π™€π™£π™š. special grade sorcerer y/n

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It has been two days.

Two days since Meimei and Utahime were deployed to their mission, who until now, weren't able to come back.

It was supposed to be a fellow third year who should come and check-up on them.

Yet it has also been two days since the third year, special grade sorcerer named Y/N had also gone to her own mission and is just still on her way back to Tokyo.

Hence why the three mischievous second years were sent to save two of their senpais.

"Utahime senpai, we were worried about you" Ieri Shoko, second year, says as Gojo picks on the poor girl.

"Satoru, it's not nice to pick on the weak" Geto Suguru, a fellow second year Jujutsu High student, and special grade sorcerer, says as he ascends the stairs.

"What kind of idiot picks on strong ones Suguru?" Gojo replies which further pissed off the other third year.

"You really! I'm your senpai!" Utahime fumes in anger.

"The only senpai I respect is Y/N" Gojo boasts as he wears a stupid grin on his face.

"Not even me?" Meimei comments on the side, a subtle amused expression gracing her face.

"You're alright Mei-san" he responds. "You're strong too, but I respect Y/N-senpai the most"

"Plus, she's a special grade, like us" he added.

"She would not believe that though" Geto said as he finally reaches them.

"That's true!" Utahime agrees. "Nobody likes you!"

"Jokes on you, Y/N-senpai likes me!"

"I don't"

Suddenly they all turned to the new voice they heard. They haven't felt her presence earlier at all, not even Meimei who had her crows all over the place, her movements were like of a ninja, smoothly sneaking in without any sound and suddenly appearing in front of them.

"Y/NNNNN" Utahime runs up to her and hides behind her back as he points on Gojo.

"He's picking on me again!"

"Y/N-senpai!" Gojo runs up to her with open arms but Y/N turned her body sideways which made him shamelessly get shoved to the ground.

"Ha! Serves you right!" Utahime scoffs.

Gojo stood up and pat the dust from his uniform and pouted. "Y/N-senpai I missed you, you know"

But the girl named Y/N just rolled her eyes jokingly.

"Y/N-san, welcome back" Geto greets and Y/N gave her a smile.

"Good to see you again, Geto"

"This isn't fair" Gojo grumbles on the side.

"Uhuh" Y/N crossed her arms and turned to the three second years.

"And what happened to the veil?" She smirked, her question suddenly made the trio stunned in their places.


"One of you three said they would cast a veil themselves and left your assistant supervisor behind, didn't you? And then you forgot the veil. Come forward."

The three second years kneeled in front of their teacher as two of them snitched the person on the middle who raised his hands and said:

"Sensei! Why don't we stop this hunt for the culprit!"

"So it's you, Satoru"

And the white-haired man got a good old beating from his teacher.

Gojo, Geto and Shoko walked side by side in the hallway, sulking with the fact they were reprimanded today.

"I can't believe we got scolded" Gojo grumbles as he enters their classroom.

Both Geto and Shoko sat on their respective seats while Gojo pulled a chair and sat in front of them.

"Is casting a veil that necessary? Does it even matter if regular people see us? They can't see cursed spirits or cursed techniques anyway" he says.

"Of course it matters. The prevention of cursed spirits is most important for the citizens' peace of mind. For that reason, keeping it confidential is important. Not only that-" Gojo cut Geto off.

"Yeah, yeah, I get it" he says.

"It's such a pain looking out for the weak"

"Society should protect the weak and keep the strong in check. You see Satoru, jujutsu exists to protect non-jujutsu users" Geto continued.

"Being righteous? I hate that stuff. Applying that reasoning and responsibility to jujutsu is what weak people do. Blegh" The white-haired sorcerer mocked.

"Let's take this outside, Satoru" Geto says as he summons his curses.

"You feeling lonely? Go out by yourself" he smirks.

Shoko already made a run outside the classroom.

Suddenly, Yaga slid the door open and looked at them with questioning eyes.

The two idiots just pretended as if nothing happened, so Yaga continued to tell them their new mission.

After a series of explaining to Gojo why Tengen needs to merge with the vessel and how important it is to get the vessel safe to Jujutsu High, Yaga left the two of them to prepare.

Gojo sighed and plopped on his desk.

"Come on Satoru, this is a special mission, and we're strong, so we don't have to worry"

Gojo looked up at him and grinned. "You're right, sensei said we were specifically picked by Tengen-sama for this mission, this means we're really the strongest"

Suddenly, Gojo saw a glimpse of the (H/C) hair passing by their classroom which made him immediately sit up straight.

"Y/N senpai!" He called which made the girl stop her in her tracks and tilt her head towards them.

"Had a good beating?" She teased the two second years which made Gojo pout.

"We're having a special mission though" Geto defends.

"And we were specifically chosen for this!" Gojo says proudly.

Y/N leaned on the doorframe and crossed her arms.

"Oho, tell me about it"

And Gojo went on boasting what their new mission is. Y/N just listened to them and hummed.

"You watch us finish this mission! You're definitely gonna be impressed" Gojo proudly says.

But instead of smiling, Y/N uncrossed her arms and pushed her body away from the doorframe and looked at them, concerned.

"Don't get so proud, Gojo. Geto." she warns. "You'll never know what will happen during missions. It's best to be careful"

"But we're the strongest!"

"And you're still just 16-year-olds" she said.

"But senpai, you're also just 16-years old" Geto said.

"Right! You're just a few months older than me!" Gojo added.

"And that's exactly why I'm reminding you" she replied. "Curses and some curse users don't care even if you're a five year old, we're all too young to be reckless and lose our lives"

"But we're strong" Gojo says.

"Don't overestimate yourselves" she says as she turns her back and takes a step.

"I wish you two good luck and success on the mission. Come back here and face me in one piece." She paused. "Alive and kicking"

Gojo and Geto watched as she vanished from their sight. They took what she said as a challenge, and with a more determined look, they set foot outside Jujutsu High and commenced their mission.


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