Keep Your Distance

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Narrator's POV

"Mm..." Stephen groaned in his sleep, blinking a few times before opening his eyes. He was a little confused when the ceiling was unfamiliar to him.

Then he remembered.

"Right." He said. Rolling on his left side, toward the glass door to his balcony, he could see waves crashing down on the sand of the beach. Beautiful birds singing outside pleases his ears.

This was nothing like New York. It was so much better.

He laid in bed a few more minutes before getting up. "Good morning Randy." He said before going into his bathroom to take a shower.

The hotel happy provided a radio in there. He turned it on and tunes it into the classical music station because why not? It was such a calm morning and peaceful morning.

Once he was done with his shower, he stepped out and got dressed nicely, combing his hair.

He stepped out onto the balcony, breathing in the fresh ocean air and listening to the birds sing.

The cloak came to join him on the balcony.

"Beautiful isn't it?" Stephen asked the cloak.

The cloak "nodded".

Stephen's stomach rumbled.

Stephen's cheeks stained a little red and he laughed. "Guess I'm a little hungry." He said. "I'll see you in a few minutes, alright?" Stephen patted the cloak, going back in his room to grab his key and a book before leaving.

The cloak rushed back into the room and changed turned into his favorite Spanish telenovela.

"Pasión Ardiente"


Stephen walked down the hallway toward the elevator, then turned right.

"Take the stairs is healthier." He said, opening the door and walking down the stairs.

Once arriving down at the lobby, he looked around for the breakfast.

He found it and served himself, happily taking a seat at one of the empty table. He began to read as he ate a smoothie bowl accompanied with berries and nuts.

Soon another body joined the breakfast.

It was Tony.

He had had a rough night, unable to sleep very well.

He walked over to the the breakfast and got a few slices of toast and orange juice. He looked around for an empty table, but his attitude brightened when he saw a certain wizard sitting down at a table for two with an empty chair.

He walked over to it and took a seat.

Stephen looked up from his book, seeing Tony. "Did you fall off the bed?" He asked.

"Haha. Very funny Strange." Tony said. "Sleep paralysis."

"I heard actually going to bed early helps with that." Stephen said, going back to his book.

"Well, I'm too busy to go to bed early. I have important things to do."

"Mm, like what?" Stephen asked.

"Think." Tony said.

"Mm." Was all Stephen said, ending the conversation.

Tony sat there awkwardly, trying to think of something to start up a conversation. He looked down at his breakfast: two slices of pathetic toast, sour orange juice, and a banana.

He looked around, seeing a small jar of peanut butter near Stephen's water.

"Stephen pass me the nut butter." Tony said.

Stephen looked up from his book. "I'm sorry, the what?"

Tony pointed at the peanut butter on the table near Stephen.

"I... It's called peanut butter!" Stephen said, sliding it toward Tony.

Tony caught it, spreading it on his toast. "I call it nut butter." Tony said, peeling his banana and slicing it into small pieces for his toast.

Stephen rolled his eyes and went back to his book.

"Look, I know we don't always see things eye to eyes, but I-"

"Well, obviously. You're too short." Stephen said, hiding a small smile behind his book.

Tony gave him the stink eye. "Anyway, we're in Hawaii." Tony said.


"And there's plenty of things to do." Tony said. "Is there anything you'd specifically like to do first?" Tony asked him.

"Maybe walk around the beach and look for shells." Stephen said.

"Sounds fun." Tony said. "Anything you want the shells for?"

"I promised Madeline that I'd bring her a shell, a conch if I could find one." Stephen said.

"Madeline?" Tony asked.

"That's none of your business." Stephen said.

"Oh." Tony said. "Well maybe later we could go to a restaurant nearby. I've been a few times. It's pretty goo-"

Stephen closed his book and stood up, taking a glass of water with him.

"Where are you going?" Tony asked.

"I need to go water Randy." Stephen said, walking away.

"Oh, okay." Tony said. "I'll see you later  then."

