"You know, I still think the only way the New Directions even got second place was because they did Michael Jackson," Santana commented. Quinn took a sip of her coffee, content with listening to the group discussion on the Troubletone's Regionals set list. She was in the Lima Bean with Santana, Brittany, Tina, Mike, Blaine, and of course Ryan. They had tried out Wanna Be Startin' Something that afternoon with Blaine leading, and it had turned out admittedly well. The group had been interested in doing a Jackson set list for Regionals after seeing the New Directions do it.
Ryan disagreed though. "While I think Blaine was amazing this afternoon, I think we should keep our options open. Michael Jackson's just another artist, I don't see what the big deal is."
"What? Come on, dude, MJ is awesome," Mike grinned.
"Yeah, you've got to have a favorite Michael Jackson memory," Blaine agreed.
Ryan shrugged. "I don't know, I just never really connected with him the way I did to either of the Stephens. Sondheim, Schwartz," he clarified when he received several confused looks. "I never really got what he was about."
"Okay, I'd throw this hot mocha in your face, but it isn't nearly scalding enough," Santana told him.
"Try it and die, Satan," Quinn said lightly, not quite as invested in the discussion as the others. She appreciated MJ, but there were plenty of other artists they could pay tribute to. "Besides, don't you guys think it's kind of a rip-off to do the same idea New Directions pulled off?"
"Oh please, they did not pull it off," Santana rolled her eyes. "They barely gave it a tug."
"Well, since you're obviously all so jazzed about him, I'm sure we could make room in our Regionals set list for a Jackson number," Ryan nodded. He was open to all forms of music of course, and he had to admit that there were several good Jackson songs.
Suddenly they were joined by a new voice. "If it isn't my favorite rival glee club." Sebastian Smythe had appeared. Ryan wasn't sure if he was still surprised, the Warbler had the strange habit of showing up whenever he and Blaine were at the Lima Bean.
"Do you live here?" Ryan asked Sebastian curiously. "It seems as if you always somehow appear out of thin air." Either that or he was stalking one of them...
"It's a magic trick," Sebastian winked, sliding smoothly into a chair. "Maybe I'll even tell you sometime. Of course, I've got other tricks you might be interested in..."
"And who are you again?" Santana narrowed her eyes.
"Sebastian Smythe," the Warbler said smoothly, reaching over to grab her hand and give it a quick kiss. "And I'm the new captain of the Warblers. Let me guess... Santana Lopez," he smiled charmingly, before looking at the rest of the people there. "Brittany Pierce, Mike Chang, Tina Cohen-Chang, Quinn Fabray - lovely to see you again - and of course Ryan Corcoran and Blaine Anderson." He winked at Blaine.
"Impressive," Quinn noted dryly. "Stalking us?"
"I do my homework."
Blaine intervened. "I may have told him about you guys."
Brittany smiled happily. "San, he's kinda cute."
"I don't know, Britts, he kind of looks like a meerkat," Santana said nastily. Sebastian just smirked.
"Come on, admit it, I'm hot," he said cockily. "And if you're up for a threesome, I can definitely oblige..."
"Okay," Ryan said hastily. "Did you want something, Sebastian?"
"Just wanted to say hi," Sebastian grinned carelessly. He turned his smile onto Blaine. "I'm so sorry to hear about your breakup, Blaine."
"I'll just bet you are," Ryan murmured into his coffee, low enough for only Quinn to hear from her position pressed up against him. She let out a small snort. It was obvious Sebastian was into Blaine. And Ryan. And maybe even Santana. God that boy was a flirt.
"Thanks, Sebastian," Blaine nodded. "I don't really want to talk about that right now though."
"Fair enough," the Warbler agreed. "But if you ever need to talk, I'm right here." He glanced around affably. "Congratulations on your win at Sectionals. Of course, it was kind of an unfair game, with both Ryan and Blaine here on the same team. Can't wait to see what you've got for Regionals. I'm sure we'll wipe the floor with you, of course, but you'll be a worthy opponent."
"Excuse me?" Ryan narrowed his eyes. "We have every intention of winning Regionals, and Nationals as well. If anyone's going to be doing any floor-wiping, it will be us with you."
"Ooh, feisty," Sebastian grinned. "I approve. If you ever get tired of blondie over there, give me a call."
