Perfect-Ballroom dancing

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note: All characters belong to Shannon Messenger's Keeper of the lost cities book :)
The room was packed with people waltzing around in exquisite gowns and suits. Golden chandeliers hung from the ceiling bathing the room in its magical light. Mouth watering Elvin desserts lining platters for elves to grab and go back to dancing with their partners.
The Winter Masquerade Ball was taking place in a beautiful castle near Glimmervield and along with the delicate winter decorations and music, it seemed like nothing could get better.
Not Long after the ball had started, the oak wood doors opened wide revealing a drop dead gorgeous girl. All eyes on her: Boys in awe and girls some in a jealous rage while others impressed.
The girl gently placed her scarlet red bejeweled mask on and brushed her golden blonde hair aside. Lifting her flowy, silky currant red dress slightly, she began walking down the stairs to the dance floor. Meanwhile the boys darted their eyes around, daring one another to make a move.
A dirty blonde hair, ice blue eyed bit in an emerald green and mint green suit stepped forward. Bowing, he asked, "May I have this dance princess?" He winked, extending his left hand.
The girl could not help but marvel at the stranger's good looks. She barely even knew him and yet when her hand touched his, she could not help but fall for him.
"Of course Mi Amor," she whispered and the two stole the show just by taking the dance floor.
Spinning around gracefully and elegantly, the two looked like snowflakes falling from the sky. Some girls and boys glared daggers at the dance partners but neither cared. He only had eyes for her and she for him. Nothing changed that.
Slowly but surely, the night came to an end. One by one elves streamed out of the once lively hall. However, the girl went further into the castle to reach a garden that she had found earlier. Staring at the sky with millions of stars and at the ice blue ocean waters, she was reminded of him: How could ANYBODY be so perfect?
Sliding around the grass barefooted, cause heels are such a pain, she began imaging dancing with the ice blue eyed boy earlier. Would they meet again? Does he even like me?

"Hello princess, looks like you are in need of a dance partner. Lucky for you I just so happen to know a very handsome one," A husky voice said playfully.
Without turning around she recognised the voice, " Really Mi Amor?I don't see anyone."
The boy spun her around, making his body press against hers. Placing an arm around her waist, they continued their dance from earlier.
Baby I'm dancing in the dark with you between my arms barefoot on the grass
Humming a slight tune, they both fell into perfect synchronisation of steps, the only presence they felt was each other.
Listening to our favourite song
"Princess?" The boy asked, his voice echoing due to the fact that her head was buried in his chest.
"Yes Mi Amor?"
"Not that I dislike calling you princess, but what's your name?"
She smiled at that question, causing his heart beat to rapidly increase at the sight of her beautiful sight of her smile.
"Sophie Elizabeth Foster."
Hugging her tighter he said, " Perfect, your new name will match your beauty and your show stopping dress."
When I saw you in that dress looking so beautiful
Curious and confused she asked, "What new name."
"Sophie Elizabeth Sencen, what else." He smirked playfully, resting his head on hers as they both leaned against a tree in the garden.
"I think that gives me the permission to ask what your name is Mr Sencen," Sophie said, causing the boy to blush at how his last name slid off her tongue.
"Keene Sencen princess." He replied removing his and her mask a to place them at the side.
"Well Mi Amor," Sophie breathed, her mind mesmerised and lost in the clarity of the boys perfect ice blue eyes, " What about Keefe Foster?"
I don't deserve this darling you look perfect
The two of them were rested by a tree, both warm in each other's embrace despite the cold winter chilly air.
"I like that princess."

The End!

Hello people! So I have had this idea for a Long time but being the procrastinator I am ( smiles ) I never got to work. That is until exams began :) and I was waaaayyyy too stressed so yeah! Hope you liked it and if you have any plot recommendations please comment!
Also @-ENCHXT3D thank you for kinda making me want to write this!

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