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"can we be friends? are we still friends?i've got to know."
β€” are we still friends, tyler the creator

"i like your hair."

MARCH 3, 2020

πŸ‘€: thedemigodfiles, netflix

liked by lavendarr, notbillieeilish, and 382,953 others

margoreid oh my gods! the demigod files is out now on netflix! :) i love you all. <3


itsmarcelruiz where's the picture of me 😑
⇲ margoreid itsmarcelruiz im cuter so i posted me 😌
⇲ notbillieeilish itsmarcelruiz she's speaking facts πŸ’…πŸΌ
⇲ itsmarcelruiz notbillieeilish πŸ‘πŸ‘„πŸ‘


lavendarr i love u so so much mar. u deserve this. im so proud of u!!!
⇲ margoreid lavendarr thank u for bein right by my side no matter what I LOVE YOU SO MUCH MORE!!!

briarreid you are literal proof that god has favorites 😍
⇲ margoreid briarreid i love you

edencupid i loved working with you again, margo! this was a much better than the last time we worked together ;)
⇲ margoreid edencupid its what we deserve ;)

⇲ notbillieeilish marg0reids nah fam just aidan


diegovelazquezj you look like a peanut
⇲ margoreid diegovelazquez and you look like a rat 😌😌😌

demigoddess101 i live for diego's and margo's friendship
⇲ thechosenjuan demigoddess101 don't we all

therealcalebmclaughlin i love the show!
⇲ margoreid therealcalebmclaughlin thank you!

elsiehargreeevs im not going to lie but the umbrella academy did margo dirty

jaedenwesley you can definitely catch me watching this tonight!
⇲ margoreid jaedenwesley thank u!! :) can't wait until defending jacob comes out!! <3

reddieornot UHM WHAT^
⇲ legenderry reddieornot they're just friends?
⇲ sickoeddie reddieornot honestly always thought margo was the one who ruined jaeden and lilia's relationship πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈ
⇲ lilia sickoeddie margo did not ruin the relationship jaeden and i had. it was my decision for us to split and he respected that. we are all good friends to this day and i have a girlfriend. please don't assume and bring negativity on someone just because you don't know the whole story. <3

"you look so beautiful, margo." briar told her younger sister as she arrived at the premiere. the two reid sisters gave each other a hug. margo smiled at her sister, showing her pearly whites.

"it's been such a long nine months since i've seen you. i can't believe you moved back to new york. how are you?" margo explained. she took her older sister's hand and walked to the red carpet, where many paparazzi were taking pictures. there were many celebrities at events, more than the umbrella academy.

"yeah, fashion school is very tiring but i love it. i met this guy and he's so sweet. he hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend but i feel like he's going to ask me soon." briar gushed. her cheeks went pink after thinking about him.

"who's the special guy?" margo asked as the two posted for a picture.

"i'll tell you after the premiere because this guy's a big deal." briar winked. margo chuckled.

"is he famous?" she asked. briar shrugged with a coy smile on her face.

"maybe." she said. the converstion had ended when marcel ruiz, eden cupid, and diego velazquez had went up to the girls.

marcel, eden, and diego were margo's co-stars on the demigod files. the demigod files was produced by rick riordan, who also wrote the percy jackson series and the heroeos of olympus series. the series was basically about a demigod named noah stewart, who is portrayed by marcel, who was destined to destroy kronos, hence why he's names the chosen one.

"hey guys. this is my older sister, briar. briar, you already know eden but this is marcel and diego." margo introduced. briar smiled at the crew.

"it's nice meeting you guys and seeing you again, eden. i watched the trailer for the demigod files and it looks super good. i'm probably going to love the movie." briar complimented.

"also, i'm in it." margo joked, smiling at her sister. the crew laughed.

"well, obviously." briar laughed. the group started to talk about briar's fashion school in new york until lavendar and billie came over.

"hey guys, i'm so proud of all of you!" lavandar said as she brought the group in a hug.

"i can't wait to see all of you be bad ass bitches." billie said after the hug. the group laughed.

"after nine months of filming, we finally made it." marcel said.

"i know, i had to deal with margo's peanut face." diego joked.

"oh shush, you rat." margo laughed.

"this is probably better than the umbrella academy, right?" billie asked as she nudged eden. eden quickly nodded her head.

"i love the cast and crew but aidan was one perv." she said.

"aidan seemed like such a nice guy," briar said. "but i don't deal with guys who think they're the shit."

