44. We Need To Journey In Style

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"Hey, give me a hug first." My mom said as I hugged her for the 6th time already. She didn't want to let me go, she said I should spend the summer with them but my dad told her that I needed to have fun and leave the house.

It took sometime before she finally gave in.

"Mom, it's not like I am leaving the house forever, it's only for the summer." I said after she released me from her breathtaking hug... Literally breathtaking.

"I know, I will miss you that's all."

"I won't." Emily said smirking evilly

"Whatever Emily and while I'm gone... Stay out of my room." I said as she rolled her eyes.

"You don't own me." She retorted.

"I own my room." I said pushing her face backwards as she attempted to bite my finger, my dad held her back.

"Ok ok, that's enough." Dad said and she pouted.

My phone beeped as a message from Deborah popped on the screen.


Hey, we're arriving at your house now :-)

Ok, I'm on my way out

"Ok, Deborah's here, I'm leaving now." I said and my dad placed his hand on my shoulder.

"Have fun and loosen up but remember always make the right and not wrong decisions." He said with a smile on his face.

I was a bit sad, Dad was hardly around to spend time with us and now that he is here, I am going on my summer vacation, when I should be spending time with him, before I go to collage.

"Don't worry dad I will have fun and I will make right decisions." I returned the smile and he kissed my forehead.

I walked to the door and held the knob while my other hand, tightly gripping the handle of my luggage looking back at them.

I am only travelling for a month, why does it feel like I'll be going for a decade?

This is a small experience, I wonder how it will be next year when I wanna go to collage

"Bye guys."

"Bye son." Mom said giving me a small wave.

"Safe journey." Dad responded and then I sighed opening the door and walking out of the house.

As I closed the door, a black Limousine with tinted windows, slowly parked at the front of my house.

The fuck

One of the tinted windows rolled down, revealing a blonde girl with shades on and a smile on her face.

"Oye ¿qué haces ahí? Vamos, tenemos un largo viaje por delante." Deborah said as I rushed to the car.

The driver came down from the Limo and walked to me. "Hello Mr Calloway." Donald said with a smile on his face.

"Hello, Donald. How are you doing?" I asked returning his smile. Donald was a really close friend to me. He works for Deborah's parents I think for 14 years now, devoting his life for the people he worked for. Deborah's parents appreciates him too and treats him like he is part of their family. I know cause I have seen it.

"I am good young sir, how about you?" He replied.

"I'm fine honestly, I just want to go on this vacation and rest my mind from reading and school until the break his over.

"Well, I hope you enjoy your time there."

"Wait, are you coming with us?" I asked.

"I'm afraid not, I have to stay and look over the house while my masters and their kids are away." He mentioned as my brows knitted. He said and their kids are away.

Is Phillip coming with us too?

"Yeah, it would have been nice if you came with us."

"Don't worry, we'll spend more time together when you get back from your break." I smiled as took the luggage from my hand. "Have fun Mr Calloway."

"You too, Donald." And with that he placed my luggage with the others which I think will be my friends their luggages.

Who else would have them?

I got into the limo as my friends cheered. I closed the door and sat down, feeling the comfort of the seats.

"Sup dude." Andrew said.

"I'm exhausted and hungry." I said and sighed. "Nice Limousine by the way."

"Well, we need to journey in style and I also got you two packs of M&M." Deborah said and I swear I felt my swell of joy.

"Oh wow, thanks so much." I said not even wasting time as I opened it up and started eating it.

"Hey, Hudson." I heard a deep familiar voice inside the limo as I turned my head searching for the voice, then saw a blonde guy staring and smiling at me. Not Moon but Phillip.

So he is coming with us... I guess

"Phillip hey, what are you doing here?" I said without thinking because I wasn't, it just came out of my mouth but luckily, I didn't sound rude, it was just a question. Why was he here?

"Well I decided to come for Summer break, I really don't wanna be alone in that house for a month, I can stay but I'd rather come." His deep voice was as always a nice time to listen to.

"Yeah, he can't stay without his sister." Deborah said in a child-like manner, moving her face towards him.

"Whatever, Deborah." He said pushing her face away from coming any closer to his, which made a little laugh escape my mouth. It reminded me of my Emily, she's sweet and annoying at the same time.

