the prank

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Colbys POV

Me and Brennen were bored we wanted to prank Sam my boyfriend we've been dating for 2 years and we really wanted to prank him me and Brennen laugh at our idea Brennen is going to run into my room say sam cheated and I'll run into Sams room and sort of yell at him I hope Sam doesn't prank up with me. Brennen and I go into my room and I say my intro "what's up guys it's Colby Brock and today we have Brennen and we will be pranking sam my boyfriend" Colby says after he does the intro he sets up the camera

Sams POV

I'm just chilling in my room and scrolling through TikTok and I lock my phone and look my wallpaper it's me and Colby I'm so lucky and happy with him until I hear yelling "SAM" colby yells "SAM WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU" Colby yells is he mad at me "C-COLBY?" I yell "Sam did you cheat on me?!" Colby says "WHAT NO I WOULD NEVER" I yell "BRENNEN SAID HE CAUGHT YOU WITH ANOTHER DUDE AND YALL WERE KISSING" Colby yells "BABY BELIVE ME PLEASE I NEVER DID THAT I WAS HOME ALL DAY YESTERDAY" I yell my eyes started tearing up Colby scoffs and leaves my room I chase him "COLBY PLEASE BELIVE ME I DIDNT" I yell "JUST LEAVE MY ROOM" Colby yells I walk out his room and run to room and slide down my door crying my eyes out "I swear I didn't" I whisper I keep repeating that

Colbys POV

I felt bad for yelling at Sam. Brennen was laughing his ass off i heard him crying really hard and whispering "I swear I didn't" I felt terrible "when should we tell him it's a prank" I ask "let's wait later on" Brennen says while still laughing

2 hours later

I walk into Sams room seeing that he is not there I question to myself "where is he" I thought I tried calling him. No answer. Called him again. No answer. I start freaking out "Brennen where is he give him a call for me please" I beg "ok ok chill" Brennen calls Sam he answers "h-hello?" Sam says his voice sounds so shaky "hey can you come back home Colby has something to tell u" Brennen says "he cant say it over the phone?" Sams ask "no" Brennen says and quietly chuckles "fine I'll be there in a sec" Sam says he sounded sad and mad and stressed I felt bad I hear the door open "hello?" Sam says "SAMMY" I yell he flitches "I have something to tell u" I say "what" Sam says annoyed "this was all a prank I know u didn't cheat" I say while dying of laughter and so is Brennen but Sam kept a straight face and he run upstairs to his room "aww Sam don't be mad at me" I say and hug him "I love you" no respond "you going to answer or what" I say "I love you to" Sam says I peck him on the lips he smiles and I hug him again tightly


Thanks for reading <33 ☺️💖

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