Another Angsty Soulmate AU

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Hi everyone! This one-shot is where your soulmate's last words are written on your wrist, and I took this idea from someone on Tumblr (idk the username). Warning: angst, death, hospitals.

Close your eyes. A chill rattled my spine as I reread those words for the thousandth time. They were inscribed on my wrist- since they were my soulmate's last words to me. Words like those meant something horrible, mixed glances of pity from a passerby who saw it, a definite heartbreak.

Millions of possibilities had already flown through my head of how it ended. But I had recently gained a vague idea of what would happen. I had met my boyfriend, Will Solace, a year ago. He was perfect.

Of course, I didn't know for sure that he was my soulmate. No one knew until their soulmate uttered their last words to them. But I loved Will, and I had no doubt that he was my soulmate.

Unfortunately, six months ago we had learned that Will had irreversible Stage Four heart cancer, more specifically, a primary cardiac tumor. He was given an expiration date that was looming closer with each passing day. Will was holding up nicely, actually, he was doing better than me.

Still, he had to be careful. He always made sure not to tell me to close my eyes. That meant that it would be over soon.

I sank down in my uncomfortable plastic hospital chair, holding my head in my hands. As I ran my pale hands through my messy jet-black hair, I wondered what was happening inside Will's hospital room. He had to come back every week so they could check on him.

I would be allowed in there soon to find out how much longer he would live. I couldn't understand how he managed to handle this so well. I was a total wreck.

Will couldn't die: not yet. We had only known each other for a year and a half and been dating for a year. It couldn't end now.


Five minutes later, I was standing in Will's hospital room, holding his weak, sickly pale hand. I breathed in the now familiar scent of the hospital, squeezing Will's hand tighter. It was time to find out what the doctor thought about Will's condition.

"Nico, don't worry about it," Will comforted me, looking extremely sick on his bed. "It's going to be fine."

I composed myself, feeling ashamed that Will had to reassure me instead of the other way around. This had to have been harder for him than it was for me. "Yeah, you're right. I'm freaking out for no reason. How are you feeling?"

"Great, just fabulous," Will replied, joking sarcasm lining his voice. "After this, we're heading to the beach."

"Hi, Nico," Dr. Murphy greeted me. We were pretty familiar with each other now from Will's weekly results. My eyebrows raised slightly at her grim expression. What was going on? "And of course, Will. I just saw you. I've got the results."

"How is it going?" I asked eagerly, wondering how much longer Will had to live.

"Nico, you may want to sit down for this," Dr. Murphy warned me, and I could have sworn that tears pricked at her usually calm jade eyes. Carefully, I lowered myself into the plastic hospital chair, my entire body shaking. "Will's tumor is massive. It's one of the worst cases I've ever seen."

"How much time?" I questioned her, tears streaming down my face.

"Twelve hours, max," she said, shaking her head. At her words, my mouth fell open, and my brain felt still with shock. This couldn't be real. "I'm so sorry. There's nothing we can do. Say your goodbyes, Will."

I ignored her next words, my head reeling. I couldn't lose Will so soon. I wasn't ready.

Dr. Murphy left the room to give us some privacy, clearly uncomfortable with my sobbing. I looked over at Will through my tear-clouded lens, watching him shift slightly in his reclined hospital bed, the movement clearly causing his pain. He patted the spot next to him, inviting me to sit there.

Slowly, I stood up, tears spilling all over my comfortable sweatshirt. I maneuvered past the myriad of tubes and wires that connected to my boyfriend and sat down. Will gradually moved his hand towards mine, grimacing as he did so.

I couldn't accept that Will was going to die. Soulmates were supposed to live long, happy lives with each other. Why couldn't I have my fairy tale ending?

"Nico," Will whispered, every word requiring a tremendous effort. "It's going to be okay. I love you so much. You're going to be fine."

"Will, I need you! You can't leave me now!"

Shame coursed through me- I realized how selfish I was being. Will was about to die, but I was making it about me. "Will, sorry. I'm making this all about me."

"It's fine, Nico," Will assured me, clutching my hand. "I'm going to go soon. But you're gonna be around for a lot longer."

I fell silent, shifting so that my legs were on the bed with him. Our breathing slowly synchronized, mine ragged yet healthy, and his labored. We had to savor the last moments we had together before Will left the world. I slowly closed my eyes, Will doing the same.

And at that moment, there was nothing I wanted more than to join him.


I jolted awake to the sound of an incessant beep coming from Will's heart monitor. I glanced over at him, wondering if he was still asleep. Then I realized what was going on. The machine was flatlining.

My heart pounded as I disentangled myself from the mess of tubes and equipment that surrounded Will's bed. Nervously, I pushed the call button next to the bed. Will was running out of time.

Footsteps thudded down the hallway, and I knew a team of doctors were coming for him. Will's eyes fluttered open, their once bright turquoise hue fading to a light blue. He couldn't go- not now.

"Is it over?" Will asked serenely as the doctors and nurses entered the room. "I don't want you to watch, Nico. Close your eyes.."

A painful scream escaped my lungs as I stared at the words tattooed on my wrist. Close your eyes. I watched in horror as Will shut his eyes and the doctors worked hard to save him.

"Don't go!" I yelled frantically, even though nobody was paying attention to me. This couldn't be real.

"Mr. di Angelo, you may want to leave the room," a nurse said helpfully. Wordlessly, I shook my head. I couldn't leave Will now.

The doctors pulled away from Will, wiping their brows. The heart monitor created a long, solid monotone, signaling that Will's life was over. He was gone forever.

To prevent more tears from falling, I closed my eyes.

I hope you enjoyed that angst! Sorry for the late update. Bye!

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