CHAPTER 3.1: Why do I keep seeing him

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♧he pisses me of....

"Aizawa-san.... are you alright?" - Hoshi

♧oh...! I forgot Fujibayashi-kun is my classmate too.

"yeah" - Hanabi

♧That means, I'm gonna see him everyday in this school.

After the class dismissed.
Hanabi run straight through the rooftop.


♧ I need a little air... it's so stuffy out there.

"I would wish that I couldn't see his face again...q ever....." - Hanabi

A man appeared in Hanabi's back.

"You wish what?" - Mikato

Hanabi jump for being startled.

"yy-you.... again...!?" - Hanabi

♧did my wish just?!........ what's going on here?

"What are you doing here.?" - Mikato

"That's my line!!! What are you doing here??!" - Hanabi

♧your existence irritates me.... so much....

"this is my...... my......." - Mikato

"your what??" - Hanabi

"tch.. nevermind....." - Mikato




"This is a school, everyone has a rights to come here....." - Hanabi

Mikato tries to leave...

♧look at this kind of attitude.....

Hanabi grabbed Mikato to sit down.

"just a moment..." - Hanabi

"What are y--" - Mikato

Hanabi cover Mikato's mouth...

"just shut up... you know..... This is really hard for me too..... I feel so guilty......" - Hanabi

Hanabi treat Mikato's wound on his head.

♧even though you have a rotten attitude.

"awww! stop it!!" - Mikato

Mikato tried to stop her.

"Stay still....!!!" - Hanabi

.....................but she insisted.

"you must be grateful.... that I'm treating your wounds.... even though you called me foo--" - Hanabi

Hanabi finished treating Mikato's wound.

"I never told you to do that!" - Mikato

"but I need to--" - Hanabi

"'coz you're guilty?" - Mikato

♧yeepp. I guess..........??

"I wish you stay guilty like that forever..." - Mikato

Mikato left the rooftop.

"say 'Thank you' atleast?" - Hanabi

After a few minutes
Hanabi return to her classroom.


♧I came up there to have some air but I think it's the opposite outcome.

"Aizawa-san? where did you go??" - Hoshi

"uhm.... to the bathroom?" - Hanabi

♧he always asking me a lot of question, it's kinda.

"Let's take a lunch together...." - Hoshi

"mmm..... o-okay....." - Hanabi



♤jeeez.... what a freak woman.....

Mikato take out the book of Solitario.

"I'm crazy... that I'm reading this book...." - Mikato

Mikato lay quietly to the corner of the building reading the book.

"let see..." - Mikato

Mikato read some lines again from the book.

" 'There were some words plays in our ears.... that can't explain in reality.... some of them are... like......'Lies became Truth.... Truth became Lies'....." - Mikato

Mikato sighed.

"Does every woman really say they're okay when they're not? pretty similar to this quote..." - Mikato


When Hanabi tries to leave Hoshioka grab her hands.....


♧whaaaaaaaaaaat else do you want??!! T_T

Hoshi was suprised too that he unintentionally grabbed her hands.

"I-- uhmmm I'm sorry....... I didn't mean to---" - Hoshi

♧I just.......... really need-- to be alone right now.

To be continued... 

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