Chapter Ten

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I picked my head up and felt a sense of relief when i saw who had opened the door.

It was Brynn.

"Kenzie, oh my god.  I saw you two come in here so when he left all angry i got worried, what happened?" she asked coming over and kneeling next to me.

"H-he tried, I-i didn't," was all i could make out, but her face softened with an understanding look.

I didn't need to use words, she knew.

Just then i saw a panicked Johnny run through the door frame and search the room frantically.

His face relaxed when we saw me, but his eyebrows furrowed when he saw my state.

He walked over and grabbed my hand, looking at me.  I saw anger grow in his eyes and he noticed the slap mark across my cheek and the rip in my dress.

"Who?" was the only word that left his mouth as his eyes wouldn't leave mine.

"Brandon," Brynn whispered before looking down, knowing what was about to happen.

He stood up, turned around and walked right out the door.

She looked back at me before helping me to my feet.  He mouth dropped when she saw that my dress had almost ripped in half.

"Wait right here," she said before running out of the door.

She came back seconds later with a hoodie and leggings from her room.

I thanked her and changed.

Then we heard loud buzzing and chanting coming from downstairs.

We both looked at each other then walked out to the banister.  We couldn't see what was happening, but boy did we know.

We walked downstairs and went into the kitchen.  Johnny was standing up looking down a figure who was on the ground.

"Don't even think about putting a finger on her again," he said.

I saw the boy stand up and turn around.  He had blood running down his face from his eye, and his lip was busted.

You could tell he didn't have a chance at fighting back.

John spotted me and pushed his way through the crowd that had formed around him.  He immediately pulled me into his arms without a word.

"I told you, one can hurt you and get away with it," he whispered.

Everyone started clapping as they put two and two together and figured out i was the "her" he was referring to.

"Kiss her!" they all started chanting.

I looked up at him and to Brynn who had a giant smirk on her face.

I looked back up to him and saw his eyes already on me, and a soft smile on his face.

His eyes left mine and looked down to my lips, then met my eyes again.

His head slowly started to tilt and lean in, and before i could prepare, fireworks filled my entire body and everything went numb.


25 for an update :)

yay jenzie

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