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Warning: ⚠️ Heavy angst, self harm, suicide, and potentially other triggering topics. Please do not read if you are sensitive to these things. ⚠️

Will POV
Me and Nico have been dating for months now, but something is wrong. I thought after a while Nico would stop looking at Percy like that. It sounds stupid, I know, but Nico doesn't even look at me like that. I want to brush it off and forget about it, but I can't. I'm not sure why. Maybe the reason is bothers me so much is the fact that he had a crush on Percy, but Will knew Nico was over that, he told Will himself. Unless, Nico wouldn't lie to him, right? No, that's just crazy, Nico wouldn't do that, Will convinced himself.
But there was still a seed of doubt left in his mind.

~week later~

"Hey Neeks!" Will called out to his boyfriend, "How's sword practice?"
"Fine," Nico Grumbled. "Okay! Do you wanna have lunch together?" Will asked, walking over to where the son of Hades stood. "No, I'm busy during your break."
"O-oh, that's fine, we can eat together some other time then!" He said, "Whatever, I have to get back to practice, go away,"
"Okay, see you later!" Will said walking away. He was used to Nico being cold to him, but usually not this rude. This past week he had been like that to Will. Will shook it off and returned to the infirmary.


Will stretched his arms once he got out of the stuffy little building, known as the infirmary. He decided to go grab a sandwich and go sit near the beach, he loved looking out as the water as the sun reflected off of it, it was always so beautiful. Will made to down to the beach, when he heard a familiar giggle and another voice. Will, being the prying older brother he is, decided to go see who it was. He had lots of experience in the spying area, and never got caught. To say the least, he was an expert.
As he got closer to the voices, he recognized one of them as no one other than Percy Jackson. He suspected the other person was Annabeth, as those two were barely separated. He peered into the little grove where the two people were located, surprised to see Percy with... Nico? But that didn't make any sense, Nico said he was busy. Well I guess he decided to hang out with Percy instead. Not that Nico couldn't talk to other people besides Will, but it still made him uneasy. Will decided to stay to see what they were doing. He could hear them pretty well, one of the talents he got from his dad was an excellent ear, which made spying so much easier. They seemed to be talking about normal stuff, and they were eating Nico's favorite, Happy Meals. They each also had a soda, Percy had a cola (which was not blue, and Will was surprised) and Nico had a root beer. They talked about sword fighting techniques, monsters, favorite animals, the Gods, and other random topics. After a while Will got bored and tuned out to the conversation. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Nico say something and then blush. He saw Percy freeze, then lean in to Nico to... kiss him?!! Will wanted to run out there to stop what was happening, but all he could do was sit there as his boyfriend and his friend kissed. Will felt the tears stream down his cheeks as Nico kissed Percy back. He couldn't handle it anymore, he ran back to his cabin to cry, and thankfully no one came to see him for the rest of the day.


Will should stop. He should have gotten help as soon as he started feeling this way, but he couldn't stop himself as he cut more and more jagged lines into the skin on his hips and thighs with a shard of broken glass. The feeling of blood dripping down his legs was too satisfactory to halt his actions. His eyelids were growing heavy, but he felt like he was floating. Until his dying breath the scene from three weeks ago playing on loop. Percy kissing Nico, Nico kissing back. Over and over. Again and again, until he finally fell asleep, forever.

It's not like anyone will care

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