Now Quinn narrowed her eyes, but Ryan simply smiled, pulling her closer into his side. "Not a chance." She smiled in satisfaction, rubbing hand against his nicely defined upper arm. He'd taken to accompanying James to the gym once or twice a week, and it definitely showed.
"Clearly so," Sebastian conceded. "I've gotta go. Blaine, I'll be online later, if you're up for a chat. Break a leg, everyone." He stood, clapping Blaine on the shoulder before swaggering out of the coffee shop.
After the group dispersed Ryan escorted Quinn back to her house. "My mom won't be home until later," Quinn said as they entered the house. "She's got a work thing."
Ryan nodded. "Do you mind if I have a drink?"
Quinn chuckled. "I'm pretty sure you're here enough that you don't need to ask anymore." They headed to the kitchen where Quinn poured him a glass of water.
"Thanks." Ryan took it as Quinn picked up an envelope from the kitchen table. "What's that?"
"I don't know," Quinn frowned. "It's addressed to me though." She turned it over, freezing when she took in the logo. "It's from Yale."
"Yale?" Ryan repeated. Quinn nodded, and he looked at her excitedly, the water forgotten. "Well? Aren't you going to open it?"
"Yeah. Yeah, of course I am." She took a breath before opening the envelope as Ryan watched. It was kind of nerve-wracking. Sure, she'd applied to various schools, but this was the first letter to arrive. She unfolded the letter with trembling fingers and quickly skimmed over the words.
"Well?" Ryan prodded. A slow grin spread across his girlfriend's face, quickly mirrored on his own. "You got in?"
She nodded, looking up at him in elation. "I got in."
Ryan immediately engulfed her in a hug, lifting of the ground for a moment, both of them laughing in delight. "I knew it!" he exulted. "I told you you'd get in!"
"I can't really believe it," Quinn said, looking back at the letter.
"They would have been crazy not to accept you," Ryan said adamantly, smiling as he gave her a sweet kiss. "I'm so proud of you."
Quinn reached forward to give him another hug, his arms automatically wrapping around her. "I couldn't have done it without you."
Ryan grinned happily, utterly proud of his girlfriend. She totally deserved it, and he quickly brushed aside a twinge of doubt. NYADA was scheduled to send out shortlist letters this week, and he still hadn't received one. He shook his head though. "We should totally celebrate. We can go out for dinner, if you want," he offered.
"Maybe." Quinn smiled slyly, hooking a finger under his collar. "I was thinking of something a bit different though..."
"Hmm, I think I like the sound of that," Ryan chuckled, quickly picking up on her mood. Quinn's smile widened as she fisted his collar and tugged him down, pressing her lips against his. Ryan let her lead, eyes falling closed as her tongue invaded his mouth. She nipped at his lower lip, and he let out a yelp as her hand slid suddenly into his pants to cup his crotch.
"Too fast?" she asked innocently. He shook his head frantically. With her hand still gripping the front of his shirt, he wouldn't have been able to back away if he'd wanted to. He hardly wanted to though. She never failed to get him hot in zero seconds flat, and he was more than eager to have her touching him. She smirked. "Good."
She stepped forward, one hand still firmly on his collar and the other in his pants, forcing him to step back until she pushed him back to sprawl back across the couch. Ryan blinked dazedly, dizzy with anticipation as she lost no time in removing her underwear from under her skirt and mounting him. He sucked in a deep breath as she pressed up against his dick. "Here?" he questioned. "In the living room?"
"Relax, nobody's going to be home for hours," Quinn smirked sexily, and Ryan bit down on his tongue to keep himself in control. She shook her hair out, mesmerizing him with the flowing gold. She paused for an instant. "Only if you're up for it."
Ryan smirked now. "I am definitely up for it." He thrust upwards lightly for emphasis, pressing his erection against her, only to have the tables turned once more when Quinn slipped her hand back into his pants to squeeze him lightly.
"I can tell."
He let out a soft moan as she flicked the button on his pants open, tugging him out. He started to slip his hands up her thighs, rucking her skirt higher. He slipped one hand up to test her core, grinning at the wetness he found and the moan he pulled out of her. She started to pump his cock faster, and he let his head fall back at the sensation.
"Condom?" she breathed raspily.
Ryan's eyes flew open, and he struggled for a moment before wriggling a hand into his back pocket and producing one. Not willing to waste any more time, Quinn rolled it onto him and lifted herself up slightly, positioning him at her entrance before slowly sinking down. Ryan bit his lip, willing himself to stay still as she adjusted to him. "Good?" he asked, voice a bit strangled.
