075. detox

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Dean and Natalie stand outside the panic room door, the little window open so they can talk to Sam.

"Okay. Let me out. This isn't funny." Sam says.

"Damn straight." Dean says.

"Dean, come on. This is crazy." Sam says.

"No. Not until you dry out." Dean says.

"Look, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have lied to you guys. Just open the door." Sam says.

"You don't have to apologize. It's not your fault. It's not your fault that you lied to us over and over again. I get it now. You couldn't help it." Dean says.

"I'm not some junkie." Sam insists.

"Really? I guess I've just imagined how strung out you've been lately."

"You're actually trying to twist this into some kind of ridiculous drug intervention?"

"Okay, Sammy--" Natalie tries.

"If it smells like a duck." Dean says.

"Dean, I'm not drinking the demon blood for kicks. I'm getting strong enough to kill Lilith. And so are Evie and Libby." Sam says.

"Strong?" Dean asks.

"Yeah." Sam says.

"This is about as far away from strong as you can get. Try weak. Try desperate. Pathetic. And making your daughters do it? Do you know how low that is?"

"Killing Lilith is what matters. Or are you so busy being self-righteous you forgot about her?" Sam asks.

"Oh, Lilith's gonna die. Bobby, Nat, Jacob, Rissa, and I will kill her. But not with you." Dean says.

"You're not serious." Sam says.

"Congrats, Sammy. You just bought yourself a benchwarmer seat to the apocalypse."

"Dean, look-- no, wait--" Dean shuts the window cover. "Come back here. Dean! Let me out of here! Dean! Let me out of here! Nat! Dean!"

"Do you really have to be a dick? Tough love, sure. But there's crossing a line." Natalie hisses.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Are you on board with this?" Dean asks.

"Of course not. But maybe he really does have good reasoning. Definitely not for Libby, I am so far beyond pissed about that, but for himself. I mean, maybe-- maybe Ruby brainwashed him or something. We may not have the full story." Natalie says.

"We have the full story -- he's an idiot." Dean says.

"Dean." Natalie calls, but he's already gone.


The five adults and Ophelia are in the living room and are forced to listen to Sam screaming. Libby calls out every once in a while, but is usually quiet, the girl seeming to take this better than Sam. Evie is silent half the time and screaming the other half.

Bobby pours five glasses of whiskey.

"How long is this gonna go on?" Dean asks.

"Here, let me look it up in my demon detox manual. Oh, wait. No one ever wrote one. No telling how long it'll take. Hell, or if Sam will even live through it." Bobby says. The phone rings and Bobby picks it up. "Hello. Suck dirt and die, Rufus. You call me again, I'll kill you." He hangs up.

"What's up with Rufus?" Dean asks.

"He knows." Bobby states and the phone rings again, Bobby picking up. "I'm busy, you son of a bitch. This better be important."

~ ~ ~

"The news. The news ain't good." Bobby says.

"This is what Rufus called about? "Key West sees ten species go extinct."" Dean says.

"Yep. Plus Alaska. 15 man fishing crew all stricken blind, cause unknown. New York, teacher goes postal, locks the door, kills exactly 66 kids. All this is a single day. I looked them up. There's no doubt about it. They're all seals. Breaking... fast." Bobby says.

"How many are left?" Dean asks.

"Who knows? Can't be many. Where the hell are your angel pals?" Bobby asks.

"You tell me." Dean says.

"I'm just wondering." Bobby says.


"The apocalypse being nigh and all... is now really the time to be having this little domestic drama of ours?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I don't like this any more than you do, but Sam can kill demons. He's got a shot at stopping Armageddon."

"So what? Sacrifice Sam's life, his soul, for the greater good? Is that what you're saying? Times are bad, so let's use Sam as a nuclear warhead?"

"Look, I know you hate me for suggesting it. I hate me for suggesting it. I love that boy like a son. All I'm saying is maybe he's here right now instead of on the battlefield because we love him too much."

~ ~ ~

Sam is sitting on the cot, his fingers tangled in his hair.

"You know, this is all on you." He looks up, finding Natalie standing near the end of the bed.

"Natty." He whispers.

"If you just wouldn't keep so many secrets... or weren't so weak that you gave in to Ruby's lies. Maybe you wouldn't be here, Sammy." She says. "I mean, look at you now. You're pathetic."


"Everything that's happened -- it's all on you. If you wouldn't have agreed to help Dean find dad, if you didn't make me go with you guys, we'd still be in California. We'd be free. We'd be happy. They would still be alive." She says and he knows exactly who she means.

