Dear Nico, Love Will

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April 17
Dear Nico,

You've only been gone for a day and I already miss you! I know you'll be home soon, but gods I don't know how long I can wait it out! I hope this letter finds it way to you. I can't wait to read your reply. Today was really rough, but I know I'll feel better once I see you again :)

Be safe and remember, no shadow traveling! I'll see you soon, okay?

Love, Will


May 26
Dear Neeks,

Hey! I haven't heard from you in a while? Are you okay? I understand if our letters are getting lost, though. It must be difficult for a mortal to send letters to and from a camp that doesn't exist in their minds.

Hazel came by to visit me. I let her know you were still on your trip. She seemed sad. I suggested she write to you, like I do, but my advice made her sadder. Maybe there's just no post offices around Camp Jupiter?

She actually calling me right now saying we need to make arrangements, though I can't remember what for. I should go help anyway, though. I'll see you soon, okay?

Love, Will


July 20
Dear Death Boy,

Hi again. Can you believe you've been gone almost 4 months? It's a miracle I've survived this long! I'm just joking, but really, everyone misses you. I'm sure when you come home, they'll be throwing you a party haha!

In other news, I've had more free time lately. Kayla and Austin have taken all my infirmary shifts so I'd have time to process. You know I love them but, I think they're being a little dramatic, right? You just went on a little trip, it's not like you...

Never mind. I'll see you soon, okay?

Love, Will


October 10
Dear Sunshine,

I know how much you hated that nickname, ha! What's going on? I'm sorry your letter never arrived. I asked Kayla for help mailing it and she said she wouldn't. I'm not sure why. Maybe someone else will help me.

A few people have started accepting that you're gone, which is weird. They do know you'll be back, right?? It's not like you'll be on vacation forever.

Gods, I'm starting to yawn. I haven't been sleeping too well without you.

I'll see you soon, okay?

Love, Will


November 16

Dear Nico-


Will looked up with a smile. "Hey, Kayla! Just in time, I was just about to start another letter."

"A letter to who, Will?"

"Nico, duh." Will rolled his eyes.

Kayla smiled at him, but he noticed how weak and strained it was. It was laced with sorrow, and sadness, like she knew what Will's answer was going to be and yet it still hurt her to hear it.

"Will," she said slowly, walking towards her brother. She gently took the pen and paper from him, pushing them aside. "Nico... Nico isn't going to get your letters."

Will huffed. "Well, obviously. They keep getting lost in the mail. It's fine, though. He can just read them when he gets back-"

"No! Will! Listen to me!" Kayla's eyes had tears welling up inside them. "Nico isn't coming back! He can't come back! He's.. He's gone, Will. And I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

"He's... no he's not." Will shot up. "Don't play games like that, Kayla! Nico will be back he... he'll be back. He'll be back, right? Right?"

Kayla rose slowly, shaking his head. "No, Will. It's been nearly 8 months. Please, you have to accept that Nico is... dead. Everyone is worried about you and the letters..."

Will's eyes shifted to his stack of letters, all addressed to Nico, most of them with 'return to sender' stickers on them. The letters Will spent some much time writing, putting himself in this fact illusion to cope with the truth. To ignore the truth.

"Will?" Kayla asked, gaining his attention. "Are- Are you okay?"

Will wiped the tears that had fallen from his eyes. "I will be. I just, I need a minute. I can't believe I let myself think for so long..."

Kayla nodded in understanding and walked towards the door, hesitating before adding, "We're going to the cemetery. Austin, Reyna, The Seven, and I. You're welcome to join. I know the others would love to see you again."

Will said nothing as the door shut behind her.

He went back to his letter, where Kayla had left it.

November 16
Dear Nico,

Has it really been 8 months since you... died? This is it? You're really gone? Gone forever a-and there's nothing I can do about it??

Nico, you were - are - the love of my life and I... I don't think I can do this without you. No. I know I can't do this without you. Why did you have to go? Why did you have to leave for so long??

Maybe, by chance, you'll still get my letters. I'm sure Kayla will come back soon. I'll leave a letter for her too, tell her to leave all my unsent ones at your grave. Our grave

I'll see you soon, okay?




Dear Tesoro,

I'm sorry I had to go. If it helps, it wasn't really by choice, you know. If it was, I'd chose to stay with you for the rest of my life. You know that.

I've felt pain before. A lot of it. But there was no greater pain than watching you suffer for 8 terrible months without me. You were right there, right in reach, yet I couldn't touch you. You could hear others speaking, and not me. It was torture, and I know torture.

I always knew one day, we'd be together again. I just didn't expect it to be so soon. And I wish it didn't have to happen that way...

When you get this letter, come find me. I can't wait to see you again, Amore mio

Amore, il tuo Death Boy
Love, your Death Boy


Never really write angst (cause it makes me sad) so let me know if I did a good job 👍

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