"Well, I'm happy you came." I said as he turned his head to me and smiled.

"Donald!" Deborah shouted his name with her loud voice.

"Yes Miss Rodriguez?" Donald rolled down the window demarcating the front seat from the inner part of the window as he responded.

"Can we get some music in here?!" Deborah asked as I covered my eyes cause she was almost near me.

"Of course, what would you like to listen to Miss?" He asked.

"You can play the songs in my playlist!" She added.

Fuck Deborah, you're loud

"Ok, right away Miss." He said as I heard the joy in his voice.

"Thank you, Donald." She said with a smile on her face and Donald rolled up the tinted glass. The limo was quiet as we waited for the song to play. "What's taking him so- "

Deborah was cut off as Espresso by Sabrina Carpenter began to play and it was fucking loud.

"Woo!" Deborah shouted as we laughed. "I love this song!" She kept on shouting.

"Who doesn't?" I said as she nodded agreeing with me.

She sang along with you as the limo began moving as our journey began, a very long Journey.


We've been on the road for almost an hour now, so we are just a few minutes away from the airport.

And Deborah who was asleep with her head on Moon's lap who was also asleep. Andrew was watching or reading something on his phone, Dana was definitely watching something on her phone while Phillip, left where he was sitting and came to sit next to me said he was bored.

I totally freaked out when she told me we are heading for the airport, my chest flung open as my heart jumped out causeI didn't have a passport and she didn't even tell me we were going to the airport. How am I supposed to go to California without a passport? She didn't say anything but just smiled and said it was a surprise.

"So, how've you been?" I said not knowing how to start a conversation with him.

"I'm good, waiting until we get to Malibu." He responded keeping his voice deep and calm.

"Same... It's been three years since I left New York, I really need this vacation."

"Damn, that long?" He said quirking his eyebrows.

"Yep, it didn't really bother me because I was a book worm back then, I still am but not as much as before."

"Yeah, I know. I actually know a lot of things about you Hudson, not personal things just things that I've seen you do and yeah." Phillip mentioned.

"Oh really?"

"Yeah, don't worry I didn't follow you around to know things about you."

"Oh I didn't think that don't worry. I don't know anything about you actually, I never got the chance to."

"Yeah, I was quite Isolative back then, I had to leave that part of me last year. I'm open now to people but I know who and who to be open with."

"Am I among one of the people you're open with?" I asked curiously.

"Of course yes, you are actually." My heart fluttered.

"Shit, I feel so special right now." I said and laughed.

"You are special." He said as my smile just dropped.

Okayyyyy... I see you Phillip

"Thanks" was all I said. I didn't really know how to respond to what he said. If it was that time that I had a crush on him, I would've definitely thrown myself on him, kissing and licking him like a dog drinking water. But now that I think of it I was actually weird back then, but even in my weirdness I still made amazing friends. They really matched my freak.

He didn't take my response likely though, cause his face was not happy anymore. "Sorry I didn't really know what to say."

"It's okay, I get it but I'm serious, you are special, and rare." He leaned closer to my ear. "I really wish I could be with." He whispered.

I felt my face turn red, releasing a nervous laugh out of my mouth. I was about to say something but decided not to.

"Phillip!" Deborah shouted as we both looked at the direction she was sleeping. "Stop flirting with my best friend." She said sitting up and throwing her bucket hat at him.

"It's none of your business." He said throwing it back to her as it hit her on the face and she went back colliding with the back rest.

The limousine suddenly came to a stop and I heard loud engines roaring out of the limo. Donald rolled down the glass. "We've arrived at hour destination, Miss Rodriguez." Donald said as she shot her body up from the chair.

"Okay, we're hear, everyone out come on!" She shouted as we all got up and the door besides me flung open as I carried my phone and the M&M pack on the seat. I stepped out and realized we were in the airport. The outside world was so bright, I had to put on my shades. The shades Blue gave me, I knew I would use it soon.

"Here are your luggages." Donald said as we carried out bags and luggages from him.

"I'm really gonna miss you Donald." I said after taking my luggage from his hand.

"You too, Mr Calloway."

"Are you sure you won't come? The house will be quiet without you." Deborah said in her sad puppy voice.