"man, my view really did change on him. i really was starting to dig that guy." marcel frowned. margo was about to say something else but an interviewer had called the group over.

"we'll see you guys later." lavandar smiled as she hooked arms with briar and billie. margo smiled and hugged the three before following marcel, eden, and diego.

"hi guys! congratulations on the movie! it looks great and i can't wait to watch it." the interviewer complimented the group.

"thank you." they alm chorused.

"wait, is there someone missing from all of you?" the interviewer asked.

"yeah, where's lilia-" margo began to ask but then she felt a presence beside her.

"hi, i'm here! i'm sorry i'm late. there was a lot of traffic." lilia giggled. margo smiled at the girl and she smiled back. the two of them hooked arms.

when margo found out she was going to have to work with lilia, she was quite scared. the last time she talked to her was the umbrella academy premiere. she was afraid that lilia wasn't going to like her because she felt that a huge part of hers and jaeden's breakup was her fault (even though jaeden reassured it wasn't). but when the two were introduced to each other, they clicked. margo found out that lilia wasn't like how she thought she was and that she was the most pure and sweetest girl she's met.

" to start of this interview, can each of you please explain your character and what we should know about them?" the interviewer asked. margo turned her head to marcel, who was right beside her.

"i play noah stewart, son of ares and the chosen one." he explained.

"and i'm samuel carlile, who's also another son of ares." diego explained next.

"my character is aurora murphey, who goes by rory. she's the daughter of hephaestus." eden described. margo let out a small cough before speaking.

"i play autumn o'keefe. she's the daughter of hermes who's the guardian of the chosen one." she smiled.

"i'm stassie raegen who's the daughter of athena."

"filming this movie must have been complicated. i heard the effects of the movie are totally great. how was filming on set?" the interviewer asked.

"i loved filming so much. we got to work a lot with green screens, which i have never done. it was quite a cool experience." lilia told the interviewer.

"it can be hard sometimes because there would be one scene where it had to be precise and if we messed up, we would have to do it all over again. i think it's very tiring but it would all be worth it in the end." marcel explained.

as the interviewer continued to ask questions, margo took a look around the event. billie, briar, and lavandar were with violet, who was lavandar's actress sister. she admired people who conversing with other celebrities or interviewers. as she looked around, her eyes caught on a tall figure. she widened her eyes a bit but calmed down, feeling a small smile on her face.

jaeden turned his head to look for people he would recognize but his eyes caught blue eyes staring at him. he raised his hand to wave and she smiled and nodded back him before turning her head back to concentrate on the interviewer's questions.

"margo, how has life been for you these pass few months? starring the umbrella academy and leaving and now starring in a new movie?" the interviewer, whose name was naomi, asked.

"to be honest, life has been quite amazing. i still find it unbelievable that i'm being interviewed for a movie that i starred in. i still feel like the premiere for season one of the umbrella academy was yesterday. i'm grateful for all the opportunities thar have been thrown at me these pass couple months." she smiled.

"well, that's enough for today. thank you for having the time for us to interview you guys." naomi said. the group smiled before they all split. the crew except for lilia and margo split and went to their friends.

"hey, i'm going to find jillian. will you be alright?" lilia asked margo. margo nodded.

"yeah, i'll be with briar, lav, and billie. have a nice time with your girlfriend." margo winked, adoring how in love lilia was with jillian. she chuckles as lilia blushed. margo smiles at her before walking to her friends.

"margo, it's been a fat minute since i've seen you." violet told the girl as the two hugged.

"it really has been. i missed you, girly." she laughed. briar checks her watch and realized there were ten minutes left until it was seven.

"hey, it's almost seven. do you guys want to find seats?" she asked. the girls nodded before walking in the premiere, finding seats.

"lilia! jill!" jaeden said as he approached her and jillian. the two girls smiled at jaeden.

"jaeden, it's nice to see you." lilia said as she hugged him. jaeden gave jillian a hug right after.

"it's nice seeing you guys too even though i saw you both two nights ago." he joked.

even though jaeden and lilia broke up about a year ago, the two were still the closest of friends ever. every wednesday, the two would host a movie night that really only consisted of her, jillian, and him making fun of the movies. at first, jaeden was upset with their breakup but he could see lilia was happier and in love with jillian, so he supported them. ever since, the trio has been close. in fact, jaeden told lilia and jillian about his whole "as long as it takes" situation with margo. they both shipped him and margo and tried to make it happen.

