Aim's Getting Better

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Narrator's POV

Stephen walked into Tony's and his room only to see Tony reading a book on the edge of the bed.

He found that very suspicious, he had never seen Tony pick up a book.

This was amazing. Unbelievable, in fact.

"What are you reading?" Stephen asked.

"A book of things I love." Tony said.

Stephen walked over to him to see the book.

Tony kept a diary?

Stephen's expression of hope dropped when he saw what Tony had in hand. "That's just a photo album of you." Stephen said.

"What a coincidence." Tony said.

Stephen rolled his eyes, laughing a little before walking away.

"Hey, Stephen." Tony spoke before Stephen walked away and never got the chance to talk to him again.

Stephen turned to him.

"I was wondering if you'd like to go gather shells today at the beach." Tony said. "You don't have to of course. It's totally up to you." Tony was blabbing now. "I just thought maybe you'd want to go at some point before we leave because you know you promised Madeline you'd bring her some, and I didn't want you to come back empty handed and let down-"

"Sure." Stephen answered.

"Hm?" Tony looked up at him, watching as Stephen made his way out the door.

"You heard me." Stephen said.

With that, the Sorcerer Supreme was out of the room.


"Wait, Stephen!" Tony called as he ran down the hall, trying to catch up with Stephen before the elevator doors closed.

The cloak once again, held the door open for him.

"Thanks." He said.

The doors closed, and the elevator began its journey down to the lobby.

Tony stood next to Stephen in silence.

He looked down at his outfit.

"Does this outfit make me look short?" He asked.

A smile spread on Stephen's lips. "No." He said.

Tony smiled, about to say something when Stephen spoke again.

"Standing next to me makes you look short." Stephen said.

Tony looked up at him. "I AM NOT SHORT." Tony said.

Stephen let out a light chuckle. "You actually have to pick up your head to look at me." He said.

"I'm five nine." Tony said.

Stephen chuckled, looking down at his shoes.

"What?" Tony asked.

"You're shorter than I thought." Stephen said.

"How tall are you?" Tony asked.

"Taller than you obviously." Stephen answered him.

"You do realize I'm richer, smarter and have a better goatee than you." Tony said.

"Yeah, but I'm tall."

"I may be small, but I be knowing."

"You don't even "be knowing" what the top shelf looks like." Stephen laughed.

"You wanna fuck with me, huh? You think I'm afraid?" Tony threatened. "Bitch, I will cry in public without hesitation."

"Aww, it's like getting threatened by a chihuahua." Stephen said.

"Oh look, a talking giraffe." Tony said.

Stephen looked at him, narrowing his eyebrows. He lifted his hand, pushing Tony up against the ceiling of the elevator.

"Worth it." Tony said as his face was up against the cold metal of the elevator.


Tony and Stephen were now walking along the shore, hunting for shells.

They had found some good ones, but nothing too special.

Stephen wanted to get Madeline something truly special, so he kept searching.

Tony on the other hand was carrying all the shells Stephen had found as he walked behind him.

"Stephen, don't you think that's eno-argh!" Tony groaned when something hit him in the back of the head. He looked behind him and saw a group of children.

They had thrown a rock at Tony.

"Hey, you hit me." Tony said.

The kids only stared at him.

"It's okay. Your probably didn't mean t-Ow!" He groaned when another kid threw another rock at him. "Stephen, they're throwing rocks at me."

"Just walk away." Stephen said as he kept walking, looking for more shells.

"Hm." Tony turned his back to the kids. "Argh!" He groaned when they threw another rock at him. "That's it. You little rascals are in for a-"

"Attack!" One of them shouted.

All the kids roared and took out sticks, charging toward Tony with them.

"RARGH!" Tony yelled as he ran toward them throwing shells at them.

Stephen stopped in his tracks when he heard all the noise. He rolled his eyes. "Tony, I said just walk away." He turned around to see Tony fighting the kids. "Ah-"


"I can't tell what's more pathetic: the fact that you started a fight with a bunch of children or the fact that you lost." Stephen said as he dragged Tony by an arm as the two made their way back to the resort.

Tony sat on the ground, letting Stephen drag him by one arm while he held the shells in his other. "They had sticks!" Tony said. He had scratches and cuts all over his face and arms.

"Sometimes I just..." Stephen sighed. "What am I going to do with you?" He shook his head.


Tony looked in the mirror. He was checking out all the bandaids Stephen had put over each one of his cuts.

They were colorful and fun shapes.

Stephen had mended his cuts and bruises once they had gotten back to the resort.

Now the doctor was meditating while he levitated with his wrists against his knees, holding his thumb to his pointer finger as his legs crossed.

He looked so at peace, so calm and relaxed.

Tony approached him quietly.

"If you touch me, I'll break your leg." Stephen said with his eyes closed.

"Oh, relax." Tony said. "I just wanted to thank you for treating me."

"Mm." Was all Stephen said.

"That was really nice of you." Tony said.

Stephen said nothing.

"I really appreciate it."

"Tony, don't you see I'm busy?" Stephen asked.

"Oh, come on Stephen." Tony said, leaning closer to Stephen.

Stephen opened his eyes. "I said, don't touch."

"You're not as cold and hard as you make yourself seem." Tony said, giving Stephen's cheek a kiss.

Stephen blushed, not saying anything. He tried to curve Tony, but Tony only kept leaning into him.

"Urgh..." Stephen groaned, cheeks blushing bright red now.

"Thank you." Tony said again.

"Hmph." Stephen tried his best to not crack.

Then he couldn't anymore.

"Fine." Stephen wrapped his arms and legs around Tony. "Just this once." He said, burying his face into Tony's neck in embarrassment.

Tony laughed happily.


The two were bedded down finally after a long day.

Stephen was happily falling asleep. He was tired. It had been quite a day walking around the beach, looking hard for shells. Also, getting Tony out of the mess he put himself in earlier was also tiring. Not to mention Tony's kicking.

Stephen moaned quietly as his body was enjoying the delicious softness of the sheets as well as the extra heat Tony provided by his side.

Although the two were not touching, their bodies shared warmth under the covers. It was very nice.

Stephen began to drift off.

"How do humans sleep?"

"For the love of god, just close your EYES AND STOP ASKING ME WEIRD QUESTIONS. IT'S FOUR O'CLOCK IN THE MORNING TONY. JESUS CHRIST." Stephen covered his head with a pillow.

"But I can't sleep."

Stephen sighed heavily and got up from the bed, heading to the door.

"Hey! Where are you going?" Tony asked.

"To sleep on a couch in the lobby." Stephen said.

Tony sat up from the bed. "Don't leave me. I'm sorry."

Stephen was gone.

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