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I plop straight down on the couch which is weirdly in the middle of the room facing the closet where the game is going to be played out. This room is a little more secluded with only a few people dancing around us then to the huge mob grinding in the front room. 

I wiggle my butt into the cushion, getting comfortable in my seat. As I do so, I let my eyes wonder around the open room to see what people Lilly has convinced to play her silly little game. 

On one side of the room, there is a group of cheer leaders that seemed to have flocked there. While on the other side is the footballers who happen to all be in a group, eyeing up the girls. 

I quickly look over each of the boy's faces, trying to see if Paxton or Mike are within the mob of muscly fit boys. Just my luck, they are both there, standing next to each other at the front, off towards the side - not too hard to mind might I add. They are both staring me down. I shake my head at my bad luck. 

My palm starts to sweet from the fear of having either of then in a small room with me for seven minutes. I twist and turn my fingers in my lap while I nervously wait for Lilly to return to the room. 

As exaggerated as this is, it seemed like it took hours for Lilly to return to the room with a small hat to put our things in. Lilly bounds round the room, collected a piece form each of the girls before coming to me last, typical behaviour.

I go to take off my bangles, but I see her eyes off my necklace instead. I internally groan and take that off instead. I carefully place the necklace in the hat before quickly walking off. There is no what I can fluke off not wearing that I think, frowning to myself.

"Since there is one boy more than the girls, the first girl picked will have to go with the last boy at the end of the game." Lilly smiles, going on to explain the rest of the rules to the game. 

Since Mike is the captain of the football team, he volunteered himself to go first, more like demanded that he go first. I guess no one ever said no to him because Lilly walks over and tells him not to peek into the hat while grabbing the random object.

He puts his right hand over his eyes, though he leaves the tiniest crap open in his hands, just enough to peek out of them. His hand roughly through the hat, giving the impression that he's trying to pick something random. Shortly he pulls out my necklace. 

They both look over at me, Mike with a huge happy smirk plastered on his face. As he makes his way over to me, I look at the group of cheerleaders to see them pulling their tops down and their skirts up.

I frown, such slutty girls, what has the world come to? I laugh and then look back down to my sweaty palms. 

Someone lightly taps my shoulder, making me jump like three feet into the air. I turn to see who it is. Not to my surprise, Mike is standing their, smirking down at me. My stomach literally drops into my feet. I am so screwed, it's not funny!

He walks around to the front of me, putting his arm out for me to take. Unwillingly, I grab his hand and he helps to pull me up off of the couch. He wraps that arms around my waist and guides me over towards the closet. 

He opens the door for me, guiding me into the closet first. I walk to the end, turning around to see Mike close the closet door. From the small light coming through the crack of the closet door, it hi lights the hungry grin on his face. 

I take a step back, only to hit the closet wall. He closes the small gab in between us in two big steps. He wraps his arms around my waist, pulling my body close to his. He starts kissing and licking the side of my neck, on my bodies own according, I move my neck so that Mike has better access to it. 

That sick feeling starts to brew in the pit of my stomach. I run my hands up the front of his toned stomach. Hooking one behind his neck while the other one ventures into the back of his hair. In return, he wraps both of his arms around my waist, squashing what little gap we had in between us.

He runs his hands all over my body for the most of the time we were making out. The only exceptions were when we had to pull away to regain out a breath. Even with that sick feeling brewing in my stomach the desire to kiss him was even more powerful.

When he goes to kiss me a second time, I find my body pushing him away as I collapse on the floor in a muddled heap. He quickly crouches down next to me, taking me into his arms.

"Baby, what's wrong?" He mumbles into my ear, his lips brushing over the bottom lob.

"I'm just confused," I finally admit to him, "You hate me one minute, then you're all over me the next. I'm confused." I mumble, looking down at the ground. 

"I've always liked you, I've just never had the time to express those inner feelings I've had." He says, stroking my check, "And I don't particularly like how close you've been getting to Paxton recently." He glares at the thought of Paxton and I being together.

"Is that why you separated our relationship because you were jealous of what we had?" I ask, shocked that he'd been trying to spare his own feelings than the both of ours. But then again, he's always been a single player, to begin with.  

Before he can explain anymore Lilly re-opens the door, ushering us to get out. He grabs my hands. pulling me to my own two feet. He takes a hold of my hand and drags me out of the closet. The outside light is really bright on my eyes, but they quickly re adjust to the different, brighter light. 

Once out, Lilly sends another couple into the dark closet. "I'm just going to get a drink, do you want one too?" He asks. Taking any excuse to get out of this room, I just nod. 

Just as we exit, I yell out to Lilly that I'm getting a drink and will be back soon. She nods but frowns when she sees Mike holding my hand.

Mike wraps one arm around my waist in a protective manor. We have to walk through the mob of dancing teenagers to get to the kitchen, which to my surprise isn't all that hard to what I thought it would be. It's like Mike is the god of the sea because they all practically make room for him to walk through.

We enter the kitchen and Mike grabs me a can of beer. I take a hold of it and open the top open. "I don't think I can drink all of this." I laugh. 

"It's okay, we can share it." He winks back. I take a couple of gulps before handing it back to him. We go back to the other room, but this time he walks over to the couch where I was previously sitting on. He plops down then pulling me down onto his lap. Somehow throughout the process, he's managed not to spill the drink down me or the couch.

I giggle from such a fast movement. He wraps both arms around my waist, pulling me close to his body.  Inside, that wrong feeling is building in my stomach, but, again, I can't find the strength to push him away. It's like there is an invisible string that is tying me to him, but I just can't see to cut it off just yet. 

It doesn't take long for Paxton to spot us cuddled up on the couch together. And it takes even less time for him to storm over to the both of us and voice his angry opinions.  

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