"anyways, congratulations on the movie! i'm proud of you." jaeden told the blonde.

"thanks jaeden, but shouldn't you also tell a certain someone that to?" she smirked as his cheeks turned pink. jillian chuckled at the love-struck boy.

"yeah, are you going to talk to her?" jillian asked as the three of them watch margo hug violet.

"i will...eventually. we haven't talked for a while," he admitted. he checks his watch and realizes that it is almost seven. "also, we should find seats right now."

"when's the last time you guys talked?" jillian asked as the three of them walked into premiere.

"uhm, i think it was on my birthday. she sent me a really long message, saying i was a really nice friend to talk to and she wished to see me again. emphasis on the friend, i think im in the friend zone." jaeden said as he followed lilia to find seats.

"ooh ouch, the friend zone." jillian cringed.

"jill!" lilia scolded. jillian put her hands up and apologized. "look, don't give up yet, jae. she hasn't been on her phone a lot during filming. maybe it's just filming?"

"i don't think so. at this point, i don't even know if we're still friends. everything is awkward between the two of us. but i did catch her staring at me when you guys were doing the interview." jaeden commented.

"see, don't give up. also, i found us the perfect seats," lilia said as she took a seat. jillian followed by sitting on the left of lilia. "sit by me, i still want us to talk about this whole situation."

"should i ask if we're still friends?" he asked.

"why don't you ask her right now?" she asked as she nodded her head to his right. he turned his head to see margo and her friends walking towards the same aisle as theirs. jaeden quickly turned his to lilia with his eyes widened.

"is this planned? i'm freaking out. lilia-" he whispered but was cut off by a voice he considered angelic.

"is anyone sitting here?" margo asked the boy in front of her. jaeden's mouth went dry as the words in his mind seemed gibberish to him. he admired the girl in front of him and noticed that nothing really changed about her except a streak of green in her hair. lilia elbowed the boy, breaking him out of his trance.

"i like your hair." were the first words that came out or his mouth. jaeden wanted to slap himself.

"she asked if anyone was sitting beside you, not your thoughts on her hair, you idiot." the little voice in jaeden's head told him.

"i-i mean, what i meant was-" jaeden started to stutter. he started to feel like he going to audition for bill denbrough again all over again with his stutters.

"thanks jaeden. i like your blonde hair." she smiled. when she smiled at him, all his nerves disappeared and he could finally relax.

"thanks," he smiled. "no one's sitting here but you could if you want."

margo took a seat beside jaeden as the lights started to dim down, signaling the movie was about to come up. she got herself comfortable and started to eat the popcorn she brought. she glanced at jaeden to see he was concentrating on the commercials before the movies. she noticed that he also didn't have any popcorn.

"hey jaeden,"'she whispered. he took his eyes off the screen and looked at the girl. "do you want to share some popcorn?"

"it's alright, you don't have too." he whispered back.

"but i insist." she said. he smiles at the girl before takin a piece of popcorn out of the bag.

"thanks." he whispered. he felt a nudge on his left side and turned his head to see lilia signaling him to ask her the question he's been wanting to ask.

"after the movie." he whispered. she quickly shook her head.

"right now." she strictly said. he sighed before looking at the margo. the movie hasn't started yet.

"hey margo," he whispered. she turns her head to him. "before the movie starts, i have a question that i've been wondering."

"what is it?" she softly asked.

"are we still friends?" he nervously asked. margo's eyesbrows furrow in confusion.

"i thought we always were." she said, confusion lacing with her voice.

"it's just that...it's been a while since we genuinely talked in a bit. i just didn't want to seem clingy when i text you. so, i gave you some space." he explained.

"i'm sorry, jaeden. filming's been rough for me but since the demigod files is over, it can be back to normal. i was just focusing on this movie so i can make the role perfect for me. i wasn't aware i was pushing people away. but to answer your question, we're still friends. as long as it take, right?" she explained, muttering the last sentence to herself but jaeden still heard. he quietly smiled hearing the words come out of the girl's mouth.

"right..." he quietly muttered. he turned his head to see lilia winking at him.

"i told you so." she whispered. he chuckled and began to watch the movie.

margo would tell small details and facts about the move throughout the movie, acting as if their distancing never existed. jaeden took a look at the girl and smiled, realizing he was feeling deeper every day. then he frowned, losing hope that he'll never be with her. but as long as it takes, right?

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