45. Not All Rich Families Must Or Can Be Trusted

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"Stop resting your head on me!" Dana shouted pushing Moon's head away from her shoulder because she wanted to sleep till we get there.

They had been partying for the past 2 hours, 43 minutes. Deborah said she was gonna party the whole trip, but now she's sleeping in the room behind us in the jet. She was currently living the dream and sleeping in it too.

But they had fun though, drinking lots of wine and alcohol, playing loud music to the point that I couldn't even hear myself laugh. Singing along with songs that they knew.

I wanted to join them, but I didn't have energy to, so I sat down and watched them.

Phillip too, didn't join them he only drank a can of beer and was sleeping next to me with head on my shoulder. I tried getting up without waking him up but he grumbled and said my shoulder was comfortable and he likes my Cologne.

What even made the party fun was when Deborah gave the flight attendants, Rachel and Oliver, beer to drink. Both of pleaded with her that they didn't want to drink when they're supposed to be working in the jet.

Deborah too pleaded, that they should just take at least one glass of vodka and they did Deborah had a way with getting what she wants from people. She also told me that all rich people have that technique and I just smiled as a reply.

Well the flight attendants gave in and drank the vodka, one glass turned into many and now they're sitting on the ground exhausted and a bit drunk I guess.

Everywhere was now quiet and the only thing I was hearing was the roaring sounds of the jet engines.

But I remembered that I wanted to pee a while ago, but didn't because of Phillip. The urge to pee died down but now it's back and I'm more pressed to go.

"Hey, Phil. I need to use the restroom." I said tapping his shoulder.

He grumbled. "Oh why." He said and raised his head up. "Please be quick." He said with sleepy eyes and voice.

"I'm not going to take a shit, I'm just going to pee." I said and got up heading for bathroom.

I got inside the restroom and closed the door, quickly unzip my pants and let my pee rush inside the toilet. "Yes, that's nice." The feeling of holding in pee for a long time and letting it just come out of you was bliss.

I finished up, pulling my pants to my waist and zipping it up and I was about to wash my hand in the sink besides me when the door flung open.

"Oh sorry, I didn't know it was occupied." The pilot, James said as he saw me inside.

"Oh it's okay, I'm already done I just wanna watch my hands." I mentioned and he nodded then entered inside the bathroom. "Wait who's flying the jet if you're here?" I asked.

"Oh, don't worry the other pilot Luke, is holding her steady for me, we pilots have to hold in our pee for a whole flight and Luke doesn't know it's in autopilot." He asked while peeing

"Yeah, I can understand." I stared at the mirror not turning around before I see his stuff.

"So how long have you known, Miss Rodriguez?" He asked zipping his pants up and turning to the sink.

"Um, since we were three, we've always done everything together since then... What about you?"

"Not long enough, but I have been working for her father for 7 years now." He said and smiled.

"Ok, well nice to meet you, again." I was about to walk out of the restroom, when he held my hand pulling me back.

"Wait!" He shouted as I turned my head to face him.


"Are you sure you really wanna do this?" James questioned as my brows knitted.

"Huh?" Really wanna do what?

"Are you sure you wanna go there? Are sure you wanna know everything? Cause it can really, really bring danger to your life." He added as my eyes widened.

His he saying what I think he his? No, there's no way, I didn't tell anyone... How did he know?

Like Blue said, no one can be trusted, especially right now.

I removed his hand from mine and straightened my face. "I'm sorry, I don't know what your talking about." I smirked.

He groaned, "I know you know what I am talking about, act all you want but you know you are putting yourself in danger, I won't stop you, it's not like I can, just know this." He walked closer to me, leaning to my ear.

"You might have known Deborah and Phillip for years but there are things that they haven't told you and it's either they doesn't know or they just kept it from you. Not all rich families must or can be trusted, there's no turning back. I wish you didn't have to go but it's TGS anyways... They get what they always and destroy want they do not want." With that said he walked out leaving only me inside as I held my chest breathing heavily.

"Damn." I took in a deep breath and held it in before letting it out. "Shit just got real."

The fact the he knew when I didn't tell anybody, or leave a trace of anything else. Well if he knows, that means other people know, which also means I am officially now in danger.

As soon as we get to California, I won't waste time, I will meet Blue immediately and I will do it without being followed... Hopefully.


I sat down next to Phillip who was no longer asleep. "Hey, you're awake."

"Yeah, I couldn't sleep with your shoulder." He smiled and I just rolled my eyes. Then I remembered what James said.

Not all rich families must or can be trusted... It either they don't know or they kept it from you

"Phillip." I called and he turned his body to face me.


"Is there anything you and Deborah aren't telling me?"

"What do you mean?"

"Is there anything that I don't know about you guys, that I should know of?" I added.

"No, I don't think so, you've known us for years, I don't think we have anything to hide." His deep voice was intrigued and concerned. "Why did you ask, is something wrong?" He touch my hand as I flinched and pulled my hand to myself.

"Uhh, no nothing's wrong, I was just curious that's all." I said and faced the window looking outside the window, staring at the clouds and the sunny sky.

"Do you still have any M&M left?" He asked.

"No, I kind are it all, I never leave one... Never. So yeah." He shook is head as his lips were now smiling upside down.

"Okay, you must really like them."

"Yeah, I do, some people know about it too, I'm surprised you didn't."

"Oh no, I do know. I had to eat it so we can both have something in common." My eyes widened.


"Yeah, I was really into you and I still am, but I would respect your decision."

He was really serious. "I know I'm a jerk for turning you down, but I wanna rest from the whole relationship shit right now, I'm really tired and I need something for myself." He nodded.

"Yeah, I understand Hudson. And hey, don't call yourself a jerk. You are definitely not one." He said and I smiled.

"Thanks." I said and he placed his head on my shoulder and we stopped talking from there.

You guys should check out my new book, like I said the chapters will be out August 28, so you can add it to your reading list or library.

But You can check out the cast and some updates and please share my books all of them please and vote please very important.

The original name for this book was '8 Of Them & 1 Of Me' which was a very weird name, so I had to change it to 'Attracted To Him' which is more better and relates more to the book

Thanks to those who have been reading my books and adding it to their reading list... Thank you.

If you like S.A.B, your gonna love this one. Please check it out.

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