Character Information

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Name: Y/N L/N

Age: 19

Affiliation: None

Height: 5'10

Weapons: An illegally modded pulse rifle, similar to the one in the possession of Soldier 76, with an under barrel grenade launcher. Being specifically designed to remove large barriers or obstacles, the grenades which are fired will first drill into the point of impact, detonating shortly afterwards once comfortably embedded into its target.

Additionally, Y/N has a chained kunai, constructed from incredible materials that's capable of piercing through most metals. This is often used as a last resort, having the potential to engage in both close and medium range combat.

Powers: Lightning manipulation

Due to the augmentations fused to his body, Y/N has control over any electricity that comes into contact with him. During combat, his augments begin to charge up, allowing him to spread lightning to parts of his body and weapons.

At full charge, he can unleash his full power, empowering his body with constant voltage which increases his speed and damage. In most cases, Y/N will abandon his main weapon and result in wielding his chained kunai whilst forcing volts through it.

I'd like to leave everything else up to the reader's interpretation where outfits and combat attire is concerned. Go wild, otherwise I'll just make it so that everything you wear is black xD

This is also my first ever attempt at a fanfic. So I hope you enjoy. I'll try to keep on top of updates to the best of my ability :)

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