Quinn let out a sort of cross between a sigh and a moan. "Good." She opened her eyes, rocking forward and sending all of his thoughts scattering to the winds. "You?"
"C-can't complain," he squeaked out. "I - oh God..." He groaned as she leaned forward to press her chest against his, the new angle squeezing his cock even tighter. He bucked upwards, unable to help himself, drawing a gasp of pleasure from Quinn.
"Yes," she hissed, starting to set up a rhythm between the two of them. "Just like that." She rocked forward, crushing her lips against his as he grabbed her hips, helping her to fuck herself on top of him. "Oh God Ryan!"
He grunted as he thrust up into her, pulling her down onto him by her hips, watching her hungrily as she bounced on top of him, ecstasy written on her face. He loved that he was the only one who saw her like this. Slowly but surely he felt himself coiling, and he knew Quinn was close too. Several thrusts later she rocked back down, kissing him fiercely as she came with a violent shudder. The feeling of her lips on his was enough to trigger Ryan's own climax.
"That was awesome," Quinn breathed out a while later, slumped on top of Ryan as they basked blissfully in the moment.
Ryan hummed in agreement, running a hand up her back. Neither of them wanted to move, so they lay there happily on the couch, Ryan's now-soft cock still inside Quinn. He breathed deeply, still intoxicated by her scent all around him, all concerns about the future forgotten for the moment as the young couple enjoyed the present.
Quinn told Shelby the good news after her Honors English class the next day. "That's amazing Quinn, I'm so proud of you," the teacher gushed sincerely, giving Quinn a hug. "Congratulations."
"Thanks." Quinn smiled shyly. "And I'm the one who should be thanking you. I wouldn't have even considered applying if you hadn't said what you did about my work. Not to mention that awesome recommendation letter you sent."
"It was your talent that convinced them, Quinn," Shelby assured her with a smile. "But I was more than happy to help." She genuinely liked Quinn and was impressed with her work, plus she strongly suspected that Quinn would one day become her daughter-in-law.
"Thank you."
"So, New Haven, huh?" Shelby surveyed her. "Pretty far from New York."
"Yeah." Quinn looked at her anxiously. "I applied to Columbia and NYU too, but I really want to go to Yale." She especially wanted to have a good look at the Beinecke Library, which housed one of the largest collections of rare books in the country. But as Shelby had pointed out, there was quite a distance between New Haven and New York. And Ryan was dead set on attending NYADA.
"Then you should definitely go," Shelby told her. "Ryan wouldn't want you to hold yourself back," she added with a knowing smile. Quinn blushed at her own transparency. "Besides, it's just a few hours by train. I'm sure you'd be able to make it work."
"I guess so." Quinn offered her a smile, glad for the advice. "I should get going. Thanks again." She left the classroom and headed for the ladies' room. After doing her business, she headed to the sink.
Suddenly she froze as she heard the unmistakable sound of someone's lunch making a reappearance into a toilet bowl. She shuddered as the sound quickly called back memories of days when she had been desperately trying to lose the last few pounds before she started school as Quinn instead of Lucy.
A flush sounded, and Quinn turned around to see Marley stepping out of the stall, stopping short when she saw Quinn. The blonde raised an eyebrow curiously. "Are you okay?"
"Oh, yeah," Marley answered feebly. "Just... guess the cafeteria food didn't agree with me."
That wasn't too much of a surprise, since the school cafeteria was still pretty hit-and-miss with its lunches. Still, there was a nagging suspicion in the back of Quinn's mind. "Do you need to go to the nurse?"
"No!" Marley said hastily. "No, I'll be fine." She offered Quinn a smile before hurrying out of the bathroom. Quinn let her go, but she had a very bad feeling about this.
Three days later, Marley sat near the back of the Troubletones' classroom, listening as Mercedes and Sam sang a duet version of Human Nature. The group was still on an MJ kick, and Shelby had indulged them by letting them try out whatever Jackson songs they wanted to with a promise to seriously consider them for Regionals. They had a tentative set list, but they could still rework it this early in the game.
Marley's mind wasn't entirely on the performance though. Most of it was busy recounting just how much she had eaten that noon in the cafeteria. She was putting on weight, she knew it, and she had to do something about it or other people besides Kitty would notice.