Stephen didn't say anything before disappearing.


Once back at his room, Stephen took the glass of water over to a table by the glass door.

"Here you go bud. You must be parched." Stephen said, watering Randy.

"Emilio I can't do this anymore."

"Rosanna, please. You're the love of my life."

"And you mine, but things we can't be together."

"Why? Why Rosanna?"


"We could run away together."

"No. We can't."

"But why?"

"Because...I'm marrying Julio tomorrow morning."

Dramatic music played as the actor playing "Emilio" was in sudden shock.

The cloak flapped in shock, sadness, anger, and surprise. It was going through all sorts of emotions.

Stephen laughed. "Don't tell me you actually watch those things."


The cloak threw the remote in the bed and slouched.

"Oh, calm down." Stephen said. "I'm sure the next episode will air soon." He laughed.


It had been a couple of hours now, and Tony hadn't heard anything from Stephen.

He sat on the edge of his bed and took his phone out opening his and Stephen's conversation.

He began texting.

Wizard, you wanna hear a joke? ;)

Sorry, I dropped my phone and can't find it. I'll text you when I find it.



You find it yet?


Okay, let me know when you find it. ;)


Tony sighed and laid back in his bed, with his phone on his chest.

"WAIT A MINUTE." Tony said, sitting up and texting Stephen.

Are you trying to avoid me?

A text notification popped up on his phone.

Sorry. You are no longer able to contact this number.

"He blocked me." Tony gasped. "Who would do that? I'm calling Nat. She always knows what do in these sorts of situations."

He dialed Natasha's number.

"Tony, hello."

"Hey, Nat."

"Is that Tony?" Bruce's voice came from somewhere in the background.

"Yes. It is." Natasha said.

"Put him on display." Bruce said.

"Good idea." Natasha said.

Tony did the same.

"Hi Tony." Bruce waved at him.

"Hello, Bruce." Tony said.

"How're things going?" Bruce asked.

"They're going okay. I guess."

"Where's Stephen?" Bruce asked.

"Stephen?" Natasha asked.

"You know, from school." Bruce said.

"Oh. The wizard kid." Natasha said. "You're with Stephen again?"

"No, no." Tony said. "We're just friends."

"Yeah." Bruce said. "Just friends." He rolled his eyes. "Because "just friends" who had history in the past go on vacations to Hawaii by themselves to get away."

"So what? I'm not obsessed with the weird wizard!" Tony said.

"Just be real with us, Tony." Bruce said. "We're TOTALLY fine with it."

"Yeah, and just for your information, he's a libra". Natasha said.

"And you call yourself a spy, Nat? Really? He's obviously a Scorpio." Tony said.

"And you say you're not obsessed with him, Tony." Natasha winked at him.

Tony blushed. "Alright, okay fine."

Bruce and Natasha laughed.

"Maybe I have the slightest crush on him." Tony said.

"Slightest." Bruce said.

"Would you just listen to me?" Tony asked. "I'm having a hard time trying to get him to at least look my direction. I could really use some advice here."

"Have you tried to you know, actually get to know him? Ask him about what he likes?" Natasha asked.

"Yeah. It's not rocket science Tony." Bruce said. "Don't go and talk about yourself the whole time. Ask him about his interests and hobbies."

"Bruce, he's best friends with a cloak and has a plant named Randy." Tony said.

"Oh, what kind of plant?" Natasha asked.

"A daisy."

"Get him another plant. Or get yourself your own plant. Try to find things you both have in common." Bruce said.

"But also, give him some space." Natasha said. "You two have been apart for a large gap of twenty one years. Get to know him, but at his own time." Natasha said.

"I know he likes to make fun of my height." Tony said.

"Honestly, who doesn't?" Bruce asked.

Natasha laughed.

"Alright you two." Tony said, rolling his eyes playfully. "I'll talk to you later."

"Bye!" They waved before Tong ended the call.

"Hah." Tony fell back in his bed. "Wizards are so complicated."

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