He ran through the Daycare, jumping and turning corners swiftly, yet panicked. A figure ran behind him, yelling out insults and trying to grab him. Tears weld up in his eyes, making everything blurry. He quickly ran out of the daycare, running to the theater.
He breathed in, pausing. He was exhausted, having been running away from **** the whole day. He didn't remember who that was. Why didn't he? All he could see was a blurry figure. He could recognize the voice, but at the same time, he couldn't. He didn't know.
His eyes darted around the blurry room while he made sure the theater door was closed. He took a step forward, immediately falling to the floor. Damnit. His battery was too low. And all he could see as his vision faded was the theater door opening and the figure throwing a wrench at him.
Solar woke up with a start, tears flooding his eyes as his breathing sped up. He could now remember who the figure chasing him was. It was his Moon. What was that about? He hasn't had a nightmare of his Moon in forever! Though, that could possibly be because he had begged Moon to let him sleep with him. And when Moon wasn't around, Sun was his next cuddle victim.
And tonight it just so happened that he had decided to sleep by himself, in his own room. Never again. Nope. Not again.
He quietly got up and opened the door. He walked over to Moon's room and opened the door. He stalked over and shook Moon awake.
The Nighttime animatronic stirred, his eyes squinting open as he glanced at Solar with a groan.
"What do you need, Sol...?" He murmured sleepily, his tone almost like that of a parent being awoken by their kid.
"Can I sleep with you..?" Solar practically whined, giving Moon puppy dogs eyes.
Moon blinked a couple times before groaning and nodding. Solar quickly scurried to the other side and climbed on the bed, pulling the blankets over him and snuggling close to Moon.
He let out a soft sigh, closing his eyes and letting sleep take over.
Well that was something. Honestly I made this out of boredom and also bc I felt like I had to post something. It's short but I didn't feel like making it longer, i might in the future but until now oh well
Words: 403
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