The rest of the students applauded as the song came to an end, but Marley barely noticed. Suddenly Santana looked at her. "You okay over there? You look like you're going to hurl."
"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine." Marley hurriedly put on what was hopefully a convincing smile. She wasn't fine, she'd eaten too much at lunch today and she needed to get it out soon before she swelled up like a balloon. She could feel everyone's eyes on her, and she cleared her throat. "We should keep going."
Several more minutes later she headed for the door, mumbling an excuse for heading to the bathroom. She needed to get it out. Entering a stall, she quickly pushed two fingers down her throat, vomiting up what she had eaten for lunch. After a miserable few minutes, she headed out, rinsing her mouth out with water.
"Been doing that long, have we?"
Marley nearly jumped out of her skin, whirling around to see Quinn Fabray standing in the doorway, arms folded across her chest, and undecipherable look in her eyes. Marley looked around furtively.
"I - I wasn't -"
Quinn glared at her, and Marley could see why people at this school were scared of her. "I'm not blind." She took a breath. "Have you been doing that long?"
Marley fidgeted uncomfortably. "Since Christmas break okay?"
"Why do you think?" she burst out painfully. "You've seen my mom! She said she was like me when she was younger, and now look at her! Kitty's right, it's just a matter of time before genetics run their course and I end up just like her!"
"Wait, wait, wait," Quinn shook her head. "What does Kitty have to do with it?"
"She... she pointed out that I was starting to put on a few pounds," Marley muttered, looking away.
"Did she tell you to stick your fingers down your throat too?"
Marley fidgeted for a moment, not wanting to answer. Yes, Kitty had been the one to tell her that, but she was right, Marley was probably putting on weight. She nodded in response to Quinn's question, catching the angry look on the older girl's face. "She's right," Marley said hurriedly, not wanting to get Kitty in trouble. The small blonde was mostly nice to her after all, other than pointing out that she seemed to be gaining weight. And it was true anyways. Marley was genetically predisposed to be overweight after all. She'd gained two pounds since last week, and that was with the purging.
"No, she's not," Quinn said almost forcefully. "You're going to make yourself sick."
"That's not fair," Marley said. "You're already perfect, you don't have genetics against you!"
"Okay, everyone really needs to stop thinking I'm perfect," Quinn sighed. "You're not the only one worried about body image." She took a deep breath. "You feel fat, don't you?" she asked knowingly. "You feel like you shouldn't eat anymore because you're already overweight. But you can't not eat. So you do, but then you feel like you're practically putting on weight by the second. So you should put a stop to it, right? Which is why you decide to let it all back out." She tilted her head. "Is that what's happening?"
Marley stared at her. Yeah, that was what was happening to her. "How -"
"I was like you too. When I was a kid, I was overweight, I had acne, glasses, braces, the whole nine yards. My real name is Lucy, and the kids at my old school used to call me Lucy Caboosey. I didn't have any friends, and long story short, the summer before I moved here to Lima I decided that I was going to change that. I got contacts, went on Proactiv, and... I practically starved myself to lose the weight. And yes, I did the purging thing too."
Marley stared at the beautiful blonde, almost unable to believe that she'd once been overweight, bullied, and friendless. "I didn't know."
"That's because I try not to shout it from the rooftops," Quinn said wryly. "Anyways, I was miserable the whole time, almost made myself seriously sick. Which is what's going to happen to you if you don't stop what you're doing."
"So what should I do?" Marley asked. Kitty's remarks and suggestions seemed like the quickest way to lose weight, but now she was being told that it was wrong. And she was scared because... "I love my mom... but I don't want to be like her."
Quinn sighed. "You're focusing on being thin, right? Well, don't. You need to focus on being healthy, and happy." She smiled slightly. "It took me years to figure that out and stop with the crazy diets and stuff."
"How did you stop? You know, worrying about what you were eating and everything." She didn't want to, but sometimes she couldn't help it.
"I did it until a couple of months into sophomore year. Then..." The older girl was quiet for a moment. "When I got pregnant... the doctor told me I had to eat better... otherwise I could hurt the baby. And I couldn't let that happen. Then I realized... if I was willing to eat right for my baby, then why couldn't I do it for myself?" Quinn looked at Marley. "If eating right would help your mom, would you do it?"
"Yeah, of course," she answered unhesitatingly.
"It would, you know.
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