Chapter 1

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The Update

Three years later...

Millie's first three years at Hogwarts while amazing, did not go by without incidents. First year, there was her best friend Harry fighting You-Know-Who (with Millie, Hermione, and Ron's help, of course) for the Sorcerer's stone. Then Harry saving Ginny from the Chamber of Secrets their second year, while Hermione and Millie were both petrified. Last year was the worst for Millie though because her father had escaped from Azkaban and the dementors made her feel terribly, but they made Harry feel quite worse. Worse so, was Harry finding out that Sirius was his godfather and having to endure him talking about that constantly.

Surprisingly, no one found out about Sirius Black being Millie's dad but that does not hold true for people not finding out about Remus Lupin raising her. Which, once Dumbledore had come to Remus and offered him the job as Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, they knew they wouldn't be able to keep that a secret. Millie was able to help him to hide his identity as a werewolf by making up outlandish stories each full moon on why he looked ill. Eventually, the other students stopped asking why Professor Lupin looked sick because they knew they'd be forced to endure a far-fetched story from his biggest supporter, Millie. The worst part of the last year though was being forced to be face to face to her father, even though he didn't recognize her at first...

"Sirius, no! We have to explain it to them first! Harry deserves to know- Amelia...your daughter deserves to know." Remus shouted.

Millie couldn't look at her friends faces, how betrayed they must feel for her hiding who her father is all these years. Especially with all that had happened this year, and everything that had brought them so close.

"Your daughter? What does that mean? Mil?" Harry questioned while keeping his wand pointed steadily at Sirius Black, the man he hated.

"I-You have to know why I didn't say anything! I didn't want anyone to think differently and I- I am sorry Harry," Millie plead with him then turned to the others, tears running down her face, "I'm so sorry guys."

Hermione and Ron looked shocked more than anything but nodded, accepting her apology. Harry still looked angry but like he understood, as well. Sirius, though, he looked even paler than before.

"Y-you are Amelia? My daughter?" He questioned, like he couldn't believe what he had heard, stepping towards you.

Remus stepped in front of him as you answered angrily, "Yes, but that doesn't mean anything. Don't come near me!"

Remus interjected again, "Sirius, lets explain this. We can- we can handle this later."

So, meeting her father for the first time wasn't the most pleasant experience (in fact, it was the worst day of her life in her memory) but with Hermione's time turner, they were able to save him and Buckbeak so theres that.

Because of this, Millie didn't have a good summer. Worrying about the Ministry finding out Sirius is her father, Uncle Remus being sacked from Hogwarts because Snape "accidentally" told his whole house he was a werewolf so now she was stuck at the Burrow while he looked for a new job, and Harry was still behaving slightly strangely in his letters since he couldn't understand the anger Millie had for Sirius. At least the twins were keeping her busy...

"OI! That almost hit me in the face, you git!" Ron shouted at Fred who in their game of two versus two versus one (the one being Fred) had taken his sole purpose in the game to try to get everyone with the bludger he was using.

Laughing hysterically, Millie didn't see bludger coming until George shouted Fred's name. She had enough time to think Wow, this is really going to hurt and shut her eyes but Fred managed to stop it.

"My hero!" She teased Fred, who looked slightly gratified in hearing that but flushed when he saw George laughing so he stomped away to put up the Quidditch equipment.

George walked alongside you to get in the house asking, "So, heard anything from your boyfriend this summer? You seem to be getting a lot of owls." By boyfriend, George was referring to Draco Malfoy. Draco, while a Slytherin and basically Harry's arch-nemesis at Hogwarts, was quite a close friend of Millies'. Not one of her friends in Gryffindor understood their friendship, but Millie was Draco's one real friend and he had never betrayed her secrets either...

First Year

A few weeks into term

Sitting in the windowsill reading, Millie didn't notice him until he spoke.

"Well, well, what do we have here?" Draco sneered. Millie looked at him with confusion because despite seeing Harry refuse his friendship, she hadn't had much to do with him.

"Hello, Draco. How are you?" She decided to answer nicely, not wanting to argue with him.

He looked thrown, like no one had ever spoken to him in a tone of kindness before.

"Why do you care?" He asked angrily, deciding to take her question as an insult, to her confusion.

"I was just being polite, it is what a decent person does, Draco. I don't see any reason why we can't be friends, if you'd stop trying to get me and my friends in trouble, you could even be friends with them!" Millie explained but now Draco looked like he had tasted something awful.

"Friends with a Mudblood like Granger? No thanks, I can do better than that."

"Don't call her that! And don't talk to me if that's how you think!" She got up to leave, wanting to find her real friends now.

"Wait-" Draco called, catching up with her. Looking slightly ashamed, he said, "I-I didn't mean that. Granger is... fine. I was hoping- I was hoping we could be friends. Given who your father is-" She cut him off immediately, "What do you mean who my father is?"

"Well, my mother told me that Sirius Black was your dad because she knew he used to date Marlene McKinnon. My mother is Sirius' cousin, you know." Draco explained, like she was a child.