"Nat, I... I didn't--"

"It's your fault. You're the reason that Jessica and Noah are dead. If we didn't leave, we could've stayed and protected them. If you would've just told me about your premonition, we could've stopped it. But you had to hide everything... and you had to be stupid and follow big brother around."

"You say that you don't wanna drink, but we both know you love it more than anything. Maybe you don't want to, but there's nothing sweeter than it, is there?"

"Natty, please, just..." Sam sniffles.

"Look at yourself, Sam. You're barely even human anymore. You're a monster." She seethes.

"No. No, you don't get to say that. Not you. Not the one person who has always been there." Sam says.

"Then maybe you shouldn't be something that I want to hunt. If you weren't trapped down here, I'd kill you, Sam. You don't deserve to be saved. You deserve whatever that comes to you. You and your stupid daughter both do. And whatever does kill you two -- angel, demon, some other monster... hell, Dean -- I'll be jealous."

"Jealous that they got to make your heart stop beating before I did. Because you are not my twin. You're just... evil. I mean, come on, Sammy... we know that you have always been a monster."

"Shut up, Natalie!" Sam shouts, squeezing his eyes shut. He opens his eyes and looks around, but doesn't see her.

~ ~ ~

Libby sits in the corner of the bedroom, her hands pressed over her ears, trying to tune the voices out. Evie is asleep on the floor, tired from all the screaming. All of them saying she's bad and evil.

"Baby." Libby looks up at the soft voice.

"Mommy." She sobs, instinctively reaching out for Jessica.

Jessica smiles, kneeling in front of Libby, and she holds onto her hands.

"It's okay, sweetheart." Jessica soothes.

"I didn't wanna drink the blood. I promise."

"I know. I know your father made you drink it. I just... I can't believe I birthed such a monster."

Libby looks up at her, more tears stinging at her eyes.

"Wh-what?" Libby hiccups.

"God, the men I choose. I fell in love with a freak and I created freaks." Jessica scoffs, standing up.

"No. No, mommy." Libby whimpers.

"Born with this darkness and you three just give in to it. It's disturbing."


"You do not deserve to call me that, you freak." Jessica hisses making Libby flinch. "You deserve to be put down like that disgusting thing that you are."

"But mommy." Libby sobs.

"I am so glad I died so I didn't have to watch you grow into this abomination."

"No. It's not real. It's not real." Libby covers her ears again, looking down. She continues to sob, trying to remind herself she's alone.

~ ~ ~

"Wow." Sam looks up at Larissa. "This is... this is so stupid."

"What?" Sam asks.

"Trying to save you. I mean, you're-- you're pathetic. God, what did I ever see in you? I can just never fall for a good guy, can I?" Larissa lets out a humorless chuckle.

"Lissy..." Sam tries.

"You know maybe if you weren't so stupid, we wouldn't be doing this right now. If you hadn't ditched all of us after your precious siblings died. Maybe we'd still like you. Maybe we wouldn't wanna kill you. But you ditched us. You went running to make a deal and then stuck with your little demon slut."

"Then you dragged your little babies into it. And now we wanna kill them too."

"No. No, you can't touch them. Please. Don't touch Bessie and E, please. They didn't-- I made them do this. Don't hurt them." Sam begs.

"You brought this on yourselves, Sammy." Larissa clicks her tongue. "You didn't want us to hurt them, you should've just left them alone."

"It was-- I made them do it for their safety. To-- to protect themselves." Sam insists.

"Yeah? And how's that working out?" Larissa asks. "I mean, it's too late, anyway."

"Wh-what do you mean?" Sam asks.

"They're already dead." Larissa states.

Sam feels his heart drop, tears immediately falling out of his eyes.

"I-- wait, no. No." He firmly denies. "You-- you wouldn't-- you guys wouldn't kill kids so easily. Natty wouldn't kill her nieces."

"Wouldn't she? I mean, if they were a monster, what's supposed to stop us?" Larissa questions.

"They're just babies. Please." Sam brokenly whispers.

"Well, then maybe you should've thought about that before you turned them into monsters."

~ ~ ~

Evie wakes up, tiredly rubbing her eyes. She looks around, Libby still crouched in the corner.

"Bee?" She calls.

"Evie." She turns to her mom.

"Mommy." Evie perks up at the sight of the woman she hasn't seen in four years.

"Oh, baby." Jess sighs. "What did I do? Giving birth to monsters." Her words make Evie pout and her shoulders deflate.

"What?" She asks in a meek voice.

"All that darkness and evil in you. All because of your daddy. You three are freaks." Jess hisses.

