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"and i'll admit that sometimes i think about you at night, no matter how hard i try to hide and erase you from my mind."
lookalike, conan

"old feelings"

👤: jaedenwesley, margoreid

liked by margoreidfans and 2,394 others

jaedensoft i was at the cafe in cali and saw jaeden with margo reid!


stonecoldelsie isn't jaeden with lilia tho?
jaedensoft stonecoldelsie i thought that too.

peachylilia lilia deserves better, there i said it.
jaedensoft peachylilia we can't assume anything. maybe they're just friends.

strangerderry they look so awkward

bevdenbrough you didn't get a picture with them?!
jaedensoft bevdenbrough i didn't want to bother them! they look like they were in a deep conversation.

margoluv deep conversation?
jaedensoft margoluv they were both crying so it must be pretty serious.
margoluv jaedensoft oh shit

margoxaidan don't ship! ship aidan and margo 😌
jaedensoft margoxaidan sorry we don't ship margo with clowns 🤡
protectmargoreids jaedensoft HAHAHAH PREACH SIS

"hey." jaeden said as he accepted lilia's facetime. it was around 2 in the morning when she called. he was confused. it was quite late for the both of them to be awake at a time like this.

"hi." lilia breathed out.

"why are you calling this late?" he asked, rubbing his eyes. he heard a sniff on the other line and his eyes snapped to his phone to see lilia with a red nose and light tears on her face.

"i wanted to talk about us." she said with a sad smile on her face.

"what's wrong lilia? what happened?" he asked. lilia took a deep breath.

"was she the girl?" she whispered.

"can you repeat that?" jaeden asked with a confused look on his face.

"was she the girl?" she asked more clearly.

"was who the girl?" he asked. she gave him a sad look and more tears streamed down her cheeks.

"was margo the girl you cheated on with me?"

jaeden uttered no words and stared at the brokem girl in front of him. it reminded him of what happened at the cafe but this time, it was his current girlfriend. his mouth felt dry and he felt guilty. he didn't know why. maybe it was because he had hurt margo to the point where she couldn't find anyone to fill the hole in her heart. or maybe it was because when he looks at lilia's eyes, he thinks of margo's. and how her doe eyes held a twinkle of tenderness and love.

"jaeden?" he heard. he blinked and tried to talk, but nothing was coming out. so, he sighed and nodded his heads. lilia shook her head and brought them to her hands.

"how'd you figure it out?" he asked her in a gentle way.

"the night of the premiere. the tension was awkward...i feel so guilty," lilia sighed. "i heard you guys were at the that true?"

"where'd you hear about that?" jaeden asked.

"it's all over social media. i keep getting asked about it by my friends. they think you're cheating on me." lilia said with a frown.

"i'm definitely not cheating on you if that's what you're talking-" he started to say but she cut him off.

"i know you aren't. but i still need to talk to you about us," she said. "you never stopped, have you?"

jaeden gave her a confused look. lilia waa confusing him so much. maybe they were both tired, but this talk seemed important to be ignored and continue in the morning.

"stopped what?"

"stopped loving margo." she said in full confidence. there were no tears streaming down her cheeks.

"wait what are you talking about lilia? i love you. i broke up with her to be you-" he said but got cut off again.

"you didn't break up with her, you cheated on her with me."

there was another silence in the room. the two just stared at each other. jaeden could feel tears block his vision. one streamed down his cheek but he quicklt wiped it away before she could see.


"it's just not that, jaeden. we've been distacing. and i think we can blame you and me for it. i love you so so so much but i've been feeling this for so long. i feel so guilty for having these feelings and i would never want to hurt you. it just feels so wrong because i have you. it's all weird and unusual and i'm really having a hard time trying to solve this and i-" lilia said in one big breath but jaeden cut her off.

"lilia...calm down. you can tell me. i won't get mad." he said.

"i think i might be bi." she said. there was an awkward silence between them, none of them making a single noise. jaeden looks at her astonished. he wasn't expecting this. lilia stared at him, waiting for a reaction. he smiled.

"if only this was real life so i can hug you so hard right now. i am so happy for you. thank you so much for trusting me and telling me that." he said, giving her a smile. he was expecting her to be relaxed and happy but she started to sob and brought her hands to her face.

"hey, don't cry. i love you so fucking much, lilia buckingham. don't you ever forget that." he told the girl.

"that's the thing, jaeden. i know you love me, but i feel like what i'm going to tell you is going to hurt you." she silently said. she took a deep breah.

"i'm breaking up with you."

another awkward silence was between them. jaeden didn't know what to say. he was quite shocked at least. his eyes meet with her's. he was waiting for her reaction, an answer. her eyes were locked onto the ground, avoiding to look at him.

"what? why?" he said.

"there's this girl...she makes me feel things i've never felt before...i'm sorry jaeden. i really am." she said. he gave her a sad look.

"it's okay." jaeden said as he felt tears blur his vision. "i want you to be happy." lilia's eyes look onto his, a look of distress on her face.

"are you sure? jaeden, talk to me." lilia pleaded. jaeden blinked and he felt tears streaming down his face. he didn't even notice his blurry vision until he felt the wetness on his cheeks. he quickly tried wiping his tears, trying to hide them from her but she noticed.

"lilia, i'm happy for you. i really am but i just need time to process this break up. can i have some time off please?" he silently said. lilia sighed and nodded her head.

"okay, we'll talk soon?" she hopefully asks. he nods her head. "goodbye jae."

the call ends and jaeden stares at the blank ceiling in front of him. jaeden didn't know what he was feeling. was he angry? heartbroken? guilty? he grabbed his headphones and pressed the first song on his playlist. as he listened to the lyrics of the song, he slowly fell asleep with dried tear streaks on his face.

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