Planet X beats Saturn into a pulp

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oooo this one's gonna be funnn

Graphic depictions of violence and slight gore 


Third person POV:

After putting his last moon to sleep, Saturn had pulled out a notepad and started writing down his moons names.

"Ensala- no, Enceladus, his name is Enceladus."

"Death star- no, no, mime? M-Mimas, Mimas."


"Dia-Dione. Dione."

Saturn went down the list again and again, he was getting better each time.

Giving himself a little smile each time he'd gotten their name right the first time.

But he couldn't help but let his eyes wander over to the Kuiper Belt once n' awhile,

Is he really back? Was Jupiter right?

Saturn couldn't focus with all this worry on his mind, so to put it at peace, he decided to check for himself, it wouldn't hurt, right?

Saturn put the notepad in his pocket and oh so carefully wandered out of his orbit, making sure not to disturb his moons nor the sun.

Slowly fading into the Kuiper belts darkness.


After awhile of floating around he had let out a sigh he didn't know he was holding in.

Maybe him and Jupiter were just being paranoid after all, He wasn't back and Saturn doesn't think he ever will.

Saturn floated back into his orbit with a new sense of relief.

That was until someone had bashed something into the right side of his head, causing everything to go black..

Titan POV:

Me and the other moons had been staying with Jupiter for a while after Saturn had went missing, most of the moons couldn't care less, one (Enceladus) even said "We're better off here than with that moon killer" but he was promptly scolded by Jupiter which shut him up for a little bit.

But after a couple of hours the paranoia had clouded my better judgement and I started heading my way over to the Kuiper belt, But before I could get anywhere i was stopped by mimas

Mimas: where are you going titan?

Titan: I was just about to head into the Kuiper belt to look for Saturn

Mimas: Oh Ok

Titan: Well now that you've stopped me I have something to ask you, would you like to join me? we can bring some other moons as well.

Mimas: mm sure.. why not, nothing else for us to do than wait.

Mimas drifted over to the others, then after awhile Enceladus, Iapteus, dione, and Rhea had came along.

Titan: great! Come on guys let's go!

As we searched through the Kuiper Belt I decided to split us up into 2 search parties.

Enceladus: do we have to do this? Why can't we just wait for the big idiot to come back.

Titan: you know we can't just wait this out Enceladus-

Dione: he's gotta point Titan.

Titan: ugh, could you two be quiet, you guys are helping whether you like it or not!

They both grumbled stuff under their breath as I planned out who's going with who. After a while I had made up my mind

Titan: alright gang, heres how our groups are going to be, Me, Enceladus and Iapteus are going to cover the east and south side, you guys are going to cover the north and west, you got that?


Mimas: sure can do

Dione: no problem

Titan: alright, let's split up!



Dione POV:

I started to become increasingly irritated as Mimas, Rhea and I searched mindlessly through millions upon billions of crushed up rocks.

Mimas kept on ranting about how Saturn never cared about us (which I agree with) and how he only sees us as trophies, not actual sentient moons that have thoughts and feelings.

That was until I heard, rocks crushing? Along with some gross liquidity sounds accompanying it.

Mimas: And moving into my next poi-

Dione: Mimas shut up

I put my finger to his lip and listened intently, it sounded like it was close too, we cautiously floated around I had finally found what it was.

Due to all of rock's all I saw was a giant dark blue planet

He was muscular with a white robe hanging off his should like a cape with like mangled hair and his right eye seemed to be missing, replace with a crude 'X' symbol that covered 45% of his face.

He seemed to be covered in...BLOOD?! He also seemed to be holding an asteroid that was sharpened at the tip.

Dione: move slowly and Quietly..

They both nodded and we rushed to another cluster of asteroids to get another angle of what he..was..doing...IS THAT FUCKING SATURN?????

Mimas: I think I'm gonna be sick...

Mimas started gagging as tears starts to fall down his face, I quickly covered Rhea's ears and turned her away from the blood soaked scene but it was all ready too late.

I decided to glance back at the scene, I wish I didn't..

Third Person POV:


Planet X stomps his foot onto Saturns back, hearing his spine crack and break under each one as he tried to hold back his pained cries for help because just like before if he tried X would destroy him, Saturn knows he could fight back but every time he does, flash backs of his past came back to haunt him with memories of guilt for using it for evil. Saturn was forcefully flipped over, feeling an electric rush of pain go up his spine, X then sat on top of Saturn and started beating up, turning his face from a bruised to a bloody mess. After he was X paused for bit before grabbing the asteroid Dione saw him holding earlier.

X: Hey Saturn...Remember when you and Jupiter were ejecting me out of the solar had taken something from me, do you remember.. had taken my eye...and now..I'm gonna be the one taking from you.

Saturn had tried to resist but from his exhaustion due to the mass amounts of pained he had endured for the past few hours, his efforts remained futile. As X inched the asteroid closer the fear continued to grow in his chest, feeling the sharp end press against his eye lid when began to cry, as tears ran down his face he felt the asteroid enter his eye socket, slowly and painfully he felt his eye being ripped out of place, the more progress X had made the louder Saturn's scream had became, and it came to a stop along with groan and even more wailing. X held Saturns eye his hand then proceeded to hang it in front of his good eye.

X grinned sinisterly watching Saturn wail even more. X stood up, stomping on his chest, making any last rib that were still intact weren't anymore. Walking, disappearing into the shadows, only leaving a bloodied Saturn behind.

The three moons could only sit there and weep, after hearing something like that wouldn't you also be traumatized? They all cowered in fear until a voiced snapped them out of it.

Titan: hey guys have you found anything ye-

Titans voice was cut short, soon replace by a pained cry as rushed over to his planet.







He's still alive

Titan: Oh thank sol

Titan wrapped his arms around Saturns head, his cry's over shadowing Saturns shallow breathing. 

Enceladus: god what are you whining about now?

Enceladus and Iapetus soon joining the scene only to be left in shock.

Titan: Iapetus go get Jupiter, Now.

Iapetus didn't move an inch, only studying his planets bloodied body

Titan: GO NOW!

Titan's yell managed to snap Iapetus out of his daze and  running off to go find help..leaving 5 traumatized moons to take care of a dying Saturn.









Who let me COOK??

WORDS: 1209

I owe yall one.

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