6. Her Laugh

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There's something bout her, a gentle tone,

After the English exam, she walked alone,
Toward her home, near school, she took her way.
I stopped my bike, her presence gently shown,
With helmet on, to her I had to say:

"Hi there, how'd the exam go?" I asked,
She looked at me, unsure of who I was.

A mask she wore, her face partly unmasked,
"Sorry, do I know you?" came her pause.

"It's me, Sharma, Ayush Sharma," I replied,
Recognition sparked within her eyes.
"How did you recognize me, masked, from all who stride?"
"My imagination's strong," came my disguise.

She laughed, my heart did melt with that sweet sound,
How do I tell her, her face is always in my mind, profound.

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