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"Maybe he isn't as bad as everyone thinks him to be!! JUST GIVE HIM A CHANCE!!" Sam screamed at Brennen Taylor, Aaron Doh, and Matt Smith ( EEEYYYY ). They stopped pushing and kicking around the poor, misunderstood, blue eyed emo. They walked up to Sam and he flinches. That was enough time to get the emo out of danger. The three bullies threatened to punch Sam and they walk off. Funny, because when he though emo child had already ran away from Sam, Matt, Brennen, and Aaron, he just stood there, mesmerized. Sam walked up to the emo.

"Colby? Are you okay?" Sam asked, bringing the younger boy in for a hug. The younger boy began sobbing into Sam's chest. They hurt him badly. His lip and nose are bleeding and he has tons of bruises everywhere. Sam soothingly runs circles into Colby's back, atempting to calm him down. 

"S-s-a-am? C-could you drive us to your place, like get your m-mum to e-excuse us from t-the rest o-of the s-s-sc-school day?" Colby suggested. Sam nodded, called him mum telling him he's leaving school with Colby, and walked into the office.

"Yes, Mr. Golbach and Mr. Brock, how may I help?" Asked Mr. Castee, the school principle. 

"My mum said we are exused from the rest of school. I believe you already received the message?" Sam asked. Mr. Castee nodded, leaving them be. As they walked into Sam's car, Colby started sobbing more.

"Shhhh, Colby, what's wrong?" Sam inquired  of Colby. 

"E-everyone thinks I'm so-something I'm not! I-i, Cole R-Robert Brock, am not a-an e-emo!" Colby began, "I just have a different way of doing things......why won't kids understand?!?......." Sam couldn't bare to see Colby like this. 

***Timeskip To Sam's House***

"Colby? Do you want pizza or Chinese?" Sam asked once Colby has calmed down.

"Pizza, it's edgy." Colby laughed.

"AND YOU SAID YOU WEREN'T EMO!!" Sam yelled, jumping onto Colby. 

"I'M NOT!!"  Colby retorted.

"Sure you are." Sam smirked, kissing Colby's soft, pale pink lips. 

"I'm not." Colby said before drifting off into a deep sleep.

"Sure......you.....are......" Sam barely got out before cuddling up to Colby and going to sleep, listening to the sound of Colby's heart.

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