Millie was panicking though. No one was supposed to know who my father was, let alone Draco Malfoy. If others found out, what would they think? Who would want to be friends with a mass murderer's daughter?

"Please, you can't tell anyone who my father is Draco. Please, tell me you haven't told anyone." She pleaded desperately with him, on the verge of tears.

Draco looked shocked but he agreed that he would keep her father's identity a secret. From that point on- though there were rocky bits- they were close friends.

Millie rolled her eyes, used to this question but exasperated nonetheless. "For the millionth time, he is not my boyfriend. We are simply friends and there is no law against being friends with someone outside of your school house! So, please quit calling him my boyfriend or asking about him!"

"Blimey, bite my head off, why don't ya?" But George grinned, letting her know that he didn't take offense. After all, she'd had this same conversation hundreds of times with him already. "Just tell me one thing, you like us better right?" He asked with puppy dog eyes.

Millie laughed, not answering him as Fred caught up.

"You dropped this, Ames," Fred whispered, holding her bracelet out to her. The bracelet that was the only thing she had left of her mother and her most prized possession. Millie realized she must have dropped it during Quidditch and that she was incredibly lucky Fred found it. This had to be the reason for her throwing her arms around Fred and hugging him tightly, while she whispered "thank you" in his ear.

Fred blushed and shrugged me off, "No problem, I know how much it means to you."

She smiled looking back at him and held her wrist out with the bracelet, "Put it back on me?"

After he secured it back on her wrist, his fingers lingered on the tender skin for a moment, they both jumped when they heard his mum shout for them to come wash up for dinner.

"So have you heard anything more from your-"seeing the look on her face, Ron changed his wording, whispering, "from you know who?"

"No, Ron, sorry but I don't keep in touch with Voldemort, also there is the fact that he is dead." Millie whispered back sarcastically, ignoring Ron's flinch when she said You-Know-Who's name.

Ron looked exasperated and started to whisper back again, but Millie cut him off by asking rather loudly, "SO when are we going to get Harry from the dreadful muggles?"

Arthur Weasley looked a little surprised to be addressed so loudly but he was used to Millie's odd tendencies from having known her basically her whole life. He answered, "Well I had my friend in the Floo Department hook up Harry's house to the Floo Network so we can get there tomorrow. To make matters simpler, I think it'd be best for me and Ron to go-"

"Hey! We want to go!" Fred and George protested in sync. Millie laughed, noticing the disapproving look on Molly's face and the warning looks she shot at her husband who looked uncomfortable. "Boys, there's no reason for all of us to go! And we know how those muggles are so the less that show up..." Arthur started but was interrupted by Fred

"But me and George have been there, we know where his room is and we could be loads of help! Right, Ames?" He looked at her for help.

"Um, yeah definitely." Millie agreed half-heartedly, but Fred didn't seem to mind. He took that as total support from her and looked at his father expectantly.

Not surprisingly, Arthur caved and was going to let the twins go- he even offered to let Millie come along- but she just decided to wait behind and greet Harry when he arrived.

This turned out to be the right decision, for when the next day arrived and they arrived back with Harry, Millie and Ginny were sitting at the kitchen table waiting and greeted them when they got back, the twins arriving first looking very pleased.

"Oh no, what did you two do?" Millie asked, dreading how badly they had messed with Harry's unpleasant family since she knew it would be taken out on him next year when he had to go back.

"Well, regrettably, there seemed to be a hole in Fred's pant pocket where there were some Ton-Tongue Toffees stored so when they fell out, we really had no idea that Dudley would be so quick to eat one." George explained, chuckling while he told his story as Fred and Ron listened, both laughing hysterically.

"You should have seen-"

"It was brill-"

"HAVE YOU BOYS LOST YOUR MIND?" Listening to the boys go on and on about what happened, you had all failed to notice that Harry and Arthur had arrived back at the Burrow and Arthur was not happy with the twins. "THAT MY OWN SONS WOULD TREAT MUGGLES WITH SUCH BAD MANNERS. HOW DOES THAT LOOK WHEN I WORK IN MUGGLE RELATIONS?"

"But dad they're horrible to him! We didn't do it because they're muggles!" The twins explained

"Yeah, they really are awful!" Harry put in eagerly.


"Arthur, what happened?" Molly walked in, already looking at the twins, knowing that it was them Arthur had been shouting at.

"Well, I am just going to head upstairs." Millie says, trying to make her escape quick because listening to Molly gripe is not her favorite pastime, having heard enough of it in the years visiting the Burrow. Ron, Harry, and Ginny start to follow Millie upstairs, as do the twins when they hear Molly bellow, "THEY DID WHAT? BOYS GET DOWN HERE THIS INSTANT!"

Looking at Fred, Millie sees him wink at her quickly before him and George head off downstairs. Hopefully, they make it out of this in one piece because from the sounds of Molly, they are both going to get a good walloping. 

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