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" first kiss just like a drug, under your
influence. you take me over, you're the
magic in my veins. this must be love"
โ€” boom clap, charli xcx

"the big ask"


MAY 2018

jaeden wesley

margo tatum

i miss you,
come hang with me.

im kind of busy today,
but i will soon. i promise :)

okay :/ its okay i can hang
with lavendar and billie.

im sorry, mar. i have to
go soon! x

bye x

but what margo didn't know was that she was going to be suprised tonight. jaeden was planning to ask the girl out. as these two years passed, puberty hit the two teens hard. margo had grown to be more beautiful, her blue eyes becoming more brighter and her face maturing. jaeden found her time of growth beautiful. and margo could say the same thing about him. jaedem had grown to be handsome. his brown locks growing and his face also maturing.

"i can't believe he's going to ask today! after so so many months." lavendar robins whispered to billie collins as the two approached margo's front door.

"shh, don't mention it to her. he's suppose to come around an hour." billie told the girl.

lavendar and billie were margo's two best friends since billie asked if lavendar and margo would want to be apart of her powderpuff group back in first grade. the group only consisted the three and since then, they all had an unbreakable bond.

"marhoe, we're home!" billie yelled as she opened the front door. the two girls didn't even have to talk on the door anymore. being together for eight years, the girls considered each other family. even their families family considered each other family.

the two girls could hear footsteps come down the stairs and there appeared margo in her oversized sweater and sweats. she smiled at her two best friends.

"hi girls." she smiled. lavendar took a look at her outfit.

"how are you not hot?" she asked. "it's like seventy degrees out there and you're wearing hoodies and sweat pants. i would be dying from heat!"

"i have an ac, lav." margo told her. "i'm about to change anyway. i'm craving for some in-and-out."

billie's and lavendar's eyes widened and turned their heads to each other. billie couldn't utter any words to say. meanwhile, lavendar quickly yelled out a no, bringing attention to a confused margo.

"why not?" she asked. lavendar widened her mouth, trying to thing what she was going to say next.

"it's too hot out. we're dying out there," billie told her as she takes a look at her apple watch. "we should stay for thirty more minutes."

margo weirdly looked at the two girls in confusion and slowly nodded her head.

"okay...only thirty minutes because i'm hungry."

thirty minutes have passed and jaeden had still not arrived. lavendar was spamming the shit out of jaeden, asking where he was and how long he was going to take. billie, on the other hand, was distracting margo by talking about conspiracy theories.

"do you ever thing we live in a stimulation? like our lives is like sims and someone is controlling how we live our lives? just imagine, when you go to room to get something but then you forgot what you're getting, isn't that like the player cancelling your action? isn't that crazy?" billie ranted to margo, who's chin on the palm of her hand. she nodded her head.

"life is just very scary in general." margo told her. her stomach growled loudly and billie's eyes widened at what she heard.

"was that your stomach?" she asked. margo nodded.

"little maggie is very hugry." she said as she caressed her stomach.

"you keep doing that and naming your stomach, people are going to expect your pregnant." billie noted.

"let the people think what they want to think." margo says before her stomach growls for a second time. "can we go eat now, please?"

"yeah, in a few. lavendar is just - wait, do you hear that?" billie cut her original sentence off with a new one. there was some loud music playig outside.

"it's probably just the neighbors." margo sighed. billie shook her head.

"would your neighbors play "uptown girl" right now?" she asked. margo's eyebrows furry in confusion.

"he's here!" lavendar yelled as she came into the lilac colored room.

"who's here?" margo asked.

"just look at your window." lavendar smirked. margo stands from her bed and walks towards her window. she gasped in suprise and giggled. then, her lips curved into a smile.

jaeden was in front of her house, with a boombox on his head. he was holding sunflowers with the other hand. he smiles when he catches margo's sight. he waves and she waves back.

"margo!" he sang in an awful tune. she laughed and quickly opened her window.

"jaeden, i thought you were busy." she smiled. he smiles at her.

"i am. and i have a big question to ask you today." he yelled. her cheeks quickly flushed into a bright red. was this the day?

"margo tatum reid, will you go on a date with me?" he yelled as loud as he can. she blushed but before she can tell her answer, someone beats her to it.

"yes!!!!" lavendar yelled. margo and billie laugh at her. "i'm sorry, this is too cute."

"so, is that a yes or a no?" jaeden yelled again.

"that's a yes from me, dweeb." she yelled. cheers from billie and lavendar could be heard as she hugged the two. she looked at her window to see jaeden do a small victory dance. she laughed at how cute he was.

"okay now that she said yes and this whole fiasco is over, can you please turn down the music? some of us is trying to sleep." margo's thirteen year old neighbor, ryan, yelled from his window.

"ryan, it's two in the afternoon." she told him. he rolls his eyes, closes his window, and shuts the lights off his room.

"now let's eat!"

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