

"What are we gonna do with him?" Clint asked. "Should we feed him to the dogs?"

Matt laughed. "Shut up."

"They're over here!" Came shouting from men behind them.

"I'm all out of arrows." Clint said.

"And I'm missing a stick." Matt said.

They looked at each other.

"Last one off has to pay for dinner." Clint said, running toward the edge of the roof.

"You don't stand a chance. I know these streets better than you." Matt said, running after him.


"Hah...ah..." Came panting along with fast footsteps.

There we're dogs barking and men shouting behind the panting figure.

The one running through the woods being chased was an experimental subject who had failed his previous mission and was ready to be wiped again, but only this time: he didn't want to be wiped.

A whistle blew in the distance.

"Argh! AH!" The subject put his hands up to his ears to mute the whistle that triggered his memory. He dropped to his knees as memories began to leave his mind and become replaced with code and orders. "Stop! Stop it! STOP!" He screamed as he tossed his head back, groaning.

"There he is!" A man in the back yelped.

"Please, leave me alone!" The subject begged, gripping his temples.

"You know what happens if you try to escape." Said the man, an agent of HYDRA. He took out a taser and tased the subject. "Restrain him."

"On it." Said another agent.

"Uh!" Came a groan.

"Alex! Back up. I need back up in sector-ah!"

The subject saw an agent drop unconscious next to him.

He looked behind him to see a dark shadow in the woods, red eyes glowing, staring directly at him.

"Who are-"

"Come with me." Said the shadow, jumping up in the branches of a tree as more dogs and voices came.

The looked around.

"Come. Hurry." Said the shadow, offering the subject a hand.

The subject looked up at him, not knowing if he trusted this mysterious figure.

"We don't have much time." Said the shadow.

Fuck it

The subject took the shadow's hand and was helped up onto the trees.

"What are we-"

"Quiet." Said the shadow.

The subject and the shadow watched agents and special OPS run under them.

"Follow me." The shadow said, hopping onto the ground and running into the woods.

The subject followed him.

They came across a highway.

"Now what?" The subject asked.

"We wait." Said the shadow.

"For what?" The subject asked.

There was a zooming in the distance.

"That." The shadow said, stepping into the middle of the road.

Screeching tires stopped in front of them.

The shadow opened the door and tossed a man in a white lab coat out of the car, hitting him in a specific artery of his neck.

"You know how to drive?"

"Yes." The subject answered.

"Good." The shadow said, getting into the passenger seat. "Drive."

The subject got into the driver's seat and drove.


It wasn't long before the shadow told the subject to stop.

They arrive at a small cabin in the woods.

"Where are we?" The subject asked.

"Somewhere safe." Said the shadow, getting out of the car and walking toward the cabin, knocking.

The subject stepped out of the car.

"Knock, knooooock~"

"Goddamnit, Matthew." Came a voice on the other side of the cabin. Clint opened the door behind the screen door. "What do y-" He saw the car behind Matt with a figure standing next to it. "Who is that?"

"There's something you need to see." Matt said.

Clint looked at Matt, then at the figure behind him.

Matt turned around. "Hey, come on." He said.

The subject stuffed his hands in his jacket's pockets and slowly approached the cabin, stepping closer into the light that the porch provided.

Clint squinted, looking at the approaching guy. His expression quickly changing into one of surprise. He opened the screen door. "James?"

The subject looked up at Clint.

That name.

It rang in his ears, circling in his mind.

Faded  memories settling in his mind.

He looked up at the blonde archer standing at the door. "Barton?"

"What the fuck?"

Rest coming soon...

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