CHAPTER 4.1: Ramen

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AT THE SIDEWALK: Outside school


♧That guy really scares me... and that cold jerk also.... How in a world did that guy came out of nowhere when I was in the back of the building that time?
.................did he ? follow me?

She laughed.

"Haha.. no wayy.. I'm just overreacting..." - Hanabi slapping herself

♧I'm out  of my mind because of this stupid situation going on.... so ridiculous...

while Hanabi is walking at the sidewalk

She found a Convenience store on her way and entered the store...


♧I'm hungry... It's pretty late too... maybe some Instant ramen...


♧I heard a familiar voice.... where did I hear it again?

"Good Evening Aizawa-san..." - Hoshi

Hanabi got surprised.

"Fujibayashi-kun?" - Hanabi

♧He's wearing a different uniform...

"..wa-it... don't tell me... you---" - Hanabi (suspicious)

Hoshioka chuckles.

"you work here..?" - Hanabi 

"yup.. a part time job...." - Hoshi

"you really are something..." - Hanabi (amazed)

" I just come here at night shift though..." - Hoshi (chuckles)

"I see...." - Hanabi

"look... I'm sorry about last time we--" - Hoshi (nervous)

"Oh! No...that's fine.. actually I apologized too for being furious..." - Hanabi (flustered)

Hoshioka feel relief.

"Ah! that's right!!" - Hoshi

"what is it?" - Hanabi

"Haven't you eat a dinner yet?" - Hoshi

♧He really reads my mind.... like always..

"Yes... not yet..." - Hanabi

Hoshioka suddenly take off his apron.

"then, have a dinner with me.." - Hoshi

"a dinner?" - Hanabi

"well... I'm already done for tonight so the store is closed..." - Hoshi

Hoshioka flipped the sign card of the store from open to close.

and He excitedly take the two instant ramen in the shelves.

"Let's have a ramen!! " - Hoshi (smiled)

"a r-ramen..?" - Hanabi (confused)

"yup.." - Hoshi

He served the two instant ramen in microwave.

"What are you spacing out? Come! have a seat..." - Hoshi

Hanabi humbly seat across the table from Hoshi while waiting for the microwave click.

Hanabi chuckles.

♧I'm really overreacting these day.... so stupid

"What's wrong..?" - Hoshi (confused)

"Nothing... I just realized something" - Hanabi

"realized what...?" - Hoshi

"that I'm an idiot...." - Hanabi (laughing)

♧I expected too much for having a dinner.... but here we are... eating ramen right now...

"Didn't you come here for something else? I thought you liked eating ramen right now.. that's why..."- Hoshi (flustered)

♧He really reads my mind.... like for a while... I was thinking of eating a ramen...

"NO... I'm just happy..." - Hanabi (giggles)

"That's good to hear..." - Hoshi (relief)

♧Having an instant ramen makes me happy right now...I don't know why... it's weird...

They both enjoyed eating ramen together...

To be continued... 

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