"Wha-- no." Evie whimpers.

"I'm so lucky I died so I didn't have to watch you two grow up to be monsters. You all should just be put down like dogs."

"Mommy." Evie sniffles.

Jess tightly grips her chin.

"You deserve to die." Jess whispers, the young girl sobbing.


"Correct me if I'm wrong, but you willingly signed up to be the angels' bitch?" Bobby asks and Dean gives him a bitch face. "I'm sorry. You prefer "sucker"?" He asks.

"Lap dog?" Larissa adds.

"After everything you said about them, now you trust them?" Bobby asks.

"Come on, give me a little credit, Bobby. I've never trusted them less. I mean, they come on like shady politicians from planet Vulcan." Dean says.

"Then why in the hell did you--" Bobby starts.

"Because what other option do I have? It's either trust the angels or let Sammy trust a demon?"

"They both suck. This is just gonna make things worse." Natalie says.

"I see your point." Bobby says.

"You hear that?" Dean asks, the group listening to the silence.

"Yeah, that's a little too much nothing." Bobby says.

"Ophelia, stay up here." Jacob orders as the adults race downstairs to the basement and open the window to the panic room, looking for Sam. He's on the floor and having a seizure.

"What if he's faking?" Dean asks.

"You really think he would?" Bobby asks.

"I think he'd do something." Dean says.

Suddenly, Sam is slammed against the wall.

"That ain't faking." Bobby says. They quickly open the door as Sam rolls across the wall, still seizing.

They rush over and grab him, dragging Sam to the floor and hold him down. Bobby puts a belt in his mouth to prevent him from biting his own tongue.

"We're gonna have to tie him down for his own safety." Bobby states. "Dean? Nat? You two with me? Dean! Nat!" Bobby calls, snapping the two out of their trances. "Before he has another fit." Natalie sniffles, glancing between Bobby and Sam.

"Yeah. Ye-yeah, right." Natalie weakly nods.

"Yeah, yeah. Let's just get it over with." Dean says.


After getting Sam tied down to the cot, the group are back in the living room.

"I'm gonna ask one more time. Are we absolutely sure we're doing the right thing?" Bobby asks.

"No. We're listening to a fucking idiot." Natalie says.

"Bobby, you saw what was happening to him down there. The demon blood is killing him." Dean says.

"No, it isn't. We are." Bobby says.

"What?" Dean asks.

"I'm sorry. I can't bite my tongue any longer. We're killing him. Keeping him locked up down there. This cold turkey thing isn't working. If-- if he doesn't get what he needs soon, Sam's not gonna last much longer."

"No. I'm not giving him demon blood. I won't do it."

"And if he dies?"

"Then at least he dies human!" Dean yells making Natalie flinch. "I would die for him in a second, but I won't let him do this to himself. I can't. I guess I found my line. I won't let my brother turn into a monster."

They hear glass crash from upstairs, alerting them.

"Libby! Evie!" Natalie calls, rushing upstairs, the others close behind her. "Girls!" She shouts, running to the door and trying to open it. "Damn it. Where the fuck is the key?!"

"I don't-- it's downstairs." Dean says.

"Fuck that." Jacob kicks the door open. Ophelia shrieks when she sees Libby standing in the broken window.

"Elizabeth!" Natalie races over. Libby lets go of the window pane, starting to fall forward, but is quickly yanked back inside by four arms, the girl and two women crashing onto the bed.

"Libby." Natalie says. "Libby, hey."

"I'm sorry!" Libby wails. "I'm sorry. I didn't want to. I didn't want to!"

Jacob frowns when he hears thumping and turns to see Evie hitting her head against the wall.

"Whoa, whoa, hey, hey." Jacob rushes over, picking the girl up.

"No!" She squirms in his hold, Jacob tightening his grip.

"Hey, hey. You're okay. It's okay. I got you. I got you." Jacob comforts, cradling her head and she starts to slowly calm down. "You're okay. You're safe, baby."

"I know. I know, baby." Natalie cradles her niece as she sobs into her chest. "You're okay. You're okay. It's okay. I got you."

"They made me! I'm sorry!" Their hearts break at the six year old's cries.

"Don't kill me, please. Don't kill E. Don't kill daddy. I'll never do it again. Please!" Libby sobs.

"Nobody's killing anybody, baby. I promise." Natalie assures.

"Okay, we gotta tie 'em down too." Dean says.

"What?" Bobby questions.

"Are you insane?" Larissa asks.

"They just tried to kill themselves, guys. What else are we supposed to do?" Dean asks.

"We'll board the windows up." Jacob says, rocking Evie, the girl reducing to quiet cries and sniffles.