"The house will be quiet without both of you." He said as he touched Deborah and Phillip shoulders. "Have a splendid vacation, hope you guys will live your lives to the fullest."

"We will Donald." Phillip said.

"See you soon." Deborah and Phillip said at the same time, doing that weird twin thing.

"You too." He bowed and went into the limo and driving off.

"So Deborah, how are we gonna go to California without passports?" Dana mentioned as we were were walking to where they kept the planes.

"We are gonna fly." She said not making any sense.

"Debbie, last time I checked we don't have wings." Dana added.

"God Dana, just come." She said as we walked entered the hanger as we saw the large planes inside it.

The planes were arranged well and the largest plane was in the middle while the smaller planes and jets were at the other side.

"Oh, so now we're gonna rob a plane? Wow I never thought you had it in you Debbie." Dana said as Deborah rolled her eyes.

We walked further in the hanger and I saw this plain black private jet, with the word Rodriguez written in gold and three guys and two ladies in standing by it. "Wait, Deborah... Is that- "

"Yes, Hudson, it is. My private jet." She said as, Dana, Moon and I jaws dropped to the floor, while Andrew just smiled.

"Your kidding right?" Moon said.

"You guys totally forgot we are rich, you totally forget about that didn't you?" She said looking at Phillip, then back at us.

"Yeah, we totally forgot." Dana said.

"Totally." Moon added. We were standing next to the private jet about to climb the stairs inside it.

"Damn, your own private jet... Wow." I said amazed my it.

"It's just a private jet." Deborah said.

"Uhh, fuck you for that Debbie." Dana said.

Deborah gasped. "Such offensive words." She said and gave Dana the finger.

"Wait why aren't you surprised Andrew?" I asked turning my attention to him.

"Me and Lewis have our own private jets, but it's not here, there in another airport." He said dropping another news leaving us amazed the more.

"Wow, I'm so happy I made the right friends." Moon said and laughed.

"What about you Phillip? Do you have a jet too?" Dana asked.

"Nah, I told my dad not to get me one."

"Well, that's stupid." Dana retorted.

"I'm just joking. Mine is right there." Phillip said pointing to a white jet at the other side of the hanger.

"No fucking way." I said. It was another jet, exactly the same, but Phillip's jet was white with the gold details and Rodriguez name. While Debbie's jet was black.

"Are you dating anyone by any chance, Phillip?" Dana said walking towards him.

"Nice try." He said and she pouted.

"Hello, James. Guys this is our pilot James." Deborah introduced us to him.

"It's nice to meet you all." The hot pilot said giving me little glances.


"While, this is Luke, Gwen, Rachel and Oliver, they'll be taking care of us and of course having fun with us until we get to Malibu." She introduced us to the rest of them.

They greeted us and we greeted them and after that we got into the jet while Gwen and Oliver carried our luggages to where they keep cargos, outside of the plane.

The get was dope as fuck, like you don't even need to sit down on the seats to know if they're comfortable or not.

We all settled in the plane as the pilot said one and two things then, Luke brought a bottle of champagne as they cheered while I just laughed.

The pilot, James drove to the runway and after some seconds, we lifted up from the ground and began our longest journey yet to Malibu. Approximately 6 hours California. So, 6 hours in the air that's a large amount of time.

But at least we are having fun in the jet. I'm just looking forward to the sleep that will hit me soon.

Blue... I am not only going to California for vacation. I also need to see you, one last time, cause I don't know when I will see you again.

I have made up my mind that you matter to me, and I know I matter to you too, cause you won't have done all this if you didn't. You wouldn't have told my about your secret life and information that I seriously shouldn't know off.

You trusted me enough to tell me about it and I have to do the same.

I'm doing this because if you

My heart skip when I think of him and I just remember how much I miss his annoying and dangerous presence.

He makes me smile when nobody knows how to, except my friends but there's a way he smiles, I don't know how is does it. It's just magical, well I wouldn't say magical is just tempting and drowning, like his smile and his face and literally everything about him is just so attractive, I cannot stop thinking about him.

He makes me nervous and happy when he feels like it. I am literally entering a life of danger and criminality and literally everything mafia related...


You know something, I don't usually cuss like this, but after I met Blue and after he left, I just began cussing none stop, I am now noticing it.

There is Something About Blue and I'm going find out soon.

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