Hogwarts AU Part 1

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Note : In this one shot, Keefe and Sophie have not met each other, ( Golden Trio era )

     The candles levitating within the great hall as thousands of students began to fill in the hall. It was once again September 1.

     " Scarhead, Weaslbee, Granger. Call Foster for me will you?" A blonde haired boy in dark green robes whisper-shouted to the students dressed in red robes.

     Sophie, Foster, rolled her eyes, " What do you want ferret?"

     " Calm down, all i want to do is make a bet. See that boy over there," Draco, Ferret, asked pointing towards a boy that appeared to be a sixth year, standing in the opposite corner of the hall.

     " I'm not blind Ferret, what's your point."

     " Guess what house he's gonna be sorted into, loser owes the other 10 galleons."

     Sophie stared at the boys across the room. Dirty blonde, messy hair, ice blue eyes, calm and proud composure - a Slytherin no doubt.

     Over the years, the golden quadrant and the silver trio developed a basic frenemies relationship, which involved teasing, provoking and competing against each other, none more than Sophie and Draco.

     " Firstly, you're parents are alive and rich. Mine are non-existent and my the money i have is to get me through another 3 years here. Secondly, game on - he's a Slytherin." Sophie argued, holding out her hand for him to shake.

     He took it, " I'll say Ravenclaw. If you go bankrupt you can work for me, don't worry."

     Then the bickering continued - Harry, Hermione, Ron and Sophie versus Draco, Theo and Blaise. Not uncommon, the golden quadrant against the silver trio.

     The coughing of an old man brought the chattering, and bickering, of the crowd to a stop - Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore - the headmaster of the school.

    " Welcome one and all. To the first years - here's to a new beginning. To all the others - here's to another great year at Hogwarts : School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Before I emphasize on how the Forbidden Forest is strictly forbidden," He glanced at the Golden quadrant and the Silver trio, " We would like to warmly welcome our new transfer sixth year - Keefe Sencen. "

     At the mention of his name, Keefe Sencen made his way to the sorting hat, and it began its usual mumuring.

     " Hmmmm yes, difficult, quite difficult indeed. Plenty of courage I see, and an ability to learn things fast. Oh a lot of pride no doubt, and mischief in you . . . " At the mention of the word mischief, Fred and Gorge's eyes both lit up excitedly, only to be glared down at by Professor McGonagall, " SLYTHERIN "

     The Slytherin table erupted into cheers, as Keefe's robes magically turned into the dark emerald colour.

     " Pay up Ferret Boy, " Sophie slapped Draco's arm playfully.

     " Yeah yeah whatever," He tossed 10 galleons at Sophie, " Maybe he'd like to join us. Then we'd be the Silver quadrant. It'd finally be a fair competition."

     " Hey, mind if i sit here?" A voice drawled from the slytherin table.

     " Sure. I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy. This is Blaise and that is Theodore. Welcome to the best house."

     " Keefe, Keefe Sencen but i'm sure you already know that."

     " Great, who wants to bet that he's gonna join them in the tormenting?" Ron asked sarcastically, rolling his eyes as he nudged Harry who groaned in response.

     Sophie, being the more respectful and straightforward one, held her hand out, " Sophie Foster. From this point on, Blondie, we will be enemies and rivals. Any inquiries ask Ferret boy. Good Luck." 

     Keefe just smirked, shook her hand and whispered into her ear, " Looking forward to it . . . "

A/N : I know i haven't been updating much but i am still recovering from post-changing of schools. Well it's the same school just different level and a big increase in workload.

Now back to the story, Keefe's POV in PART 2 :) It's a bit of a risk writing a story that is generally longer compared to my other oneshots ( I may just give up halfway ) But this idea has been in my head for so long I needed to write it out.

I'm a HP fan, KOTLC fan and Marvel fan and i have way too many scenerios of them meeting each other in my head. So one step at a time let's see if I'll be able to finish writing this mini story.

And if it gets too long i just might need to make a separate book for it :)

Thank you for reading this ! Don't forget to vote and comment if you have any suggestions. Bye!

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