"We are not tying them down, Dean. They're six." Natalie says, her grip on Libby tightening.

"And what's gonna stop her from taking the boarding off?" Dean asks. "What's gonna stop her from banging her head until she's got brain damage?"

"Okay, she's hopped up on demon blood, she's not fucking Superman. I don't think either of them are strong enough to yank off wood nailed into the wall." Jacob says.

"I wouldn't put it past 'em." Dean says. He goes to grab Libby, but Natalie smacks his hand away.

"No. If that's what you're gonna do, you are not fucking touching them, Dean Winchester." Natalie seethes.

"So what's your idea?" Dean asks.

"I'll stay with them. They shouldn't be alone, anyways. Board the windows up, but I'm not leaving them." Natalie states.

~ ~ ~

They boarded the windows up and Libby is lying in bed with Natalie sitting on the floor next to her.

After making sure Evie wasn't bleeding, the girl only having a small bump on the head. Larissa gave them an ice pack which Jacob kept held to the bump to help with the swelling.

"Why were you banging your head, kiddo?" Jacob asks, combing through Evie's hair with one hand and holding the ice pack with the other.

"To get the voices out of my head." Evie whispers.

Jacob lets out a small sigh, kissing her on the head.

"What were the voices saying?" He asks.

"I'm a monster. That you'll kill me... and Bee and daddy." Evie says.

"Nobody's killing you, honey. Nobody's killing any of you. And you're not a monster." Jacob says.

"Then why are we locked in?" Evie asks.

"Cause we're all idiots." Jacob whispers making Evie's lips quirk up for a moment. "But nobody's killing you guys. They gotta get through me and your aunt first. And Rissa and Ophi. Bobby. Okay?"

"Okay." Evie whispers.

~ ~ ~

Evie and Jacob both fell asleep, Natalie and Libby still awake.

"What made you try to jump out the window, baby?" Natalie softly asks.

"Everybody wants to kill me." Libby quietly says.

"No. No, sweet girl, nobody wants to kill you." Natalie argues. "We love you. We want you to be okay -- you, your sister, and your dad."

"That's not what you're saying in my head." Libby says, her voice cracking.

"Don't listen to the voices in your head, baby. They're lying. We love you, we would never hurt you." Natalie promises, combing through Libby's hair.

"I never wanted to drink it. They would... they would always put it in my chocolate milk since I hated it."

"That's why you're so skeptical whenever you get chocolate milk now?" Natalie asks and Libby nods.

"Daddy promised we were done around the time you guys came back, but... but then he started again. And then Ruby made me and E drink an entire cup after the angels took you and Opi and Dean."

"Did she hit your head on the bathtub?" Natalie asks and Libby nods. Natalie's jaw clenches, just about ready to kill that demon.

"And after that, he made me start drinking it again."

"Well, you're never drinking it again. I promise." Natalie tells her. She kisses Libby on the head, lingering for a few moments. "How about you try and get some sleep, hm? I'm not going anywhere."

"Okay." Libby whispers.


Natalie had fallen asleep, her head resting on the bed and Libby is also asleep. Nobody wakes up when Cas appears. He grabs the twins, Evie immediately waking up and Libby starts to wake up, and he teleports outside. He puts them down and disappears before she fully wakes up.

Sam gets outside, looking around. He stops when he spots the twins -- alive and standing.

"E? Bessie?" He calls, getting them to turn to him.

"Daddy." They race over to him and Sam sighs in relief, dropping to his knees and the two crash into him.

"Oh, thank God. Oh, I knew it couldn't be true." He mumbles, tightly holding onto them, his fingers tangling in their hair as he cradles their heads. "You're both alive. You're okay." He mumbles, kissing their heads.

"Okay, come on. We gotta go." Sam says, picking them up. He makes his way over to one of the old cars. He puts them in the backseat before working on hotwiring the car.

Sam turns when he hears a gun cock and finds Bobby.

"Uh-uh, Sam. The only place you three are going is back inside with me." Bobby says.

"No." Sam denies.

"Damn it, boy."

"You won't shoot me, Bobby."

"Don't test me."

"You won't do it. You can't do it. Especially not in front of Libby and Evie." He motions to the backseat where the girls are, both anxiously glancing between the two men.

"We're trying to help you three, Sam." Bobby states.

Sam grabs the shotgun, stepping forward so the barrel is pressed to his chest.

"Then shoot." Sam says.

"No!" The twins shout.

Sam grabs the gun and knocks Bobby out, the man falling to the ground. Libby shrieks,

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